Company News – Inspirage Digitally enabling the integrated enterprise Fri, 30 Jun 2023 21:35:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Company News – Inspirage 32 32 Women’s History Month Women at Work Profile: Jennifer Lasby Fri, 31 Mar 2023 18:00:07 +0000 For Women's History Month, we are highlighting some of the women we work with and admire, allowing them to share their experiences in technology, including Jennifer Lasby, Corporate Counsel.]]>

On the Importance of Allies, Values, and her Grandmother’s Belief That “Winter Always Turns to Spring”

To celebrate Women’s History Month in March, Inspirage, Part of Accenture is highlighting women in the technology industry in general and at Inspirage in particular.



As part of our series profiling the women of Inspirage, Part of Accenture, we recently spoke with Jennifer Lasby, Corporate Counsel, about her path to the technology industry from law school, the power of civility, and how her grandmother’s incredible story of survival and optimism shapes her life. Here’s what she had to say…

What drew you to the technology industry? 

Jennifer Lasby (JL): After the first year of law school, students can specialize in their legal focus. I was drawn to intellectual property and business transactions because the landscape for these two areas is constantly evolving. As a child of the 1980s, I grew up with technology and witnessed how technological inventions and advancements improved daily life. As a child and young adult, I went from having a Walkman to a CD player, an iPod, a flip phone, a digital camera, and an iPhone that could do all three of these functions. Watching these advancements and learning how the legal system can protect technology has been exciting.

When you are faced with a tough professional challenge, where do you look for guidance? 

 JL: Whenever I have had an issue or experienced a difficult situation, I feel confident reaching out to my team members and colleagues for guidance and advice. Past and present, I have worked with a great legal team during my seven years at Inspirage.

What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

JL: I would tell my 18-year-old self that you belong and that allies are waiting to support you and help you succeed. If you are in a place in your career where you feel your values are in conflict or your voice is ignored, don’t feel the need to settle. There are plenty of wonderful places to work where you can be seen and heard and where allies and like-minded individuals are waiting for you.

Who are your favorite women in history or women who inspire you?

JL: For me, much of my inspiration comes from my grandmother. I am a third-generation Japanese American. My grandmother was from Hiroshima and was nine years old when the United States dropped the atomic bomb. She survived this atrocity, lost most of her family due to the radiation exposure, and then came to the United States only to face racism, but she forged an undaunted spirit that I draw strength. She lived by the motto, “winter always turns to spring.” No matter what adversity or hardship she faced, she always found hope. Hope is powerful, and it is something that should be cherished. I aspire to live my life with the kind of hope and tenacity that she had.

What is the most important professional lesson you have learned since you began your career?

JL: Manners always matter; when in doubt always treat others as you would like to be treated. People may not remember what you say, but they will remember how you made them feel. The lack of civility in the legal profession is a familiar thing. Many lawyers confuse rudeness with zealous advocacy. However, if I am in a negotiation and opposing counsel acts cantankerous, I have found being civil is the greatest way to de-escalate the conflict. Civility may be politeness and friendliness, but it can also be courage. To be civil is to have the courage that your actions will positively influence others and make the outcome successful.

Do you have any hobbies or passions outside of working in the tech world?

JL: I have a one-year-old and a five-year-old who keep me busy. On the rare chance I get some time to myself, I love gardening, hiking, and renovating our 100-year-old house.

As the head of Inspirage’s legal department, Jennifer is one of the noteworthy women who contribute to our shared success daily. She advises the executive leadership team on all legal matters, works closely with business development to draft and negotiate Inspirage’s commercial transactions, protects Inspirage’s intellectual property, and works closely with the security team to coordinate Inspirage’s legal compliance efforts.

The Inspirage team hopes our readers have enjoyed learning about some of the noteworthy women of Inspirage, Part of Accenture during our celebration of Women’s History Month. We plan to highlight more women making a difference in the tech world throughout the year. Stay tuned to this space for more from our fabulous team of amazing women.

Women’s History Month Women at Work Profile: Callie O’Grady Fri, 31 Mar 2023 16:30:05 +0000 For Women's History Month, we are highlighting some of the women we work with and admire, allowing them to share their experiences in technology, including Callie O’Grady, Human Resources Director, North America & EMEA.]]>

On equal representation, being raised by strong women, and the book every workplace leader should read

To celebrate Women’s History Month, Inspirage, Part of Accenture is highlighting noteworthy women in the technology industry in general and at Inspirage in particular.

To conclude our blog series profiling the women of Inspirage, we recently spoke with Callie O’Grady, Human Resources Director, North America & EMEA, about being drawn to the technology industry, shaping the future, seeking out botanical gardens, and more. Here’s what she had to say…

What drew you to the technology industry?

Callie O’Grady (CO): Technologies like AI and cloud software are constantly growing and becoming part of everything we do, even when we don’t notice it. How can we build a global future without equal representation of all people? If we want the future to look like us, we need to be part of shaping it. I recognized the lack of female representation in an industry that is shaping the world we will live in. This shortage of female voices is what inspired me to jump in and be a part of the change.

When you are faced with a tough professional challenge, where do you look for guidance?

CO: I have a strong female mentor in the HR space, and I recommend this to all women. Having the perspective and support of someone who understands the professional challenges I face has been essential to my success. In addition to having an internal mentor, an external mentor is important. You can benefit from the support of both someone in your organization, as well as the perspective of someone removed from that culture and workplace. I have learned that above all the support system you chose to surround yourself with will drive your success. You cannot pick your manager, teachers, or colleagues, but you can select the people who recognize your talent and help drive your success. You should take them with you through your life, both personally and professionally.

What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

CO: Follow your dreams, take risks, and know your voice at the table is just as important as any other. I was raised by a family of strong independent women. My mother, grandmother, and aunts are all incredible women who get things done. They are highly motivated, self-sufficient, and hard workers. Even with that background, I sometimes need to remind myself how worthy my perspective is in the workplace. It can be easy to lack confidence in an industry that is still heavily male-dominated.

Is there one woman in particular who inspires you?

CO: Brené Brown is an author, professor, and speaker who inspires me. I vividly remember the day I saw her speak in person, and I own every book she has written. Her writing and perspective feel applicable to every personal and professional situation I have experienced. When I face difficult situations at work, I often stop and think, “What would Brené say?” I recommend every leader or aspiring leader in the workplace read Dare to Lead.

Do you have any hobbies or passions outside of working in the tech world?

CO: My favorite hobbies involve plants and being on the water. I am fascinated by the hundreds of thousands of species of plants, and my collection of house plants has started to outgrow our house. When we travel, finding a botanical garden in a new city or country is usually my first stop. My mother’s family is from Alaska, and I grew up spending significant time around the fishing industry, on float planes, and exploring and surviving in the Alaska wilderness. Being on a boat — large or small — is where I feel most at home.

As Inspirage’s Human Resources Director, North America & EMEA, Callie leads a rockstar team who manage all aspects of HR, including onboarding, recruiting, compliance, immigration, compensation and benefits, training and development, performance management, and employee relations.

Women’s History Month Women at Work Profile: Martha Conlee Wed, 29 Mar 2023 16:25:50 +0000 For Women's History Month, we are highlighting some of the women we work with and admire, allowing them to share their experiences in technology, including Martha Conlee, Director of Finance Operations.]]>

On the Importance of Role Models, Confidence, and Constantly Learning

To celebrate Women’s History Month in March, Inspirage, Part of Accenture is highlighting women in the technology industry in general and at Inspirage in particular.



This week we continue our series profiling the women of Inspirage, Part of Accenture, by sitting down with Inspirage’s Martha Conlee, Director of Finance Operations. We talked about her unique career trajectory, lessons learned in life, and how she nurtures her competitive and adventurous side when she is away from the office. Here’s what she had to say…

What drew you to the technology industry?  

Martha Conlee (MC): I started far from technology with a job in the sports/personal training industry. After a year of working in that field, I realized it was not what I wanted to turn into a career. I then had an opportunity to join Kraft Foods in an entry-level marketing role, which was my first taste of the business and technology world. I spent the next 12 years on the functional side of technology with various positions in Marketing, Finance (FP&A), and Demand Planning. I also went back to school to earn my MBA during that time.

In 2010, my husband started a technology consulting company and needed my finance background to help with back-office management. I assisted part-time, but within six months, we realized the business required my full-time attention. I decided to quit my comfortable corporate job for a technology start-up.

In 2020, after ten years of running our business as an Oracle Partner in the Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence space, we were acquired by Inspirage. Since then, I have continued to work in a finance operations capacity and have enjoyed being part of the technology space. My role allows me to interact with teams across every practice at Inspirage.

What is one of the greatest challenges you have faced as a woman in the workplace?

MC: My greatest challenge was not having role models at an early age. You cannot be what you cannot see. Fortunately, I met some incredible women early in my career, many of whom held leadership positions at my companies. I saw women leading across organizations. Because of these experiences, it was easier for me to do the same and feel like I belonged.

What is the most important professional lesson you have learned since you began your career?

MC: The most important lesson for me has been that of continuous improvement. I strive to avoid stagnation and never stop learning. I am a firm believer that there is always room for improvement. I pride myself on adapting, learning from others, and being open to change. As the saying goes, “If you’re not learning, you’re not growing.”

Do you have any hobbies or passions outside of working in the tech world?

MC: Aside from attending and watching my sons (ages 16 and 14) excel at various sporting activities; I enjoy competing in Spartan races across the United States. These races have provided an excellent outlet for my adventurous and competitive side. They keep me physically and mentally challenged and allow me to participate in an active community with like-minded people. What our bodies can do is incredible if we push the limits a little each day! I also love camping, biking, and any outdoor adventure.



What are you most proud of?

MC: I am most proud of how far I have come from where I started. I grew up on a small farm in rural Indiana. My high school had less than 400 students. The county where I grew up is the only county in the state with no stop light! I was one of four kids with three brothers. We didn’t have much, and we had to work hard for everything we did have. Every penny was counted, and there was no room for extras.

After high school, I attended Purdue University and was the first in my extended family to graduate from college. I was enjoying a rewarding career in corporate America when I decided to take another chance. With two young children at home, I went from a steady, low-risk job to a high-risk new business with my husband. Together we ran a successful company for ten years.

Looking back, it would have been easy to stay close to home, not further my education, or not leave my safe corporate job. I wanted something different, so I did something different. It has not been easy, but I am proud of my choices and the life experiences I have gained.

As the Director of Finance Operations, Martha is among the many women we celebrate this month for their essential contributions to Inspirage’s success. She is responsible for finance and accounting activities, including financial reporting, budgeting, forecasting, planning, analysis, invoicing, vendor management, client billing management, AR/AP, and executive accountability.

Please continue to watch this space as we use the occasion of Women’s History Month to celebrate some of the other noteworthy women of Inspirage, Part of Accenture.

Women’s History Month Women at Work Profile: Nancy Ackerman Wed, 22 Mar 2023 16:25:06 +0000 For Women's History Month, we are highlighting some of the women we work with and admire, allowing them to share their experiences in technology, including Nancy Ackerman, Practice Director, EPM Consolidations.]]>

On Confidence, Being Open to Change, and Learning to Figure It Out Herself



To celebrate Women’s History Month in March, Inspirage, Part of Accenture is highlighting women in the technology industry in general and at Inspirage in particular.

This week we continue our series profiling the women of Inspirage, Part of Accenture, by sitting down with Inspirage’s Nancy Ackerman, Practice Director, EPM (Enterprise Performance Management) Consolidations. We talked about developing confidence in herself and her ideas, embracing change, and learning to be resourceful. Here’s what she had to say…

What drew you to the technology industry?

Nancy Ackerman (NA): I started my career in accounting but had an opportunity to learn about the technical side of finance due to staffing shortages in my department. We were upgrading our software, and because of our small team, I got hands-on experience with financial technology during the implementation. My transition to technology began as a user. I embraced it and really liked it. From there, it was a natural step towards the Oracle EPM consulting I am involved in today.

What is the most important professional lesson you have learned since you began your career?

NA: I would say that my most important lesson was having confidence in myself and my abilities. When I started my career, I didn’t always have the conviction that I knew what I was talking about. As I progressed and gained knowledge and skills, belief in myself was something I had to learn and practice. I trusted that my ideas were valuable. By believing in myself, I was able to accept that people can disagree, but together we can produce great ideas for our customers and clients.

When you are faced with a tough professional challenge, where do you look for guidance?

NA: My current team has worked together for many years. In addition to our professional relationships, we have also developed friendships. When I have an issue, I feel comfortable reaching out to my superiors for guidance. I also go to other colleagues to hear about their experiences and to get advice. Because of our tight-knit team, it is easy to ask for help and find solutions.

What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

NA: I would tell my 18-year-old self to be flexible and open to change. Life has ups and downs; it is not going to be exactly what you expect. I began my career as an accountant and was determined to be a CFO someday. After my first job, my outlook shifted. Because I was open to change and willing to be flexible, good things happened. My willingness to embrace the unexpected led me to where I am today.

What is your biggest career or personal achievement?

NA: My biggest career achievement was learning how to manage other people. I always saw myself as the worker bee — the doer, not necessarily the manager. It was a challenge overcoming this view of myself, but I realized I had important lessons to share. This relates to my earlier point about confidence: knowing you’re valuable and feeling comfortable sharing your experiences was something I had to learn over time. In my personal life, there is no greater achievement than my children.



What are you most proud of?

NA: I am proud of how far I have come. I started consulting with little experience and confidence in my abilities. On my very first project – an HFM (Hyperion Financial Management) implementation – I was thrown into the deep end, but I didn’t sink. By being resourceful (and with the help of the admin guide) I was able to figure things out and complete the project successfully. Now I’ve led and designed countless projects for my customers.

Finally, do you have any hobbies or passions outside of work?

NA: I love to travel. My family enjoys visiting resorts and cruising. Our favorite destination was the Cook Islands in the South Pacific. They were so beautiful. We earned our scuba certifications and completed our dives in the lagoon. There was no need for a swimming pool during this trip. It was amazing. We had the time of our lives!

As Practice Director, EPM Consolidations, Nancy is one of the noteworthy women who makes a lasting contribution to Inspirage’s ongoing success. She has over 27 years of experience with the Hyperion suite of products with a specific emphasis on financial consolidation products (FCC, HFM & Enterprise). As an Oracle Certified Implementation Specialist for Hyperion Financial Management and Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud, Nancy has led, designed, and implemented numerous successful projects, from requirements gathering to delivery to training the end users.

Please continue to watch this space in the weeks ahead as we use the occasion of Women’s History Month to celebrate some of the other noteworthy women of Inspirage, Part of Accenture.

Women’s History Month Women at Work Profile: Sarah Hart Fri, 17 Mar 2023 16:25:16 +0000 For Women's History Month, we are highlighting some of the women we work with and admire, allowing them to share their experiences in technology, starting with Sarah Hart, Inspirage’s Director of Global Marketing and Communications.]]>

On Career Choices, Creativity, Her Children, and Connecting with Other Female Leaders

To celebrate Women’s History Month in March, Inspirage, Part of Accenture is highlighting women in the technology industry in general and at Inspirage in particular.



This week we continue our series profiling the women of Inspirage, Part of Accenture by sitting down with Sarah Hart, Inspirage’s Director of Global Marketing and Communications. We talked about the importance of having a female role model, being a creative woman in the tech industry, and the advice she would give to her younger self. Here’s what she had to say…

What drew you to the technology industry?

Sarah Hart (SH): Before joining the tech industry, I worked in marketing and public relations in several areas, including beauty, international higher education, retail, events, and financial management. For my next role, I was committed to joining a company with a good culture that offered professional growth opportunities and needed a marketing shake-up. I was approached with an opportunity to lead the marketing efforts for Vertical Edge Consulting Group, an EPM-specific Oracle system integrator. They needed a marketing director and a real marketing presence, so I jumped in and started building their marketing strategy from the ground up. I led all marketing initiatives — content creation, digital marketing, social media, events, and more — with the help of a part-time contract graphic designer and contributions from our consulting team.

After six years, Vertical Edge was acquired by Inspirage, an end-to-end digital transformation Oracle system integrator specializing in supply chain management. I joined Inspirage as a marketing manager, but I took on the Director of Global Marketing and Communications role just over a year later. Today, I have worked in the tech industry, specifically the Oracle ecosystem, for almost nine years. Marketing technology requires balancing creativity with concise, rich messaging that speaks to organizations’ business needs and goals. Companies now understand more than ever the role technology plays in ensuring their resiliency, agility, and scaling for the future. As a marketer, not only is it necessary to “think outside of the box,” but also to remember that “acting outside of the box” produces click-worthy marketing initiatives. This activity directly contributes to opportunities to help businesses by bringing together the right teams and technologies to optimize their enterprises’ performance.

What is one of the most significant challenges you have faced as a woman in the workplace?

SH: I recently read that women hold only one-quarter of tech jobs. The percentage was much lower when I began working in the industry. As a female working in a male-dominated workplace, it is easy to be underestimated. In addition to not being valued as an equal, few female role models existed. At times I have subscribed to imposter syndrome, questioning whether I deserved my success. The challenges I have encountered have given me opportunities to grow professionally. I am often the only female in the room, but I have equipped myself with strategies to assert my ideas and leverage my strengths. I have found my confidence and voice. It has also been a priority to connect with other female leaders in technology, including colleagues and those I have met at conferences and through professional engagements – women who serve as mentors and friends.

What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

SH: I am not sure the following is something that I would need to tell my 18-year-old self, but it is something we all need to be reminded of on occasion. I have repeatedly told my children, now young adults, to be respectful and kind. I guess my ‘momma nagging’ impacted them because my youngest daughter recently wrote this in a college application essay, “In a world muddied by discord, scarred by hatred, and clouded by unacceptance, we should all express empathy and kindness.”

I would also tell my younger self to take risks while she still can. I took a considerable risk when I graduated college and moved to London at 22. Still, I would advise the 18-year-old me to take more risks before taking on significant responsibilities like children, owning a home, and paying a mortgage. Take a chance at your passion and be adventurous, whether you succeed or not. Either outcome presents an opportunity for personal growth, and you can bounce back easier without primary responsibilities attached.

Finally, consider pursuing a career or a job that ignites your passion. You will be successful if you seek a career around something that brings you joy. Gone are the days of earning a degree in a field perceived as lucrative. Today’s generation values work-life balance and relationships more than money. Do not accept a promotion based on the compensation alone. Take time to weigh its impact on your creativity, personal life, and relationships.

What has been your biggest career and or personal achievement?

SH: Having been the marketing director for four companies subsequently acquired, I chalk that up to professional success. Growing a company’s brand, goodwill, and value ultimately leads to sales. Sales are followed by growth, profitability, and valuation – critical considerations in acquisitions.

Without a doubt, raising my four children as a single mom for the past 11 years is my greatest personal achievement. All four have received full scholarships for college and have gone on to do remarkable things. My boys have graduated college. One is pursuing a career in stock trading and investing, and the other is a financial analyst. My oldest daughter is graduating in May with majors in fashion and retail entrepreneurship and communications and has earned several employment offers. My youngest daughter is in her first year of college, pursuing behavioral psychology and education degrees and living her best life! Oh, to be in college again! I could not be prouder of them.



Do you have any hobbies or passions outside of work?

SH: My hobby and passion is Interior Design. It brings out my creativity, puts a pep in my step, and brings joy to my life. I enjoy spending weekends hunting for new treasures, decorating my home, and helping my children and friends transform their homes. “Acting outside of the box” and creating something unique from scratch that is functional and aesthetically pleasing is so satisfying.

What is one of the most important professional lessons you have learned?

SH: There is no such thing as a bad idea. I tell my marketing team this often. When you are brainstorming as a group and writing down ideas, you never know what you might dream up. Your insecurities might lead you to think that a valuable idea is useless, but that idea may trigger a conversation that results in a great solution. As a more creative person on a team of people who might otherwise tend to think more “inside the box,” it is easy to let insecurity creep in. Do not let it. Own your thoughts and ideas and throw them out on the table for discussion. They have value and can very well lead to something fantastic.

As the head of Inspirage’s global marketing department, Sarah is one of the noteworthy women who contribute to our shared success daily. She works closely with our executive leadership team, Oracle partners, and business alliance networks to elevate the company’s brand, drive its growth, and achieve its strategic initiatives. Inspirage, Part of Accenture is focused on preparing companies for the next decade by embracing end-to-end digital transformation and reimagining their digital experiences. Implementing industry best practices related to fostering talent, enhancing sustainability, and leveraging the potential of the metaverse are also among the key goals that Sarah’s marketing team plays a pivotal role in accomplishing.

Please continue to watch this space in the weeks ahead as we use the occasion of Women’s History Month to celebrate some of the other noteworthy women of Inspirage, Part of Accenture.

Women’s History Month Women at Work Profile: Pam Vivio Wed, 08 Mar 2023 17:25:54 +0000 For Women's History Month, we are highlighting some of the women we work with and admire, allowing them to share their experiences in technology, starting with Inspirage’s Pam Vivio, Senior Director, Logistics Management.]]>

On Logistics, Confidence, Fulfillment, and Family



To celebrate Women’s History Month in March (and International Women’s Day on March 8th), Inspirage highlights women who have made significant achievements in the technology industry, including those on the Inspirage team.

Some of the most important pioneers in the tech industry were women, yet women in the field remain underrepresented today. According to a recent report from the Women Tech Network citing World Bank data, women hold fewer than one-third of the jobs in technology-related fields worldwide. With that in mind, we are highlighting some of the women we work with and admire, allowing them to share their experiences in technology, starting with Inspirage’s Pam Vivio, Senior Director, Logistics Management.

Pam — who is also a member of the Oracle Transportation Management Special Interest Group (OTM SIG) Board of Directors — recently shared insight into her career trajectory, being the only woman in the room, and her passions outside of work. Here is what she had to say…

What drew you to the technology industry?  

Pam Vivio (PV): When I went to college, I had not planned to work in technology. After graduating with my master’s degree, I accepted a position with a software company that developed a warehouse management system. After working with them for a couple of years, I went to work for SeaLand. At SeaLand, I was responsible for monitoring and tracking ocean containers traveling from all parts of the world. While working here, I was introduced to technology and EDI (electronic data interchange) and gained valuable logistics experience. I then went to work for G-Log, a global logistics company, where I combined my interest in technology and software development with my experience in logistics. At the time, it seemed like the perfect fit for me. In 2005, Oracle acquired G-Log and incorporated the transportation management platform into its supply chain offering. I continue to work in logistics, leveraging innovative Oracle products to help customers overcome their most complex logistics challenges and create cost savings for their transportation networks.

What is one of the most significant challenges you have faced as a woman in the workplace? 

PV: Throughout my career, I was often in situations where I was the only woman in a room dominated by men. Early in my career, there were times when I felt intimidated. At some point in my career, I realized that I was in the room because I had the knowledge to be there, regardless of gender. That gave me even more confidence to share my expertise with the audience, irrespective of their levels.

What makes working in the technology industry rewarding?

I love working in the technology industry because it is constantly changing. Prior to the pandemic, it was difficult to explain logistics to people. Today, however, the spotlight on logistics could not be brighter. In a post-pandemic environment, companies recognize the need for advanced technology to manage their daily operations proactively instead of reactively.

Where do you look for guidance when faced with a tough professional challenge?

PV: Whether it’s a personal or professional challenge, I look to my mom for guidance. She is almost 90 years old, has lived a full life, and always seems to have the right answers. No matter how innovative technology is and how it helps us become more efficient, there is nothing quite like the advice of your mother, especially one who has witnessed so many technological advancements.

What has been your most significant career and/or personal achievement? 

PV: As I have grown, I have realized that success is important. However, I also treasure my family time. I follow Tony Robbins, who says, “Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” I try to live by this motto since all the money in the world doesn’t buy happiness. I enjoy the work that I do in technology. Seeing a company’s goals achieved because of a role I played in implementing robust and agile technology solutions brings a sense of accomplishment and puts a smile on my face — but spending quality family time and being active and charitable in my community is what truly makes me happy.

Do you have any hobbies or passions outside of working in the tech world?

PV: I enjoy spending time with my husband and two boys, who are nine and 12. We like to participate in outdoor activities like skiing and camping and we love cooking together as a family. My husband started a chain of healthy, fast-casual restaurants several years ago that has grown to almost 50 locations. We also enjoy traveling and trying new restaurants to explore recent food trends.

Women's History Month

As a key player on Inspirage’s logistics team, Pam works with customers across all industries delivering transformative business solutions to supply chain challenges. Inspirage is your one-stop shop for Logistics Management and supply chain solutions. Whether your organization requires assistance with a solution to manage your transportation and delivery services, ensure proper product classification, or efficiently track your inventory, Inspirage’s team of specialists has the skills, processes, solutions, and technical know-how to bring cost-efficiency to delivery, predictability to inventory, and reliability to your global supply chain. Pam is one of the noteworthy women who contribute to our shared success daily.

Please continue to watch this space in the weeks ahead as we use the occasion of Women’s History Month to celebrate some of the other noteworthy women of Inspirage.

Accenture Completes Acquisition of Inspirage Wed, 04 Jan 2023 17:39:12 +0000 Accenture Completes Acquisition of Inspirage, Expanding Digital Supply Chain Capabilities]]>

Expanding Digital Supply Chain Capabilities

Inspirage is now part of Accenture. Read more:

# # #

NEW YORK; Jan. 4, 2023 – Accenture (NYSE: ACN) has completed its acquisition of Inspirage, an integrated Oracle Cloud specialist firm with an emphasis in supply chain management, headquartered in Bellevue, Washington. The acquisition further enhances Accenture’s Oracle Cloud capabilities, helping it accelerate innovation for clients through emerging technologies, such as touchless supply chain and digital twins. Financial terms of the transaction, previously announced on September 6, were not disclosed.

Approximately 736 Inspirage people join the Accenture Oracle Business Group, further bolstering its Oracle supply chain skills and expanding its capabilities to help product-centric clients create interconnected, intelligent and innovative supply chain networks.

Forward-Looking Statements
Except for the historical information and discussions contained herein, statements in this news release may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “likely,” “anticipates,” “aspires,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “projects,” “believes,” “estimates,” “positioned,” “outlook,” “goal,” “target” and similar expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance nor promises that goals or targets will be met, and involve a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that are difficult to predict and could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied. These risks include, without limitation, risks that: the transaction might not achieve the anticipated benefits for Accenture; Accenture’s results of operations have been, and may in the future be, adversely affected by volatile, negative or uncertain economic and political conditions and the effects of these conditions on the company’s clients’ businesses and levels of business activity; Accenture’s business depends on generating and maintaining client demand for the company’s services and solutions including through the adaptation and expansion of its services and solutions in response to ongoing changes in technology and offerings, and a significant reduction in such demand or an inability to respond to the evolving technological environment could materially affect the company’s results of operations; if Accenture is unable to match people and their skills with client demand around the world and attract and retain professionals with strong leadership skills, the company’s business, the utilization rate of the company’s professionals and the company’s results of operations may be materially adversely affected; Accenture faces legal, reputational and financial risks from any failure to protect client and/or company data from security incidents or cyberattacks; the markets in which Accenture operates are highly competitive, and Accenture might not be able to compete effectively; Accenture’s ability to attract and retain business and employees may depend on its reputation in the marketplace; Accenture’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments and disclosures may expose it to reputational risks and legal liability; if Accenture does not successfully manage and develop its relationships with key ecosystem partners or fails to anticipate and establish new alliances in new technologies, the company’s results of operations could be adversely affected; Accenture’s profitability could materially suffer if the company is unable to obtain favorable pricing for its services and solutions, if the company is unable to remain competitive, if its cost-management strategies are unsuccessful or if it experiences delivery inefficiencies or fail to satisfy certain agreed-upon targets or specific service levels; changes in Accenture’s level of taxes, as well as audits, investigations and tax proceedings, or changes in tax laws or in their interpretation or enforcement, could have a material adverse effect on the company’s effective tax rate, results of operations, cash flows and financial condition; Accenture’s results of operations could be materially adversely affected by fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; changes to accounting standards or in the estimates and assumptions Accenture makes in connection with the preparation of its consolidated financial statements could adversely affect its financial results; as a result of Accenture’s geographically diverse operations and strategy to continue to grow in key markets around the world, the company is more susceptible to certain risks; if Accenture is unable to manage the organizational challenges associated with its size, the company might be unable to achieve its business objectives; Accenture might not be successful at acquiring, investing in or integrating businesses, entering into joint ventures or divesting businesses; Accenture’s business could be materially adversely affected if the company incurs legal liability; Accenture’s global operations expose the company to numerous and sometimes conflicting legal and regulatory requirements; Accenture’s work with government clients exposes the company to additional risks inherent in the government contracting environment; if Accenture is unable to protect or enforce its intellectual property rights or if Accenture’s services or solutions infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others or the company loses its ability to utilize the intellectual property of others, its business could be adversely affected; Accenture may be subject to criticism and negative publicity related to its incorporation in Ireland; as well as the risks, uncertainties and other factors discussed under the “Risk Factors” heading in Accenture plc’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and other documents filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Statements in this news release speak only as of the date they were made, and Accenture undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking statements made in this news release or to conform such statements to actual results or changes in Accenture’s expectations.

About Accenture
Accenture is a leading global professional services company that helps the world’s leading businesses, governments and other organizations build their digital core, optimize their operations, accelerate revenue growth and enhance citizen services — creating tangible value at speed and scale. We are a talent and innovation led company with 738,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Technology is at the core of change today, and we are one of the world’s leaders in helping drive that change, with strong ecosystem relationships. We combine our strength in technology with unmatched industry experience, functional expertise and global delivery capability. We are uniquely able to deliver tangible outcomes because of our broad range of services, solutions and assets across Strategy & Consulting, Technology, Operations, Industry X and Accenture Song. These capabilities, together with our culture of shared success and commitment to creating 360° value, enable us to help our clients succeed and build trusted, lasting relationships. We measure our success by the 360° value we create for our clients, each other, our shareholders, partners and communities. Visit us at

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Francine Fiano
+ 1 917 452 7393

Inspirage Listed as a Representative Vendor Wed, 26 Oct 2022 16:25:50 +0000 Inspirage Listed as a Representative Vendor in 2022 Gartner® Market Guide for Supply Chain Planning Solutions System Integrators]]>

2022 Gartner® Market Guide for Supply Chain Planning Solutions System Integrators

BELLEVUE, WA, USA, [October 26, 2022] — Inspirage, a leading integrator of Oracle Cloud supply chain planning solutions, today announced that it has been identified as a Representative Vendor in the 2022 Gartner “Market Guide for Supply Chain Planning Solutions System Integrators.”1

Gartner defines the supply chain planning (SCP) system integrator market as “composed of consultants and service providers that can configure, integrate, implement, and upgrade SCP applications. SCP SIs may also offer additional services, ranging from strategy, change management, and business consulting to IT and business process outsourcing services. SIs can make recommendations and help design and drive process changes to help with vendor selection and offer a variety of implementation services.”

We believe that Inspirage’s inclusion on the list of SCP system integrator Representative Vendors recognizes several of the company’s key attributes, including our:

  • Software solutions,
  • Deep industry expertise, and
  • Experience implementing solutions across geographic regions.

To help global customers solve business-critical challenges across the integrated enterprise, Inspirage delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link ERP, Financials, Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management, and Customer Experience solutions. The company maintains an established go-to-market relationship with Oracle, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure capabilities complement Inspirage’s core Oracle SCM business.

“We believe, the recognition from Gartner of Inspirage SCM capabilities reflects our high standard of excellence and our ability to provide businesses with the supply chain management resources they need to optimize their organizations,” said Kevin Creel, Inspirage co-founder and President, Strategy and Business Development. “We are proud to be listed by Gartner as a supply chain planning solutions system integrator Representative Vendor.”

Inspirage’s successes in the Supply Chain Management space were also highlighted by Oracle. Inspirage was the winner of the Game Changer Award for SCM Service Delivery in the 2021 Oracle Change Agents Partner Awards. The award recognizes Inspirage for its excellence in helping customers use Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain and Manufacturing to meet critical business objectives such as accelerating innovation, driving digital transformation, and increasing sustainability.

1Gartner, “Market Guide for Supply Chain Planning Solutions System Integrators” Report, Caleb Thomson, Janet Suleski, and Amber Salley [August 30, 2022]

About Inspirage
Inspirage delivers end-to-end transformational initiatives solving business-critical challenges from design to delivery to enable the digital enterprise. The company provides deep industry domain and applications expertise to deliver consulting and implementation solutions spanning Customer Experience, Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), Finance, Enterprise Performance Management, and Digital Transformation. Inspirage partners with its customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth, and achieve operational excellence. 

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted in its research publications and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.     

Sarah Hart, Director of Global Marketing and Communications
+1 855 517 4250 

CloudWorld Will Have It All This Fall — Including Seven Inspirage-Focused Sessions Wed, 05 Oct 2022 16:25:20 +0000 Join Inspirage in Las Vegas (October 17-20) to learn about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Applications from the people who build them and the community that uses them.]]>

Join Inspirage in Las Vegas (October 17-20) to learn about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Applications from the people who build them and the community that uses them.

Seven is a lucky number for Inspirage at CloudWorld in Las Vegas this year — that is how many of our clients are on the agenda to highlight our success guiding digital transformational journeys to the Oracle Cloud.

CloudWorld unites a global community of Oracle experts to share innovative ideas, develop new skills, and learn about the latest cloud solutions that meet businesses’ unique supply chain needs in a wide variety of industries. This anticipated annual event provides a platform for the “latest and greatest” Oracle innovations and insights.



Shared Success Stories

Inspirage and our client speaking sessions will be in the spotlight — and in demand — throughout the week, so be sure to finalize your schedule soon to guarantee a seat. Here is a quick look at what to expect:

Cohu Delivers Customer Value with Connected Quality, PLM, and Manufacturing
(Tuesday, October 18th, 11:00 AM – 11:45 PM)
Hear how Cohu leverages Oracle Cloud PLM, Quality, and Manufacturing together with Anark Cloud to create a unitary digital thread—an enterprise product record spanning ideation, manufacturing, and the entire product lifecycle—to power their closed-loop quality capabilities and deliver value to their customers.

Craig Halterman, CIO / VP of IT, Cohu
Patrick Dunfey, Vice President of Marketing & Sales Enablement, Anark Corporation
John Kelley, Vice President, PLM Products, Oracle

Your Path to the Future of Supply Chain Decision Making
(Tuesday, October 18th, 11:00 AM – 11:45 PM)
Get the most up-to-date view of Oracle’s supply chain planning product strategy and roadmap to guide you on your supply chain planning journey.

Vikash Goyal, Vice President, Supply Chain Planning & Collaboration Strategy, Oracle
Paritesh Sharma, Director Information Technology, Zebra Technologies

Carvana Streamlines Processes with a Custom Application Built on OCI
(Tuesday, October 18th, 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM)
Learn how Carvana worked with Inspirage and used Oracle PaaS to develop Carli—a custom vehicle management solution—to track repair costs in near-real time.

Ramki Kumbeswaran, Associate Director, Business Applications, Carvana
Abhishek Chauhan, Inspirage
Peri Ramanathan, Oracle

Control Your Product Master Data from Innovation through Commercialization
(Wednesday, Oct 19th, 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM)
See how mastering your data with a unified product information management solution creates a trusted enterprise product record across the supply chain so you can establish better governance and achieve efficiency from innovation through commercialization.

Sachin Patel, Snr Director, Product MDM Product Strategy
Kumudha Narayana, Sr Manager, ThermoFisher Scientific
Scott Adams, Director, Product Data Management, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Practical Guide to Transitioning Manufacturing Operations to Oracle Cloud
(Wednesday, October 19th, 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM)
With the support of SI partners and solutions from independent software vendors in the Oracle ecosystem, learn how to address your specific needs with configurations and extensions in the cloud and proven solutions in the Oracle marketplace.

Kaushik Sivakumar, Oracle
Josh Stauffer, Sr. Director, Information Technology, HarbisonWalker International
Antti Voltokari, Senior. Vice President Operating Models and Systems, Huhtamaki

Flagstar Bank Modernizes Planning and Budgeting Processes with Cloud EPM
(Wednesday, October 19th, 1:40 PM – 2:00 PM)
This interactive question-and-answer session with our customer, Flagstar Bank, covers their migration path from their on-premises planning application to Oracle Cloud Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Planning for their financial, workforce, allocation, and reporting applications.

Damon Hrydziuszko, Vice President, Financial Systems, Flagstar Bank
John Conlee, Senior Vice President, ERP Finance/EPM

Key Best Practices to Advance Your Supply Chain Planning Strategy
(Thursday, October 20th, 1:10 PM – 2:00 PM)
Learn how best practices such as scenario modeling and automation in modern supply chain planning can help accelerate decisions to meet demand, optimize supply, improve production efficiency, and achieve the best customer service levels.

David Crandall, GE Aviation
Roger Goossens, Oracle

Meta Transitions from Agile to Oracle Cloud PLM to Scale Their Data Centers
(Thursday, October 20th, 2:30 PM – 3:15 PM)
Discover why and how Meta (Facebook) upgraded their existing Agile PLM solution to Oracle Cloud PLM in just eight months with Inspirage.

Alakshendra Khare, Product Configuration Manager, Facebook
John Kelley, Vice President, PLM Products, Oracle
Michael Torek, Vice President of Innovation Management, Inspirage

Looking for a registration discount?

Use the code DROPN_PARTNER to get $200 off the regular General Attendee rate when you register today. Make sure to list Inspirage as the Partner Company that referred you. Inspirage looks forward to seeing you at CloudWorld. Please visit our booth (#348) in the Supply Chain area and say hello.

]]> Inspirage Wins Oracle’s Game Changer Award for SCM Service Delivery Partner of the Year Thu, 02 Jun 2022 16:22:24 +0000 Oracle Recognizes Inspirage’s Adaptability and Innovation in Supply Chain Management  [June 2, 2022] – Oracle today announced that Inspirage is […]]]>

Oracle Recognizes Inspirage’s Adaptability and Innovation in Supply Chain Management 

[June 2, 2022] – Oracle today announced that Inspirage is the winner of the Game Changer Award for SCM Service Delivery in the 2021 Oracle Change Agents Partner Awards. The award recognizes Inspirage for its excellence in helping customers use Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain and Manufacturing (SCM) to meet critical business objectives such as accelerating innovation, driving digital transformation, and increasing sustainability. 

Inspirage was also named as a finalist in three other categories: The Change Agent Award for Best Use of Oracle Cloud in Supply Chain, The Summit Award for Excellence in Process Standardization and Innovation, and The Inclusivity Award for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Finance and/or Supply Chain. 

Inspirage, known for digital enablement across enterprise systems and a member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), has an extensive, award-winning history of customer success with Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications advisory and implementation services. As an Oracle partner, Inspirage pivoted early and invested heavily in accelerators, programs, training, and certifications to enable clients to adopt Oracle Cloud solutions successfully. 

“The Oracle Change Agent Awards recognize those who have accelerated innovation, digital transformation, and sustainability for their organizations,” said Kevin Creel, President of Inspirage. “Inspirage is honored to be named the winner of The SCM Service Delivery Partner of the Year Award.”  

“On behalf of the entire team at Inspirage, I extend our thanks to Oracle for recognizing the work Inspirage does to help our clients succeed by delivering the benefits of Oracle Cloud solutions,” said Sridhar Iyer, President, Global Consulting at Inspirage. “This reflects our employees’ high expertise, innovative solutions, and passion for excellence. We are extremely proud of our team’s accomplishments. They deserve this special recognition.”  

For additional information on the Oracle Change Agent Awards, please visit 

About Inspirage
Inspirage delivers end-to-end transformational initiatives solving business-critical challenges from design to delivery to enable the digital enterprise. The company provides deep industry domain and applications expertise to deliver consulting and implementation solutions spanning Customer Experience, Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), Finance, Enterprise Performance Management, and Digital Transformation. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth, and achieve operational excellence. 

About Oracle PartnerNetwork
Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) is Oracle’s partner program designed to enable partners to accelerate the transition to cloud and drive superior customer business outcomes. The OPN program allows partners to engage with Oracle through track(s) aligned to how they go to market: Cloud Build for partners that provide products or services built on or integrated with Oracle Cloud; Cloud Sell for partners that resell Oracle Cloud technology; Cloud Service for partners that implement, deploy and manage Oracle Cloud Services; and License & Hardware for partners that build, service or sell Oracle software licenses or hardware products. Customers can expedite their business objectives with OPN partners who have achieved Expertise in a product family or cloud service.  To learn more visit:  

Oracle, Java, and MySQL are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation.   

Sarah Hart, Director of Global Marketing and Communications
+1 855 517 4250 

It’s the Summer of Inspirage! Fri, 27 May 2022 16:30:21 +0000   We’ll be connecting with the Oracle community at several important events throughout the U.S. and Europe It’s going to […]]]>


We’ll be connecting with the Oracle community at several important events throughout the U.S. and Europe

It’s going to be a busy summer for Inspirage, and we hope to see you during our travels. We’ll be hitting the road in June, July, and August to attend — and give presentations at — several important Oracle-focused events across the United States and Europe, so mark your calendars now. Our Supply Chain Transformation European Tour 2022” gets underway in Frankfurt, Germany, on July 6, and you can also find us at the following conferences:

Gartner Supply Chain Symposium/Xpo 2022 

June 6-9: Orlando, FL

Billed as the “the world’s most important gathering of CSCOs and supply chain executives,” the Gartner Supply Chain Symposium/Xpo 2022 is a can’t-miss conference for anyone seeking insights into the latest supply chain strategies and technology. It’s an ideal opportunity to share our deep expertise in Oracle Cloud Applications. The entire Inspirage team is excited to participate in the important discussions that will take place there about transforming and innovating supply chain strategies — and taking your supply chain leadership to the next level.

Visit us at Booth #527! And remember to take advantage of Inspirage priority code SCC13EDC to save $550 off the standard registration rate.

Ascend 2022 

June 12-15: Las Vegas, NV

Inspirage is proud to be a Gold Sponsor of Ascend 2022. This community event unites functional users, IT professionals, and industry experts for frank discussions about improving decision-making, project planning, and business operations. Presented by the Oracle Applications & Technology Users Group (OATUG) and Oracle HCM Users Group (OHUG), Ascend will deliver actionable insights, time- and money-saving strategies, and opportunities to connect with others in our global Oracle user community.

Make plans to reconnect with Inspirage! We’ll be at Booth #208.


June 19-23: Grapevine, TX 

Inspirage is excited about being a Platinum Sponsor of Kscope22. Our EPM team will be on-hand to discuss all your questions about moving to Oracle Cloud EPM. Plus, we’re presenting the following eight sessions on timely technical topics related to Oracle EPM, ERP, and Analytics:

  • Oracle EPM REST API for Dummies!
  • Tootsie Roll’s Sweet Journey from HFM to FCC
  • Inspirage: Enabling Oracle Cloud Applications for Finance and Beyond
  • LSI Lights the Way to the Cloud
  • Flagstar Bank’s Migration Journey from On-premise to EPM Cloud
  • Automating Security Management in PBCS!
  • Gain and Sustain Agility with Strategic Modeling
  • Automating Metadata & Data Load Process in PBCS using REST API!

Look for us at Booth #103! And don’t forget to enter Inspirage code INS22 to save $100 on your registration.

2022 OTM User Conference

Philadelphia: July 31 – August 3

The OTM SIG community’s in-person 2022 OTM User Conference returns to Philadelphia this year, so start making your plans to attend. This conference is THE place for OTM/GTM users, Oracle representatives, and other industry parties to connect and share. Current and prospective users will gain valuable insight into current features and future enhancements while also taking advantage of great networking opportunities. Be sure to say hello to the Inspirage team and let them know what’s on your mind these days!

We’ll be providing additional details about our “Supply Chain Transformation European Tour 2022” soon, so stay tuned!

Inspirage Recognizes Companies for Supply Chain Excellence Mon, 23 May 2022 16:25:00 +0000 Boar’s Head, Cargotec, and DP World recognized as Inspirage’s 2022 Integrated Supply Chain Teams of the Year  BELLEVUE, WA – May 23, […]]]>

Boar’s Head, Cargotec, and DP World recognized as Inspirage’s 2022 Integrated Supply Chain Teams of the Year 

BELLEVUE, WA – May 23, 2022 – Inspirage recently presented four companies with its 2022 Integrated Supply Chain Team of the Year Award. Each year, Inspirage recognizes clients who demonstrate the three pillars of achievement that are both critical to a successful project and facilitate improvements in integrated supply chain creation: 

  • Innovation – Award recipients have taken a unique approach to solve a business challenge
  • Transformation – Award recipients have driven business processes and system improvements that deliver tangible results for their enterprises
  • Collaboration – Award recipients have demonstrated cross-functional teamwork across their organizations and with the Inspirage team

The Inspirage 2022 Integrated Supply Chain Partner of the Year winners are:

“Boar’s Head, Cargotec, and DP World are known throughout their respective industries for innovation, agility, and supply chain optimization,” said Inspirage CEO Srini Subramanian. “Inspirage is pleased to honor these clients for their transformative end-to-end digital initiatives and the ability to continue creating value for their enterprises.” 


About Inspirage
Inspirage solves business-critical challenges across the integrated enterprise. We deliver end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management, Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), and Service solutions. Inspirage partners with its customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth, and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year in consecutive years from 2014 through 2019. most recently being recognized as the Oracle ERP Cloud Partner of the Year, globally. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has a global presence with offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. For more information, visit

For Further PR Information, Contact:
Sarah Hart, Director of Global Marketing and Communications
+1 855 517 4250 •

Inspirage Recognized in 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ Tue, 17 May 2022 12:00:55 +0000 Inspirage Recognized in 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ and Critical Capabilities for Oracle Cloud Application Services, Worldwide Reports Fourth Consecutive Year […]]]>

Inspirage Recognized in 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ and Critical Capabilities for Oracle Cloud Application Services, Worldwide Reports

Fourth Consecutive Year Placement in the Magic Quadrant; Based on Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision

BELLEVUE, WA, USA, May 17, 2022 — Inspirage, the company known for digital enablement across enterprise systems, today announced it has once again been positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the April 2022 report, “Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide.”1 Inspirage’s inclusion in the Magic Quadrant is based on completeness of vision and ability to execute.

In the 2022 “Gartner Critical Capabilities for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide” report, Inspirage received the 2nd highest ranking in the following use cases: Supply Chain Transformation, Midsize Enterprise Transformation, and 3rd highest ranking in Technical Migration.2 “This Critical Capabilities research on Oracle Cloud Application (OCA) services assesses the provider cohort’s relative capability in each use case to successfully implement OCA and deliver continuous business value.”

“This is our fourth consecutive year receiving recognition. We believe it speaks volumes about the value we provide to clients and our partners at Oracle,” said Kevin Creel, President of Inspirage. “Once again, we’re proud to be playing a significant role in the ongoing growth of Oracle Cloud application implementations worldwide. The Critical Capabilities report evaluating our proven capabilities in Supply Chain Transformation, Midsize Enterprise Transformation, and Technical Migration is, in our opinion, particularly noteworthy because of our expertise in end-to-end transformational projects for product-based companies, with a specific focus on the supply chain.”

Gartner’s Critical Capabilities report states, based on strategic planning assumptions, “by year-end 2024, 75% of Oracle application services revenue will be cloud-related as enterprises accelerate their move to the cloud in response to the massive disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. By 2024, 70% of large ERP deployments will be executed by predominantly remote rather than on-site implementation teams. By 2024, 60% of organizations will select integrated financial management capabilities as their preferred approach to process automation.”3

“We understand that for our customers, the speed of business today requires constant innovation cycles, visibility, resiliency, and risk mitigation,” said Creel. “Our positioning within the Gartner Magic Quadrant, we feel, reflects our continued top performance within the Oracle ecosystem and our dedication to providing the solutions our customers need to maintain a competitive edge. The investment we continue to make in solution development and cloud innovations underscores our unwavering commitment to helping customers overcome the challenges — and embrace the opportunities — they will undoubtedly encounter in the years ahead.”

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1Gartner, “Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Application Services, Worldwide,” Alan Stanley, Denis Torii, Akshit Malik, Gunjan Gupta, Eric Cheung, Rajib Gupta, Published 20 April 2022.

2, 3 Gartner, “Critical Capabilities for Oracle Cloud Application Services, Worldwide,” Alan Stanley, Denis Torii, Akshit Malik, Gunjan Gupta, Eric Cheung, Rajib Gupta, Published 20 April 2022.

Gartner Disclaimer: Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted in our research publications and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Gartner and Magic Quadrant are registered trademarks of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

About Inspirage: Inspirage delivers end-to-end transformational initiatives solving business-critical challenges from design to delivery to enable the digital enterprise. The company provides deep industry domain and applications expertise to deliver consulting and implementation solutions spanning Customer Experience, Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, ERP, Finance, Enterprise Performance Management, and Digital Transformation. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Global Service Partner of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has a global presence with offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. For more information, visit

Inspirage listed as a Representative Vendor in 2022 Gartner® Market Guide for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Professional and Managed Services Mon, 28 Mar 2022 12:00:34 +0000 BELLEVUE, WA, USA, 28 March 2022 — Inspirage, a leading provider of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure professional and managed services, today announced […]]]>

BELLEVUE, WA, USA, 28 March 2022 — Inspirage, a leading provider of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure professional and managed services, today announced that it has been identified as a Representative Vendor in the 2022 Gartner “Market Guide for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Professional and Managed Services” report.”1

Gartner defines OCI professional and managed service providers as those which “combine expertise in Oracle solutions and OCI with skills in managing private infrastructure, hybrid IT, multicloud and distributed cloud to provide strategic and operational assistance as clients define and realize their cloud goals with OCI.”

We believe that Inspirage’s inclusion on the list of OCI representative vendors recognizes several of the company’s key attributes, including:

  • Extensive capabilities running Oracle Workloads on Oracle-recognized cloud platforms.
  • Expertise in Planning/Assessment, Building/Migrating Workloads, and the Running/Management of cloud environments.
  • Recognition as an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
  • Demonstrated success in multiple geographies, verticals, and peripheral technologies.

To help global customers solve business-critical challenges across the integrated enterprise, Inspirage delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link ERP, Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management, and service solutions. The company maintains an established go-to-market relationship with Oracle, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure capabilities complement Inspirage’s Oracle Cloud Application services business.

“We consider that this Gartner recognition of Inspirage OCI capabilities is a reflection of our demonstrated ability to help clients achieve end-to-end business transformations by integrating and optimizing their operations with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure,” said Kevin Creel, Inspirage co-founder and President, Strategy and Business Development. “We’re extremely proud to be listed for the second time by Gartner as an OCI representative vendor.”

Inspirage’s award-winning service solutions include more than 100 PaaS solutions and an extensive track record of successful OCI Gen 1 and OCI Gen 2 migrations. Its cloud- and ERP-certified team exclusively supports on-premises and public cloud Oracle workloads, managing all aspects of Oracle deployments, application administration, and support.

1 Gartner, “Market Guide for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Professional and Managed Services” Report, Tobi Bet [March 16, 2022]

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Gartner Disclaimer: GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in our research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

About Inspirage: Inspirage delivers end-to-end transformational initiatives solving business-critical challenges from design to delivery to enable the digital enterprise. The company provides deep industry domain and applications expertise to deliver consulting and implementation solutions spanning Customer Experience, Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), Finance, Enterprise Performance Management, and Digital Transformation. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a global Service Partner of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. For more information, visit

Sarah Hart, Director of Global Marketing
+1 855 517 4250

Inspirage Recognized for Delivering Customer Success with Oracle Cloud in North America Wed, 02 Mar 2022 13:00:25 +0000 Achieves Service Expertise in a broad set of tracks for Oracle Cloud ERP and SCM applications in North America BELLEVUE, […]]]>

Achieves Service Expertise in a broad set of tracks for Oracle Cloud ERP and SCM applications in North America

BELLEVUE, WA, March 1, 2022 — Inspirage, the company known for digital enablement across enterprise systems and a member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), today announced that it had achieved Service Expertise in a broad set of tracks for Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (ERP and SCM) applications, including:

  • Oracle Manufacturing
  • Oracle Order Management
  • Oracle Supply Chain Planning
  • Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management
  • Oracle Warehouse Management
  • Oracle Procurement
  • Oracle Product Lifecycle Management
  • Oracle Enterprise Data Management
  • Oracle Financials
  • Oracle Cloud EPM Financial Consolidation and Close

Expertise is a core tenet of the modernized Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) program and allows Oracle partners to highlight their capabilities in a focused area. Ultimately, Expertise is designed to make it easy for customers to identify partners that can deliver quality results and minimize risk for their specific needs as they adopt Oracle Cloud.

To achieve a Service Expertise, partners like Inspirage must meet a series of qualifiers that demonstrate their experience and success in implementing, deploying, and managing a specific Oracle Cloud product/service area within a defined geographic region. Requirements may include having certified individuals across diverse roles and demonstrating successful go-lives within the same region. Learn more about Expertise, including viewing the complete Expertise Catalog, at

Inspirage has an extensive, award-winning, and industry-leading history of customer success with Oracle Cloud Applications advisory and implementation services. As an Oracle partner, they pivoted early and invested heavily in accelerators, programs, training, and certifications to enable clients to successfully adopt the Oracle Cloud solutions.

“Inspirage has demonstrated an excellent track record of successfully deploying Oracle Cloud Applications for our clients,” said Dan Haller, Group Vice President, North America Applications, Alliances and Channels, Oracle. “It is my pleasure to recognize Inspirage’s attainment of multiple Expertise necessary to support transformative projects in various industries, as well as their continued investment in training and certification in these Oracle products.”

“On behalf of the entire team at Inspirage, I extend our thanks to Oracle for recognizing the work of our team to deliver the benefits of Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise Resource and Planning products to our joint clients,” said Kevin Creel, President, Inspirage. “With our In2cloud® methodology, we continue to invest heavily in solutions and services to ensure our clients achieve successful implementations of Oracle Cloud ERP and Oracle Cloud SCM solutions. We consider the attainment of ‘Expertise’ recognition by the OraclePartnerNetwork to be a key criterion that our clients can utilize to evaluate Oracle consulting partners.”

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About Inspirage
Inspirage delivers end-to-end transformational initiatives solving business-critical challenges from design to delivery to enable the digital enterprise. The company provides deep industry domain and applications Expertise to deliver consulting and implementation solutions spanning Customer Experience, Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, ERP, Finance, Enterprise Performance Management, and Digital Transformation. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth, and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a global Service Partner of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has a global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. For more information, visit

About Oracle PartnerNetwork
Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) is Oracle’s partner program designed to enable partners to accelerate the transition to cloud and drive superior customer business outcomes. The OPN program allows partners to engage with Oracle through track(s) aligned to how they go to market: Cloud Build for partners that provide products or services built on or integrated with Oracle Cloud; Cloud Sell for partners that resell Oracle Cloud technology; Cloud Service for partners that implement, deploy, and manage Oracle Cloud Services; and License & Hardware for partners that build, service or sell Oracle software licenses or hardware products. Customers can expedite their business objectives with OPN partners who have achieved Expertise in a product family or cloud service. To learn more, visit:

Oracle, Java and MySQL are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation.
Inspirage and In2cloud are registered trademarks of Inspirage LLC

Sarah Hart, Director of Global Marketing and Communications
+1 855 517 4250

Inspirage and Oracle to Co-Sponsor Global Energy Conference in Norway Wed, 24 Nov 2021 09:25:41 +0000 BELLEVUE, WA, USA, 24 November 2021 — Inspirage, a leading global consulting firm specializing in transformational digital and consulting services […]]]>

BELLEVUE, WA, USA, 24 November 2021 — Inspirage, a leading global consulting firm specializing in transformational digital and consulting services that enable integrated enterprises, today announced that it will co-sponsor the Energy:Connected’21 Conference with Oracle in Fornebu, Norway from 19-20 May 2022.

Powered by Energy Valley, a Norwegian center of expertise for energy technology, the annual conference will unite professionals from around the world to discuss how investments in renewable energy and business optimization can prepare the world for a more sustainable future. This year’s conference features over fifteen speaking sessions, including keynote presentations by global leaders in the energy space. Energy: Connected’21 follows the prestigious 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, held in Glasgow this Fall. Kevin Creel, Co-founder and President, Inspirage, and Cormac Watters, Executive Vice President of Applications, Oracle, will deliver the high-level keynote, “From Volume to Value.”

“Companies adopting renewable energy systems are relying on a distinct set of supply chain management tools compared to traditional oil and gas-supported businesses. As a result, embracing change and innovation is absolutely necessary. Inspirage’s domain expertise and industry experience in end-to-end digital transformations position us as a crucial resource for companies during this major metamorphosis.” said Creel.

At Energy:Connected ‘21, Inspirage will deliver a master class, “Transform your Supply Chain Management for Renewable Energies.” The class will highlight how Inspirage’s Enterprise Control Tower (ECT) can help companies embrace sustainable business practices. The ECT solution enables users to assemble an integrated view of their business and predictive cross-functional outcomes by supplying the required technology, data framework, and insight-driven analytical content to diagnose, identify, and optimize performance across the supply chain. Whether your needs are simple or complex, the ECT provides the ability to scale based on maturity and expected goals through a modular control tower approach.

“Programs to accelerate renewable energies and support the fast-growing demand for green electricity have been implemented in all European countries, largely supported by governments and the European Union. Inspirage’s key value is to help companies successfully kickstart their programs, effectively manage their new supply chains, and quickly meet their sustainability objectives” said Denis Senpere, Vice President, Inspirage, Europe.

Inspirage achieved recognition in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant and Critical Capabilities for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide reports – the third consecutive year placement – based on ability to execute and completeness of vision. Inspirage was listed as the highest-ranked company for the Mid-size Enterprise Transformations Use Case in the Critical Capabilities report. These recognitions further highlight our deep expertise in Oracle Cloud Applications. Inspirage continues to invest in solution development, accelerators, and cloud innovations and recently achieved Service Expertise in a broad set of Oracle Cloud SCM (Supply Change Management) applications in Europe. These achievements showcase Inspirage’s commitment to helping our customers – especially those in the Energy sector – achieve significant business value from their Oracle Cloud investments.

For more information about Energy:Connected ’21, visit the conference website at Energy Connected – By Energy Valley.

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About Inspirage

Inspirage delivers end-to-end transformational initiatives solving business-critical challenges from design to delivery to enable the digital enterprise. The company provides deep industry domain and applications expertise to deliver consulting and implementation solutions spanning Customer Experience, Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), Finance, Enterprise Performance Management, and Digital Transformation. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a global Service Partner of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. For more information, visit

Sarah Hart, Head of Global Marketing
+1 855 517 4250

Inspirage Recognized for Delivering Customer Success with Oracle Cloud Tue, 13 Jul 2021 06:00:59 +0000 Achieves Service Expertise in a broad set of tracks for Oracle Cloud SCM applications in Europe   Amsterdam, Netherlands, 13 […]]]>

Achieves Service Expertise in a broad set of tracks for Oracle Cloud SCM applications in Europe

Amsterdam, Netherlands, 13 July 2021 — Inspirage, the company known for digital enablement across enterprise systems and a member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), today announced that it has achieved Service Expertise in a broad set of tracks for Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (Oracle Cloud SCM) applications, including:

  • Oracle Fusion Cloud Manufacturing
  • Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Planning
  • Oracle Fusion Cloud Transportation Management
  • Oracle Fusion Cloud Global Trade Management

Expertise is a core tenet of the modernized Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) program and allows Oracle partners to highlight their capabilities in a focused area. Ultimately, Expertise is designed to make it easy for customers to identify partners that can deliver quality results and minimize risk for their specific needs as they adopt Oracle Cloud.

In order to achieve a Service Expertise, partners like Inspirage must meet a series of qualifiers that demonstrate their experience and success in implementing, deploying, and/or managing a specific Oracle Cloud product/service area within a defined geographic region. Requirements may include having certified individuals across diverse roles and demonstrating successful go-lives within the same region. Learn more about Expertise, including viewing the complete Expertise Catalog, at

Inspirage has a history of customer success with Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite advisory and deployment. An exclusively Oracle specialized partner, Inspirage pivoted early and invested heavily in accelerators, programs, training, and certifications to help enable clients to successfully adopt the Oracle Cloud solutions. You can learn more about these success stories at

“On behalf of Inspirage EMEA, I extend our thanks to Oracle for recognizing the work of our team to deliver the benefits of the Oracle Cloud products to our mutual clients,” said Kevin Creel, President, Inspirage. “With our IN2CLOUD® programs and methodology, we continue to invest heavily in solutions and services to ensure our clients achieve successful implementations of Oracle Cloud solutions. We consider the attainment of Expertise recognition by the Oracle PartnerNetwork to be a key criterion that can be utilized by our clients to evaluate Oracle consulting partners.”

“Inspirage has demonstrated a track record of successfully deploying Oracle Fusion Applications for our clients in Europe,” said Michel Ramis, Vice President, Alliances and Channels SaaS, Oracle. “It is my pleasure to recognize Inspirage’s attainment of these Expertise distinctions in Benelux. Inspirage offers a unique value proposal and domain knowledge in the extended supply chain.”

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About Inspirage
Inspirage delivers end-to-end transformational initiatives solving business-critical challenges from design to delivery to enable the digital enterprise. The company provides deep industry domain and applications expertise to deliver consulting and implementation solutions spanning Customer Experience, Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, ERP, Finance, Enterprise Performance Management, and Digital Transformation. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a global Service Partner of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. For more information, visit

About Oracle PartnerNetwork
Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) is Oracle’s partner program designed to enable partners to accelerate the transition to cloud and drive superior customer business outcomes. The OPN program allows partners to engage with Oracle through track(s) aligned to how they go to market: Cloud Build for partners that provide products or services built on or integrated with Oracle Cloud; Cloud Sell for partners that resell Oracle Cloud technology; Cloud Service for partners that implement, deploy, and manage Oracle Cloud Services; and License & Hardware for partners that build, service or sell Oracle software licenses or hardware products. Customers can expedite their business objectives with OPN partners who have achieved Expertise in a product family or cloud service. To learn more visit:

Oracle, Java and MySQL are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation.

Sarah Hart, Head of Global Marketing
+1 855 517 4250

Inspirage Recognized in 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant and Critical Capabilities for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide Reports Fri, 04 Jun 2021 07:01:51 +0000 Third Consecutive Year Placement; Based on Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision   BELLEVUE, WA, USA, 4 June 2021 […]]]>

Third Consecutive Year Placement; Based on Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision

BELLEVUE, WA, USA, 4 June 2021 — Inspirage, the company known for digital enablement across enterprise systems, announced today that Gartner has once again positioned them in the Magic Quadrant, based on completeness of vision and ability to execute, in its May 2021 report titled, Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide.1 Notably, in the 2021 Gartner Critical Capabilities for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide, Inspirage has been listed as the highest-ranked company for mid-size enterprise transformations use case.2 The report comprises 18 leading global Oracle Application service providers and segments them into various categories based on customer feedback, analyst analysis, and in-depth interviews across multiple departments.

“It is always a value when we are recognized for our deep expertise in Oracle Cloud Applications,” stated Kevin Creel, President of Inspirage. “In Gartner’s evaluation of Inspirage, we were pleased that the Critical Capabilities report ranked Inspirage highest for mid-sized enterprise transformations use case, our expertise is end-to-end Oracle transformations, with a focus specifically in the supply chain industry.”

“We help our customers to transform business capabilities based on digital enablement and the best practices evident in the end-to-end enterprise suite of Oracle Cloud Applications,” said Srini Subramanian, CEO, Inspirage. “We feel that our positioning within this Gartner Magic Quadrant and Critical Capabilities reports recognizes our consultants for their continued excellence across industry advisory and application domains. Inspirage continues to invest in solution development, accelerators, and cloud innovations and remains committed to helping our customers achieve real business value.”

Gartner’s Critical Capabilities report states, based on strategic planning assumptions, “by year-end 2024, 75% of Oracle application services revenue will be cloud-related as enterprises accelerate their move to the cloud in response to the massive disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. By 2025, 85% of large organizations will have engaged external service providers to migrate applications to the cloud, up from 43% in 2019.3

“For our customers, we have made available more than 75 PaaS-based reusable industry assets, accelerators, and automation tools which is also highlighted in the report. With our continued investments in IN2CLOUD® programs and technology, our customers can leverage best practices to accelerate implementation initiatives,” states Mr. Creel. “Inspirage is an exclusively Oracle specialized partner that derives strength from rapidly pivoting to Oracle Cloud. As an early leader in driving Cloud adoption and on the cutting edge of the ever-changing landscape for Oracle applications services, we have a track record of technology and IP that will continue to enable customers to ease the migration to Oracle Cloud,” Mr. Creel concludes.

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1 Gartner, “Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Application Services, Worldwide,” Gunjan Gupta, Denis Torii, Alan Stanley, Akshit Malik, Katie Gove, Published 24 May 2021.

2,3 Gartner, “Critical Capabilities for Oracle Cloud Application Services, Worldwide,” Gunjan Gupta, Denis Torii, Alan Stanley, Akshit Malik, Katie Gove, Published 24 May 2021.

Gartner Disclaimer: Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted in our research publications and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

About Inspirage: Inspirage delivers end-to-end transformational initiatives solving business-critical challenges from design to delivery to enable the digital enterprise. The company provides deep industry domain and applications expertise to deliver consulting and implementation solutions spanning Customer Experience, Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, ERP, Finance, Enterprise Performance Management, and Digital Transformation. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Global Service Partner of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has a global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. For more information, visit

Inspirage And Propel Announce Strategic Partnership To Help Manufacturers Solve Business-critical Challenges From Concept To Customer Tue, 15 Dec 2020 20:53:30 +0000 Integrated supply chain specialists providing end-to-end PLM and QMS solutions on the Propel platform SANTA CLARA, CA & BELLEVUE, WA […]]]>

Integrated supply chain specialists providing end-to-end PLM and QMS solutions on the Propel platform

SANTA CLARA, CA & BELLEVUE, WA , December 15, 2020

Inspirage and Propel are pleased to announce their strategic partnership, through which Inspirage will provide worldwide implementation and consulting services to Propel customers. As the integrated supply chain specialists, Inspirage provides support on how to realize the full potential of Propel’s product success platform, which incorporates the capabilities of product lifecycle management (PLM), product information management (PIM) and quality management (QMS) in a single solution.

Product companies have proven that an integrated user experience across marketing, sales, service and the product itself is a competitive advantage. Delivering on this vision requires company-wide alignment of people, process and technology. This new partnership combines Inspirage’s deep PLM consulting expertise with Propel’s cloud-based product success platform. Propel’s comprehensive approach to product success helps companies develop, commercialize and service customer-centric products while delivering a unified experience across the entire company.

Inspirage also has a rich history of leveraging PLM platforms to deliver industry-based solutions, where Inspirage IP often complements the platform for industry, regulatory and client-specific needs.  Examples of this are integrations to Supply Chain and ERP applications, as well as to data pools and regulatory entities such as 1WorldSync, FDA Systems (GUDID) and the European Union Database on Medical Devices (EUDAMED).

The benefits of this new partnership include:

  • Offering clients cloud PLM and QMS solutions with a strong tie to their customer record
  • Enabling clients to extend the benefits of their Salesforce investment 
  • Building, enriching and diversifying the talents of our consulting teams

“Propel is excited to offer the market another integrated option for its end-to-end product success platform. Inspirage is a great option for companies seeking best of breed advice on how to make supply chains a competitive advantage,” said Ray Hein, co-founder, and CEO of Propel. “Their deep knowledge of PLM-based solutions and IP provides our customers with additive and integrative business value.”

“Propel has a deep depth and breadth of knowledge and expertise in developing PLM solutions, which we believe to be extremely valuable to our current and future customers. This partnership aligns with our core strategy to provide our customers the service, solution, and implementation expertise they need to achieve product success from concept to customer,” said Srini Subramanian, CEO of Inspirage.

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About Inspirage

Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business-critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth, and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) with Cloud Premier status and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has a global presence with offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. For more information, visit

About Propel 

Propel helps companies achieve product success by connecting the people, systems, and processes needed to deliver products from concept to customer. Propel’s flexible and easy-to-use platform deploys quickly to serve as the single source of product truth for an entire value chain, including sales, service, and partners. Get products to market faster while maximizing customer satisfaction and meeting local requirements needed to compete globally using secure and transparent collaboration.

Propel is built on Salesforce, the industry’s top-rated cloud SaaS platform, and integrates all the capabilities of its modern cloud infrastructure. Salesforce’s multi-tenant architecture is future-proof, ensuring Propel will always be the next generation product success platform. For more information, visit

For Further PR Information, Contact:
Celeste White, Inspirage

Inspirage Consecutively Recognized in Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide Wed, 13 May 2020 21:45:59 +0000 Based on Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision BELLEVUE, WA, USA, 13 May 2020 — Inspirage, the company known […]]]>

Based on Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision

BELLEVUE, WA, USA, 13 May 2020 — Inspirage, the company known for solving business critical challenges from design to delivery, announced that Gartner has once again positioned them in the Magic Quadrant, based on completeness of vision and ability to execute, in its May 2020 report titled, Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide. The report comprises 19 global Oracle Application service providers and segments them into various categories based on feedback from customers, partners and in-depth interviews across multiple departments.

Gartner evaluated Inspirage and the report notes, “In the SCM Cloud product area, they [Inspirage] are a global leader and have added more Oracle Specialized Partner of the Year awards for ERP and SCM in 2019.” In addition the report stated that “Inspirage reference clients scored the company above the group average in 12 of 20 capabilities, and in the top 3 for overall vision and thought leadership.”

“We help our customers to leverage the best capabilities of the Oracle Cloud solutions and adopt these technologies to achieve desired business outcomes,” said Srini Subramanian, CEO, Inspirage. “We feel that our positioning within this Gartner Magic Quadrant recognizes our consultants for their continued top performance within the Oracle ecosystem, the investments we have made in solution development and cloud innovations, as well as our commitment to helping our customers achieve real business value.”

Gartner’s report states, based on strategic planning assumptions, that “by 2025, 85% of large organizations will have engaged external service providers to migrate applications to the cloud, up from 43% in 2019.” Further the report states that “By EOY 2021, 50% of Oracle application service revenue will be cloud-related as enterprises accelerate their move to the cloud in response to the massive disruption of the COVID-19 contagion.”

Inspirage has been an early leader of implementing Cloud adoption and on the cutting edge of the ever-changing landscape for Oracle applications services, with a track record of technology and IP that will continue to enable customers to ease the migration to Oracle Cloud.

Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide, 5 May 2020, G00403362, Analyst(s): Alan Stanley, Denis Torii, Katie Gove, Akshit Malik

Gartner Disclaimer:
Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from Inspirage.

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

About Inspirage:
Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. We deliver end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, EPM, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth, and achieve operational excellence.
Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle Partner Network (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia.

Celeste White
Head of Marketing & Communications
Tel: +1 855 517 4250

Inspirage Recognizes Companies for Supply Chain Excellence Thu, 23 Apr 2020 18:15:45 +0000 Abdul Latif Jameel, Aimmune, Chewy, Mecalac, Tetrapak recognized as Inspirage’s 2020 Integrated Supply Chain Partners of the Year  BELLEVUE, WA […]]]>

Abdul Latif Jameel, Aimmune, Chewy, Mecalac, Tetrapak recognized as Inspirage’s 2020 Integrated Supply Chain Partners of the Year 

BELLEVUE, WA – April 23, 2020Inspirage presented seven companies with its 2020 Integrated Supply Chain Partner of the Year Award. Each year, Inspirage recognizes clients who demonstrate the three pillars of achievement that are both critical to a successful project and facilitate improvements in integrated supply chain creation: 

  • Innovation– Award recipients have taken a unique approach to solve a business challenge 
  • Transformation– Award recipients have driven business process and system improvements that deliver tangible results for their enterprises 
  • Collaboration– Award recipients have demonstrated cross-functional teamwork across their organizations and with the Inspirage team 

The Inspirage 2020 Integrated Supply Chain Partner of the Year winners are: 

“These clients are making substantial impacts in their industries through innovation, agility, and supply chain optimization,” said Inspirage CEO Srini Subramanian. “Inspirage is pleased to honor clients who exceeded expectations through their transformative projects and continue to return value to their enterprises.”  


About Inspirage

Inspirage solves business-critical challenges across the integrated enterprise. We deliver end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management, Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) and Service solutions. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth, and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year in consecutive years from 2014 through 2019. most recently being recognized with the Oracle ERP Cloud Partner of the Year, globally. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has a global presence with offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

For more information, visit

For Further PR Information, Contact:

Celeste White, Inspirage
855-517-4250 •

Inspirage Acquires Vertical Edge Consulting Group Mon, 02 Mar 2020 13:00:13 +0000 Combined offering provides unprecedented ability to deliver end-to-end transformational Oracle application implementation services worldwide BELLEVUE, WA – March 2, 2020 […]]]>

Combined offering provides unprecedented ability to deliver end-to-end transformational Oracle application implementation services worldwide

BELLEVUE, WA – March 2, 2020 Inspirage, an award-winning provider of Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management implementation services announced today that they have completed their acquisition of Vertical Edge Consulting Group, a leading full-service Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) and Business Intelligence(BI) consulting firm. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

With this acquisition, Inspirage strengthens their ability to help companies implement a full suite of Oracle ERP Cloud applications. Leading industry analyst firms, such as Gartner,  consider Inspirage to be a leader in the Cloud application marketplace based on the ability to execute and completeness of vision. This acquisition further strengthens Inspirage’s position as a leader in Oracle ERP Cloud and enhances their ability to provide clients with unparalleled strategic advisory in finance, enterprise performance management and end-to-end integrated supply chain, in addition to providing technology and management consulting services.

“The Vertical Edge Consulting Group acquisition represents our commitment to providing the highest quality end-to-end Oracle ERP Cloud implementation services and further strengthens our services provided to the CFO office,” said Inspirage CEO, Srini Subramanian. “United by a common vision to make our clients successful and our exclusive focus on Oracle technologies, Vertical Edge was the natural choice as we looked to grow our EPM practice. We have been admirers of Vertical Edge’s capabilities in providing top notch Oracle EPM and Business Intelligence services for some time, and are pleased to welcome them to our team.”

“We are extremely excited to be joining the Inspirage family,” said John Conlee, Founder and CEO of Vertical Edge Consulting Group. “This significant milestone will extend our capabilities and provide major growth opportunities through expanded services and offerings to our clients to help them realize their world class finance initiatives. As part of the Inspirage team, we look forward to the global expansion of our core EPM and Analytics services and making available complete functional Oracle solutions for Vertical Edge’s 140+ customers while continuing our focus to transform their businesses to the cloud.”

Inspirage was recognized with the 2019 Oracle Excellence Cloud ERPM – Global Specialized Partner of the Year award for their outstanding accomplishments in driving customer success, accelerating innovation, and helping clients migrate to the cloud successfully. This acquisition represents Inspirage’s continued investment in delivering the highest level of professional services to their clients.

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About Inspirage
Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) with Cloud Premier status and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. For more information, visit

About Vertical Edge
Vertical Edge Consulting Group is a full-service Oracle Enterprise Performance Management / Business Intelligence and IT Advisory consulting firm with offices in Tampa, FL, Indianapolis, IN, Minneapolis, MN and Mason, OH.  As an Oracle Platinum Partner, the firm specializes in solving fragmented and complex reporting and business analysis issues through the design and implementation of technology solutions that integrate strategic, operational, and financial data to optimize enterprise-wide performance.

For Further PR Information, Contact:
Celeste White, Inspirage

Enterprise Control Tower is now available in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace Thu, 31 Oct 2019 16:45:57 +0000 INSPIRAGE + ENTERPRISE CONTROL TOWER is powered by Oracle Cloud and now available in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace: Oracle Cloud […]]]>

INSPIRAGE + ENTERPRISE CONTROL TOWER is powered by Oracle Cloud and now available in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace: Oracle Cloud customers can use Inspirage’s Enterprise Control Tower as a supply chain hub to provide enterprise visibility, decision making and execution based on near real-time analytics to help improve business performance.

Bellevue – October 31, 2019

News Facts
INSPIRAGE, a leading provider of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management solutions & services and a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), today announced that its Enterprise Control Tower, powered by Oracle Cloud, is now available in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace. Inspirage’s Enterprise Control Tower also integrates with Oracle Supply Chain Management (SCM) Cloud, offering a platform that connects functional silos and disparate systems to provide deeper insights, aid quicker decision making and deliver actionable intelligence. Inspirage’s pre-built and extensible data model, along with adapters, means that the Enterprise Control Tower can be source agnostic and support cloud and hybrid environments.

The Oracle Cloud Marketplace is a one-stop shop for Oracle Cloud customers seeking trusted business applications and service providers offering unique business solutions, including those that extend Oracle Cloud Applications.  Oracle Cloud is a Generation 2 enterprise cloud that delivers massive, non-variable performance and next generation security across a comprehensive portfolio of services including SaaS, application development, application hosting, and business analytics. Customers get access to leading compute, storage, data management, integration, security, HPC, artificial intelligence (AI), and Blockchain services to augment and modernize their critical workloads. Oracle Cloud runs Oracle Autonomous Database, the industry’s first and only self-driving database.

Inspirage’s Enterprise Control Tower provides the following benefits to customers:

  • Increased enterprise visibility and proactive event management
  • Help increasing customer satisfaction, cash management and profitability
  • Product and supply chain segmentation
  • Financial / operational reconciliation and analysis
  • Help improving planning and decision making along with better risk management and mitigation

“Our Enterprise Control Tower offers enterprise visibility, advanced analytics and self-service data visualization and enables process orchestration by allowing users to seamlessly move from analytics to execution. We intend to provide updates and releases to our Enterprise Control Tower on a regular basis with additional functionality and customer benefits. In addition, we see opportunities to develop deeper digital capabilities such as AI/ML in our control tower in the near future,” said Mo Khurana, Global Vice President, Inspirage. “Inspirage’s participation in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace further extends our commitment to the Oracle community and enables customers to easily reap the benefits of Enterprise Control Tower. We look forward to leveraging the power of the Oracle Cloud to help us achieve our customers’ business goals.”

“Oracle cloud represents a huge opportunity for our partner community,” said Vikash Goyal, vice president, Product Strategy, Oracle. They can extend Oracle SaaS applications within Oracle Cloud to provide customer-specific, industry-specific, or broader solutions and make those widely available on Oracle Cloud marketplace. “Inspirage’s commitment to innovation with their Enterprise Control Tower on Oracle Cloud can help our customers analyze their business performance across multiple functional areas to enhance their integrated business planning process.”

“Powered by Oracle Cloud” status recognizes OPN member solutions that have been tested or verified to run on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This achievement offers customers the confidence that the partner’s application is supported by the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SLA, enabling full access and control over their cloud infrastructure services as well as consistent performance. Inspirage’s Enterprise Control Tower has also achieved Integrated with Oracle Cloud status, which recognizes OPN member solutions that have been tested or verified to integrate with Oracle Cloud Applications.

The Oracle Cloud Marketplace offers an intuitive user interface to browse and search for available applications and services, as well as user ratings and reviews to help customers determine the best business solutions for their organization. With its new automated application installation features, customers can easily deploy provider business applications from a centralized cloud interface.

About Inspirage
Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. For more information, visit

About Oracle PartnerNetwork
Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) is Oracle’s partner program that provides partners with a differentiated advantage to develop, sell and implement Oracle solutions. OPN offers resources to train and support specialized knowledge of Oracle’s products and solutions and has evolved to recognize Oracle’s growing product portfolio, partner base and business opportunity. Key to the latest enhancements to OPN is the ability for partners to be recognized and rewarded for their investment in Oracle Cloud. Partners engaging with Oracle will be able to differentiate their Oracle Cloud expertise and success with customers through the OPN Cloud program – an innovative program that complements existing OPN program levels with tiers of recognition and progressive benefits for partners working with Oracle Cloud. To find out more visit:

Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

For Further PR Information, Contact:
Celeste White, Inspirage

Inspirage and Atlantic – A new strategic partnership Tue, 16 Jul 2019 18:39:59 +0000 LONDON, ENGLAND, 16 July 2019—We are very pleased to announce the rise of a new partnership with Atlantic Technologies, an […]]]>

LONDON, ENGLAND, 16 July 2019—We are very pleased to announce the rise of a new partnership with Atlantic Technologies, an international ICT & Cloud consulting company and Oracle Gold Partner, based in Milan and London. Since 1997, Atlantic has been offering Cloud solutions in the CRM (Salesforce Partner), ERP (Oracle & Infor Partner), and BI Analytics (Tableau Partner) areas. 

The official announcement was made a few weeks ago at Oracle Italy during a meeting on future trends and was welcomed with great enthusiasm by the Sales Management.

For Inspirage, the new partnership means that we are not only speeding up the process of accessing the Italian market, but also doing it together with a strategic partner. Together we are laying down a solid foundation for new important and successful projects.

Lorenzo Ancona, VP Oracle Cloud Solutions at Atlantic Technologies commented:

“The collaboration with Inspirage allows us to combine advanced technologies, vertical skills and international excellent support for our customers. The perfect mix to fully satisfy the growing needs of companies in terms of safety, performance and flexibility. In particular, thanks to the partnership with Inspirage, we will be able to contribute even more to increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of manufacturing companies, especially at a time of market that requires us to pay maximum attention to production processes.

We are looking forward to a successful collaboration!

About Atlantic Technologies: Atlantic Technologies is an international Cloud Consulting company that guides your business into digital transformation and innovation. We are proactive, flexible and aligned in taking your business to the next level. Since 1997, we’ve been offering Cloud Solutions in the area of CRMERP and BI Analytics and we’re at the forefront of Partner & Technology excellence. We have 100+ skilled consultants,  methodologies and experience to create added value to any business. We foresee industry needs and combine this with our “know how” to create a trusting and long-term relationship with our clients. Atlantic Technologies is distinguished for its dynamism and strong spirit of collaboration to achieve customer excellence.

About Inspirage: Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. We deliver end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth, and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle Partner Network (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia.

What Digital Transformation Means to the Supply Chain Fri, 14 Jun 2019 01:22:32 +0000 Jeffrey Miller, Vice President of Digital Transformation with Inspirage, recently sat down with SupplyChainBrain to discuss how digital transformation promises […]]]>

Jeffrey Miller, Vice President of Digital Transformation with Inspirage, recently sat down with SupplyChainBrain to discuss how digital transformation promises to alter the very structure of the supply chain, creating a “mesh” instead of a linear model. Watch the interview to learn more about what digital transformation means for supply chains.


Inspirage Positioned in 2019 Critical Capabilities for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide Wed, 05 Jun 2019 23:32:18 +0000 Report Covers Active Pivot of Application Services to the Cloud]]>

Report Covers Active Pivot of Application Services to the Cloud

BELLEVUE, WA, USA, 5 June 2019—Inspirage, the integrated supply chain specialists, announced today that Gartner has positioned them in the companion document to the 2019 Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide*, titled, Critical Capabilities for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide*.

Inspirage is an early leader of Cloud adoption and on the cutting edge of the ever-changing landscape for Oracle applications services, with a track record of technology and IP that will continue to enable customers to ease the migration to Oracle Cloud.

In the Critical Capabilities document Gartner references, “transitioning to cloud is often much more complex than a purely technical migration. Because the cloud application can only be configured and not customized, businesses needs to adopt the best-practice concepts built into the product rather than rebuild their historical processes for the cloud.”

“With change management and business process design built into our In2Cloud® offering, Inspirage believes it is prepared to provide those critical services recommended by Gartner,” stated, Srini Subramanian, CEO, Inspirage.

* Gartner Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide, Alan Stanley, Katie Grove, Gunjan Gupta, 2 May 2019

* Gartner Critical Capabilities for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide, Katie Gove, Alan Stanley, Gunjan Gupta, 29 May 201

Gartner Disclaimer Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

About Inspirage: Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. We deliver end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth, and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle Partner Network (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia.

Inspirage Recognized in 2019 Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide Wed, 08 May 2019 19:29:59 +0000 Based on Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision BELLEVUE, WA, USA, 8 May 2019—Inspirage, the integrated supply chain specialists, […]]]>

Based on Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision

BELLEVUE, WA, USA, 8 May 2019—Inspirage, the integrated supply chain specialists, announced today that Gartner, positioned them in the Magic Quadrant, based on completeness of vision and ability to execute, in its May 2019 report titled, Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide.

“Inspirage consultants help our clients to leverage the best capabilities of the Oracle Cloud solutions and adopt these technologies rapidly,” said Srini Subramanian, CEO, Inspirage. “We feel that our positioning within this Gartner Magic Quadrant recognizes our top performance within the Oracle ecosystem, the investments we have made in solution development and cloud innovations, as well as our commitment to helping our customers achieve real business value.”

Gartner’s report states, based on strategic planning assumptions, that “Through 2021, CIOs who take a business-strategy-first approach to ERP will deliver 60% increased business value over those who take a vendor-first approach.” Further the report states that “The use of cloud computing has reached mainstream. Most organizations (approximately 70%) now use cloud services in a meaningful way. Of the organizations using cloud services, more than 75% indicate they have a cloud-first strategy.”

Inspirage is an early leader of Cloud adoption and on the cutting edge of the ever-changing landscape for Oracle applications services, with a track record of technology and IP that will continue to enable customers to ease the migration to Oracle Cloud.

Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide, 02 May 2019, G00367268, Analyst(s): Alan Stanley | Katie Gove | Gunjan Gupta

Gartner Disclaimer
Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

About Inspirage
Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. We deliver end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth, and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle Partner Network (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia.

Inspirage Recognizes Companies for Supply Chain Excellence Mon, 06 May 2019 21:54:59 +0000 Flow Progressive Logistics, Infoblox, The AMES Companies, Inc., Unil AS (part of NorgesGruppen), Mondelēz International, and Siam City Cement Public […]]]>

Flow Progressive Logistics, Infoblox, The AMES Companies, Inc., Unil AS (part of NorgesGruppen), Mondelēz International, and Siam City Cement Public Company Limited and INSEE Digital Company Limited recognized as Inspirage’s 2019 Integrated Supply Chain Partners of the Year

BELLEVUE, WA – Inspirage presented seven companies with its 2019 Integrated Supply Chain Partner of the Year Award. Each year, Inspirage recognizes clients who demonstrate the three pillars of achievement that are both critical to a successful project and facilitate improvements in integrated supply chain creation:

  • Innovation– Award recipients have taken a unique approach to solve a business challenge
  • Transformation– Award recipients have driven business process and system improvements that deliver tangible results for their enterprises
  • Collaboration– Award recipients have demonstrated cross-functional teamwork across their organizations and with the Inspirage team

The Inspirage 2019 Integrated Supply Chain Partner of the Year winners are:

“These clients are making substantial impacts in their industries through innovation, agility, and supply chain optimization,” said Inspirage CEO Srini Subramanian. “Inspirage is pleased to honor clients who exceeded expectations through their transformative projects and continue to return value to their enterprises” 

Implement, Engagement & Flexibility: Key Messages at Hannover Messe Thu, 11 Apr 2019 09:00:21 +0000 Inspirage was thrilled to attend Hannover Messe 2019 as an official co-exhibitor at the Oracle Booth. ]]>

Hannover Messe 2019: 215,000 visitors over 5 days. 6,500 exhibitors from 75 participating countries. 1,400 events and 80 forums and presentations.

The numbers look impressive and it is no wonder Hannover Messe is the world’s biggest tradeshow for industrial technology. The theme for this year’s event was Industry 4.0 meets Artificial Intelligence, and the opening ceremony was led by German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and Sweden’s Prime Minister, Stefan Lofven. 

Abuzz about Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0, IoT, machine learning, artificial intelligence, 5G, cobots, digital twins, additive manufacturing or smart factory solutions – these were the words you could hear buzzing amongst the 215,000 visitors during the 5 days of the show.

Inspirage was thrilled to attend such a large, international fair as an official co-exhibitor at the Oracle Booth. The Oracle Booth was located in Hall 7 which was hosting the Digital Factory Fair. Our brand name received well-deserved international recognition, and we worked together at the booth with big industry names such as Bosch Rexroth, Mitsubishi and Festo.

The Digital Factory

The cutting-edge position of Inspirage in the Digital Factory was very clear to everyone visiting the Oracle booth. Our team was responsible for the Smart Connected Factory, operating a set of 4 production machines (in addition to one remote in Singapore!) all connected to the Oracle IoT infrastructure. We put in action a set of IoT applications simulating the role of a manager centrally controlling the various production sites. In addition, we had a Virtual Reality model of one of the sites, giving an immersive view of the production control.

With such an impressive infrastructure, we were able to create ‘problems’on our machines (Bosch Rexroth, Mitsubishi, Festo, Bistel). We were then able to show how the central manager gets alerted in order to quickly fix the issue by notifying maintenance, restarting a machine, updating its configuration, etc.

After the first days of the show running the Digital Factory, we activated the predictive part of the IoT applications as enough history was recorded in the database. Quite impressive to do all these live at the fair!

Smart Connected Factory

Our Smart Connected Factory was a real showcase and attracted many journalists. Our team gave multiple video interviews and in-depth demonstrations during all 5 days of Hannover Messe. We were proud to show our skills live. Kudos for our team that presented and their fantastic sustained efforts!

In addition, the Inspirage team gave presentations on the first and the third day of the show about Smart Manufacturing and Smart Logistics in our customer projects. Last, but not the least, Hannover Messe afforded us a great opportunity to share with Oracle the new Inspirage investment in Blockchain with a focus on Product Traceability (along with the Supply Chain). We deep dived into realistic applications of blockchain for medical devices and food and beverage companies.

Hannover Messe maintains an international flair and attracts visitors from all over the world – 75 countries participated and 60% of the visitors were from outside Germany. It was remarkable to see that companies were represented by substantial teams, representing many business areas from procurement to engineering and from production supply chain to IT. This brought great opportunities for the Inspirage team, as our business helps multiple departments. Throughout the event, we had great opportunities to discuss our partners’ and customers’ needs and show how we can help.Inspirage was delighted to attend Hannover Messe 2019, and our team is already looking forward to Hannover Messe 2020!

Oracle ERP Cloud – Leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant Wed, 06 Feb 2019 13:10:32 +0000 Oracle’s ERP cloud has been recognized as the industry leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant report on Cloud ERP for […]]]>

Oracle’s ERP cloud has been recognized as the industry leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant report on Cloud ERP for Product-Centric Midsize enterprises. For the report, Gartner evaluated vendors on the capabilities of their cloud ERP suites, as well as their ability to market and sell those solutions to, and implement and support them for, product-centric organizations. Oracle was chosen as the leader amongst 14 different competitors because it has been found to have robust functional capabilities, strong cloud platform and technology, high customer satisfaction scores, and established partner ecosystem for deploying and supporting these applications.

What’s working well

What is really working well for Oracle is that it has a consistent architecture for all segments of its cloud applications, enabling seamless integration of HCM, finance, and operational ERP capabilities. On the other hand, Oracle’s transformation from an on-premise vendor to cloud service provider is ongoing due to which there have been issues reported with respect to performance and complexity of support services. To address these small hiccups in this industry-wide transition from on-premise to cloud, Oracle continues to invest heavily in training its partners and increase the number of trained consultants to provide seamless transition and better support services.

As a ‘Leader’ in this space, Oracle has executed its current vision and strategies very well as compared to its competitors and is in a great position for the future. Most of Oracle’s competitors currently fall in the ‘Visionary’ quadrant. They understand where the market is heading or have a vision for changing market rules, but they do not execute well. Additionally, this market space is currently immature and vendor positions are predicted to shift year by year as cloud ERP solutions become better, innovation and execution progress, and as the market expands to include more and larger business enterprises.

As a ‘Leader’ in this space, Oracle has executed its current vision and strategies very well as compared to its competitors and is in a great position for the future.

Gartner’s evaluation criteria for analysis of the vendors falls under the following two broad categories:

  1. Ability to execute – Companies have been assessed on products, technologies, services and operations that enable them to be competitive, efficient, and effective in the marketplace, and that positively impact their revenue, client satisfaction, client retention, and general market reputation.
  2. Completeness of Vision – Companies have been assessed on their ability to articulate their perspectives on the market’s current and future direction, to anticipate customers’ needs and cloud technology trends, and to address competitive forces. Companies have also been evaluated basis their understanding and articulation of how market forces can be exploited to create new opportunities for themselves and their clients.

Inspirage’s Oracle Cloud Excellence Implementer (CEI) for Oracle Cloud ERP

Inspirage has achieved Oracle Cloud Excellence Implementer (CEI) for Oracle Cloud ERP and SCM applications implementations in North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa. The Oracle CEI program recognizes consulting partners that have achieved excellence in the deployment of Oracle Cloud solutions through consulting certifications and proven client success supporting specific regions. Inspirage has delivered customer success with streamlined processes, increased productivity, and improved business decisions and has helped its customers achieve numerous results across various industries and regions during their cloud journey.

Gartner’s view and predictions for this market:

As per Gartner, ERP is the single largest category of enterprise software spending, at $37.3 billion in 2018. Gartner forecasts that this figure will grow at an annual rate of 6.8% through 2022. Gartner predicts that by 2020, nearly 60% of large enterprises with systems up for replacement will switch from on-premise licenses to cloud licenses. It also predicts that by 2025, demand for operational ERP deployments delivered as cloud services will account for more than 65% of total market spending.

Gartner Disclaimer
Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

About Oracle
The Oracle Cloud offers complete SaaS application suites for ERP, HCM and CX, plus best-in-class database Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) from data centers throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. For more information about Oracle (ORCL), please visit us at

Inspirage Recognized with Multiple Oracle Cloud Excellence Awards Sun, 21 Oct 2018 22:13:49 +0000 Inspirage receives 2018 Oracle Excellence Awards for Specialized Partner of the Year Awards– Global, EMEA, Malaysia and Thailand in SCM Cloud.]]>

Awards include wins for: Specialized Partner of the Year – Global, EMEA, Malaysia and Thailand. 

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – October 21, 2018 – Today Oracle presented Inspirage four 2018 Oracle Excellence Awards for Specialized Partner of the Year Awards– Global, EMEA, Malaysia and Thailand in SCM Cloud. In addition, Inspirage brought home the Oracle Cloud Excellence Award for Customer Satisfaction in North America, and the PaaS/IaaS Cloud Platform Innovation Award.

The Oracle Excellence Awards for Specialized Partner of the Year – recognizes Inspirage for their outstanding work in driving customer success with Oracle Cloud solutions. Oracle partners accelerate innovation and customers upgrading successfully to the cloud. From business planning and implementation, to connectivity and execution, Oracle partners provide the support and services needed to maximize the value of Oracle Cloud solutions for customers’ organization.

Inspirage is a Cloud Premier Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN). Inspirage was presented the 2018 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – Global, EMEA, Malaysia and Thailand in Supply Chain Management Cloud for demonstrating an outstanding and innovative solution based on Oracle products. The Oracle Excellence Awards for Specialized Partner of the Year – encourages innovation by Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) members, who use Oracle’s products and technology to create value for customers and generate new business potential.

“In order to achieve the most agile, modern and cost-effective business systems demanded by today’s heavily competitive marketplace, we believe Oracle Cloud SCM & ERP offers our customers the best opportunity for advancement,” said Srini Subramanian, chief executive officer at Inspirage. “As always, these awards are really a testament to the dedication and excellence demonstrated by our global consulting team and I thank them for their continued efforts. We have been recognized with several awards at the Global, Regional, and Country levels, but we are particularly pleased to be recognized for Excellence in Customer Satisfaction by Oracle customers. On behalf of the entire team at Inspirage, I extend our thanks to Oracle for recognizing the work of our team to deliver the benefits of the Oracle Cloud products to our joint clients.”

Srini Subramanian, CEO, Inspirage

Inspirage has demonstrated an outstanding level of innovation in delivering proven, Oracle-based Supply Chain Management solutions that solve our joint customers’ most critical business challenges,” said Camillo Speroni, Vice President, Worldwide Strategic Alliances, Oracle. “We congratulate Inspirage in achieving the 2018 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – Global, EMEA, Malaysia and Thailand in SCM Cloud. This achievement is a testament to their dedication to excellence and to providing customers solutions and services that drive real business value and results across the globe.”

Camillo Speroni, Vice President, Worldwide Strategic Alliances, Oracle

In addition to the four Specialized Partner of the Year Awards, Inspirage is also pleased to announce they received the 2018 Oracle Cloud Excellence Award for Customer Satisfaction in North America as well as the the PaaS/IasS Cloud Platform Innovation Award. Both are a testament to the work of the consulting teams to enable clients to successfully deploy Oracle Cloud SCM-ERP solutions and to extend these solutions to meet unique client business requirements that leverage the Oracle PaaS / IaaS platforms.

About Inspirage
Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. For more information, visit

About Oracle PartnerNetwork
Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) is Oracle’s partner program that provides partners with a differentiated advantage to develop, sell and implement Oracle solutions. OPN offers resources to train and support specialized knowledge of Oracle’s products and solutions and has evolved to recognize Oracle’s growing product portfolio, partner base and business opportunity. Key to the latest enhancements to OPN is the ability for partners to be recognized and rewarded for their investment in Oracle Cloud. Partners engaging with Oracle will be able to differentiate their Oracle Cloud expertise and success with customers through the OPN Cloud program – an innovative program that complements existing OPN program levels with tiers of recognition and progressive benefits for partners working with Oracle Cloud. To find out more visit:

Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. 

For Further PR Information, Contact:
Celeste White, Director of Marketing & Analyst Relations, Inspirage
855-517-4250 •

Connect, learn, explore, be inspired at OpenWorld Fri, 14 Sep 2018 20:42:51 +0000 Come visit Inspirage during Oracle OpenWorld 2018 held at Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA from October 22-25, 2018 Whether […]]]>

Come visit Inspirage during Oracle OpenWorld 2018 held at Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA from October 22-25, 2018

Whether you’re a first-time OOW participant or a veteran of the conference, there are plenty of great reasons to attend this year. Engage with some of the most prominent individuals and organizations within the Oracle SCM community and learn more about the implementation and optimization of transformational ERP solutions.

Oracle OpenWorld hosts tens of thousands of in-person attendees as well as millions online. Dedicated to helping businesses leverage Cloud for their innovation and growth, the conference delivers deep insight into industry trends and breakthroughs driven by technology. Designed for attendees who want to connect, learn, explore and be inspired, Oracle OpenWorld offers more than 2,200 educational sessions led by more than 2,000 customers and partners sharing their experiences, first hand.

With hundreds of demos and hands-on labs, plus exhibitions from partners including Inspirage and customers from around the world, Oracle OpenWorld has become a showcase for leading cloud technologies, from Cloud Applications to Cloud Platform and Infrastructure.

Reasons to attend:

1. At Oracle OpenWorld you will be surrounded by new, cutting-edge, and sometime unfamiliar technologies. From today’s most-trusted products to tomorrow’s technologies, you will leave infused with inspiration, new ideas and relationships.

2. Whether you attend for a day or four, you’ll engage in free-flowing ideas that will help you and your business achieve tomorrow’s business goals, today.

3. With a portfolio of keynotes, product demos, collective learning sessions, and so much more, you won’t want to miss out on today’s premiere business and technology event.

Inspirage employees and clients will be sharing their experiences with the Oracle Cloud. Inspirage CFO, Del Clark, will be speaking about how Oracle Analytics can be leveraged by financial analysts, controllers, and executives to analyze information, track business metrics, gain actionable insights, and problem solve issues in a timely manner. Attend this session to learn more. Inspirage customer, Ames, will be present on how they are using Oracle WMS to modernize their warehouse operations. Don’t miss this session!

4. We also invite you to join Inspirage and Vinfolio for THE Supply Chain Networking Event at Oracle OpenWorld 2018.

Enjoy fine food paired with unique wines that were hand-selected by a Vinfolio Master of Wine as you network with industry peers amid stunning works of art! You’ll also have a chance to hear how Vinfolio worked with Inspirage to successfully migrate to Oracle Cloud. Email for the invitation.

5. Learn about other businesses considering the same solutions you are.

Vinfolio is transforming how the fine wine community buys, sells, stores, and savors wine by bringing the perfect pairing to the table: world-class wine expertise and best-in-class technology. Through an innovative suite of modern services, they’re connecting the world of fine wine in ways it’s never been connected before. Devotees can now easily acquire the most coveted wines directly from producers, exchange wines with one another through a thriving marketplace, and store their wines more securely than ever, while staying on top of every bottle in their collections. All in one seamless experience. And they do this using Oracle Cloud. Come meet them at our reception or contact us to learn more.

We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco! Register now!

Inspirage Lands CRN 2018 Solution Provider 500 List Fri, 10 Aug 2018 17:44:56 +0000 Inspirage is pleased to, once again, be listed on the CRN Solution Provider 500 list. The annual CRN Solution Provider […]]]>

Inspirage is pleased to, once again, be listed on the CRN Solution Provider 500 list. The annual CRN Solution Provider 500 award recognizes solution providers in North America that have differentiated themselves with some of the highest certifications and specializations from top technology vendors such as Oracle.

The IT industry continues to undergo a number of fundamental transformations, including the accelerating shifts to cloud computing and software-defined technologies, and the rise of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.

Collectively the companies that make up this year’s Solution Provider 500 generated just under $319.9 billion in revenue in 2017.

Inspirage Named NetSuite Alliance Newcomer of the Year Tue, 24 Apr 2018 19:00:34 +0000 Inspirage Honored with Award at SuiteWorld Las Vegas Tonight, Inspirage was honored with the NetSuite Alliance Newcomer of the Year […]]]>

Inspirage Honored with Award at SuiteWorld Las Vegas

Tonight, Inspirage was honored with the NetSuite Alliance Newcomer of the Year Award in Las Vegas, Nevada during the annual SuiteWorld Conference. While presenting the award, Greg West, Senior Vice President Global Alliances, NetSuite stated “this company joined the NetSuite alliance program in 2017 and have shown a steadfast commitment to making NetSuite a central pillar of their already successful Oracle practice.” He continued “Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has over 100 pre-built Oracle solutions, Inspirage has been a go-to partner for customers looking to integrate NetSuite with Oracle products such as Oracle Cloud WMS and PBCS. Logging over a million cloud fusion project hours, they have been committed to building out all of the necessary components to lay a strong foundation for a thriving NetSuite consulting practice in the years to come.”

Accepting the award, Kevin Creel, President, Business Strategy and Development stated that “We are honored to receive this prestigious award from NetSuite, and we will continue to build on the success that we have achieved this year – being a five time consecutive Oracle Excellence Award winner for Specialized Partner of the Year – we know that these milestones are an important part of getting to know you and are proud to be a part of providing our solutions to NetSuite as a trusted partner this year and in the years to come.”

Atul Jain, NetSuite Sr. Practice Director added, “With nearly 500 consultants delivering services in nearly 50 countries around the globe with our own IP, we were able to rapidly cross-train our consultants on NetSuite and work directly with the NetSuite sales team to land lighthouse accounts. We will remain committed to building out all of the necessary components to lay a strong foundation for a thriving NetSuite consulting practice in the years to come.”

# # #

About Inspirage: Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence. Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year and the 2017 NetSuite Alliance Newcomer of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia.

# # #

For further Analyst or Public Relations Contact:
Celeste White, Inspirage 855-517-4250 |

Inspirage Named as Major Player in Supply Chain Execution IDC MarketScape Mon, 16 Apr 2018 12:00:29 +0000 Supply Chain Execution IDC MarketScape Vendor Assessments Released  Inspirage has been positioned as a Major Player in two recent IDC […]]]>

Supply Chain Execution IDC MarketScape Vendor Assessments Released 

Inspirage has been positioned as a Major Player in two recent IDC MarketScape vendor assessments on Supply Chain Execution consulting.

The two Supply Chain Execution assessments include Inspirage’s success in logistics execution, business process outsourcing (BPO) and functional areas in systems integration.

The first report IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Manufacturing Supply Chain Execution Strategy Consulting 2017 Vendor Assessment outlines reasons for a vendor’s success in the manufacturing supply chain execution (SCE) strategy consulting marketplace. Inspirage is a Major Player in the IDC MarketScape for manufacturing supply chain execution strategy consulting. The report notes, “In a recent customer survey, 100% of Inspirage’s logistics management customers said they achieved their business goals when working with the firm’s team.” 1

“This report highlights several supply chain execution advisory services that have exceptional capabilities in the field of supply chain execution consulting,” says John Santagate, research director, IDC Manufacturing Insights’ Supply Chain Execution Practice. 2

The intent of the second IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Manufacturing Supply Chain Execution Systems Integration and Business Process Outsourcing 2017 Vendor Assessment is to focus on those notable vendors with a robust portfolio of capabilities across the broad range of manufacturing supply chain execution functional areas and the capability to support application management, deployment, integration, and process outsourcing for manufacturing organizations in the field of supply chain execution. 3

“…as far supply chain execution integrations of Oracle applications go, Inspirage knows its stuff. Inspirage’s team is built up with consultants that have deep supply chain experience in Oracle environments.” 4

“In the effort to evolve the manufacturing supply chain IT architecture, manufacturers must consider the role of systems integrators and business process outsourcing. They must look not only at the ability to effectively integrate off-the-shelf applications, but also the capacity for the SIs to support innovative digital initiatives. The purpose of this document is to present several companies that have the ability to follow the historical role of the SI and also those with a keen sense of digital innovation,” says John Santagate, research manager for IDC Manufacturing Insights’ Supply Chain Execution Practice. 5

Srini Subramanian, Inspirage CEO stated, “The positioning of Inspirage as a Major Player in these IDC MarketScapes on Supply Chain Execution represents one of the best evaluations of Inspirage when you consider our global capabilities and depth of knowledge. It highlights that we have the scale to be recognized by the IDC MarketScape for logistics consulting and managed services and that we make a positive impact in the Oracle marketplace. I would like to thank all of our employees for the service they provide our clients and for this recognition by the IDC MarketScape.

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About IDC MarketScape: IDC MarketScape vendor analysis model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT (information and communications technology) suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT and telecommunications vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360 degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors.

About Inspirage: Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence. Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia.

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For further Analyst or Public Relations Contact:
Celeste White, Inspirage 855-517-4250 |

1, 2, 3 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Manufacturing Supply Chain Execution Strategy Consulting 2017 Vendor Assessment Doc #US43310617, December 2017 

3, 4, 5 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Manufacturing Supply Chain Execution Systems Integration and Business Process Outsourcing 2017 Vendor Assessment Doc #US43311017, December 2017 


Inspirage Named as Major Player in Supply Chain Planning Vendor Assessments by IDC Tue, 20 Mar 2018 15:33:40 +0000 Supply Chain Planning IDC MarketScape Vendor Assessments Released  Inspirage has been positioned as a Major Player in two recent IDC […]]]>

Supply Chain Planning IDC MarketScape Vendor Assessments Released 

Inspirage has been positioned as a Major Player in two recent IDC MarketScape Worldwide Manufacturing Supply Chain vendor assessments in Supply Chain Planning.

The first report, IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Manufacturing Supply Chain Planning Strategy Consulting 2017 Vendor Assessment is a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the characteristics that explain a vendor’s success in the manufacturing supply chain planning (SCP) strategy consulting marketplace and can help assess current and anticipated performance in the marketplace. 1

Inspirage was assessed on capability and business strategy against other organizations with broad competencies in the manufacturing supply chain planning strategy consulting market. Based on IDC’s comprehensive framework and set of parameters expected to be most conducive to success in providing manufacturing organizations with guidance and advice on critical supply chain planning strategies in both the short term and long term, Inspirage was positioned as a Major Player in this IDC MarketScape for worldwide manufacturing supply chain planning strategy consulting, 2017. “The deep expertise and capabilities, relative to Oracle, make Inspirage a vendor to consider for manufacturers using or planning to use Oracle supply chain management applications.” 2

“The strategic challenges for the supply chain are broad and deep and ideally require an external business partner to help to think through the right opportunities and approaches.” says Simon Ellis, global VP for IDC Manufacturing Insights’ Supply Chain Strategies Practice. 3

Inspirage is also identified as a Major Player in the second related report IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Manufacturing Supply Chain Planning Business Process Outsourcing and IT Integration 2017 Vendor Assessment, “All Inspirage supply chain planning consultants are supply chain consultants with deep expertise. The firm has a management consulting practice that seamlessly links with its Oracle Solution Team.” 4

Srini Subramanian, Inspirage CEO stated, “We are pleased to be recognized and named as a Major Player in both IDC MarketScape reports for Supply Chain Planning this is tremendous recognition for the accomplishments and efforts of our consulting team. We continue to position our customers to achieve an integrated supply chain, and as such, have made major investments in the shift to the cloud, recertifying all our consultants in cloud technologies, as well as developing our own IP to support digital. I would like to thank all of our employees for the service they provide our clients and the IDC MarketScape for this recognition.”

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About IDC MarketScape: IDC MarketScape vendor analysis model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT (information and communications technology) suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT and telecommunications vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360 degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors.

About Inspirage: Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence. Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia.

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For further Analyst or Public Relations Contact:
Celeste White, Inspirage 855-517-4250 |

1, 2, 3 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Manufacturing Supply Chain Planning Strategy Consulting 2017 Vendor Assessment Doc #US43310317, December 2017

4 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Manufacturing Supply Chain Planning Business Process Outsourcing and IT Integration 2017 Vendor Assessment Doc #US43309817, December 2017

Inspirage Recognizes Companies for Supply Chain Excellence Mon, 05 Feb 2018 22:30:41 +0000 Ciena, GE Aviation, General Motors, Hologic Inc., James Avery Artisan Jewelry, Nahdi Medical Company and TEVA Pharmaceutical Industries Honored as Integrated […]]]>

Ciena, GE Aviation, General Motors, Hologic Inc., James Avery Artisan Jewelry, Nahdi Medical Company and TEVA Pharmaceutical Industries Honored as Integrated Supply Chain Partner of the Year


SAN JOSE, CA – February 5, 2018 – Inspirage announced seven recipients of its “2017 Integrated Supply Chain Partner of the Year” Awards during the Oracle Modern Supply Chain Experience in San Jose, Calif.

Each year, Inspirage recognizes the accomplishments of clients who exemplify the three pillars of achievement that are key to a successful project and lead towards improvements in creating an integrated supply chain:

  • Innovation – Award recipients have taken a unique approach to solve a business challenge
  • Transformation – Award recipients have driven business process and system improvements that deliver tangible results for their enterprises
  • Collaboration – Award recipients have demonstrated cross-functional teamwork across their organizations and with the Inspirage team

This year’s Inspirage “2017 Integrated Supply Chain Partner of the Year” winners are:

Consumer Packaged Goods & Retail

High Tech

  • Ciena

Industrial Manufacturing

Life Sciences

“Inspirage is proud to honor these innovative companies for their pioneering work in transforming the integrated supply chain,” said Inspirage CEO Srini Subramanian. “We are delighted to recognize this year’s winners, who all exceeded expectations through significant industry projects, achieving real agility, innovation and success for their companies.”



About Inspirage

Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia.

For more information, visit

For Further PR Information, Contact:

Celeste White, Inspirage
855-517-4250 •

Inspirage Fastest Growing Private Company: Puget Sound Business Journal Wed, 01 Nov 2017 19:38:26 +0000 Inspirage was featured in the Puget Sound Business Journal once again this year as a Faster Growing Private Company. This year, […]]]>

Inspirage was featured in the Puget Sound Business Journal once again this year as a Faster Growing Private Company. This year, Inspirage is ranked No. 77 of 100 on the list. As one of the 100 companies recognized as the Puget Sound Business Journal’s 2017 Fastest-Growing Private Companies Srini Subramanian, Inspirage’s CEO is quoted as saying:

“As far as Inspirage’s future is concerned, the cloud is terra firma.”


PSBJ Top 100

The article highlights Inspirage’s rise to success and discusses the strategy behind building a successful business model through market, product and industry knowledge, and contacts.

Echoing a recent video interview, Kevin Creel, President, Strategy and Business Development says:

“We had a trust in each other and a trust that we were going to make the right decisions in the future,” he said. “I don’t know if we imagined the scale, but we knew we weren’t going to fail.”

Inspirage Listed as a Representative Vendor by Gartner in Supply Chain Planning System Integrator Tue, 17 Oct 2017 21:18:58 +0000 Inspirage has once again been listed this year as a representative vendor for Supply Chain Planning System Integration, in the […]]]>

Inspirage has once again been listed this year as a representative vendor for Supply Chain Planning System Integration, in the annual research released by Gartner: “Market Guide for the Supply Chain Planning System Integrator Market¹,” by Research Analysts Amber Salley and Michael Dominy.

According to the report, when evaluating SCP SIs, companies should investigate the system integrators’ experience in SCP cloud deployments to ensure that they have structures in place to manage the condensed timelines of cloud implementations. In their research, Salley and Dominy noted regarding the marketplace, “The SCP system integrator (SI) market is composed of service providers that can configure, integrate, implement and upgrade SCP applications. SCP SIs may also offer additional services, ranging from strategic consulting to IT and business process outsourcing services. SIs make recommendations for process changes, and help with vendor selection and implementing the tools.” Inspirage is an Oracle Platinum Partner that has earned the new Oracle Cloud Select Partner designation. They have also been recognized multiple years standing by Oracle Corporation with numerous awards, including Specialized Partner of the Year awards for Asia Pacific and North American regions.

Salley and Dominy write “Boutiques are expanding their competencies in an effort to provide seamless E2E supply chain planning and close the traditional divide between those that focus on redesigning processes and those with deep technology expertise. Megavendors tend to have more separation internally between process and technology consultants, while boutiques generally have more internal collaboration between the process and system consulting sides.”² With our deep expertise across many modalities Inspirage is attentive of what customization and configuration of software is most advantageous for each industry and has a strong primary focus as a System Integrator by the following Industries: Consumer Products, Distributors/Wholesalers, High Tech, Industrial Discrete, and Life Sciences. Inspirage has made major investments in the shift to the cloud, recertifying all our consultants in cloud technologies, as well as developing our own IP to support digital.

Every year Gartner lists vendors with intention to provide more understanding of the market and its offerings. Inspirage customers have consistently ranked in the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25². Many of our customers have appeared on the list over the past the past three years, 10 of which have made the list three years in a row, 4 appearing twice and an additional 2 customers who joined its ranks for the first time this year.³

“We consider Gartner’s mention of Inspirage a direct reflection of the high expertise, IP and passion for excellence exhibited by our employees. We are very proud of our team,” said Srini Subramanian, Inspirage Chief Executive Officer. “As noted in the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25, many of our clients are large enterprises with markets and supply chains throughout the globe. Helping such clients requires the highest-level proficiency in system and business processes so we can effectively help them in their quest to improve their entire product innovation through supply chain planning and execution cycles as well as prepare them for the digital supply chain innovation revolution. We believe these are the type of clients that leverage Gartner research and we appreciate the many clients they shared their project experiences with for this study.”


1 – “Market Guide for Supply Chain Planning System Integrators Published: 10 October 2017 ID: G00315548 by Analyst(s): Amber Salley, Michael Dominy
2 – 2017, 2016, 2015, 2015, Gartner Top 25 Supply Chain ID: G00295801, ID: G00276456, ID: G00264011
3 – Gartner cannot confirm or deny the claims made by Inspirage regarding their customer base. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


About Inspirage
Inspirage is an integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence. Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – North America. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit

For Further AR or PR Information, Contact:
Celeste White, Inspirage
855-517-4250 •

Inspirage Featured in Supply Chain Management Review Wed, 11 Oct 2017 19:42:43 +0000 Inspirage was recently featured in an article posted by Supply Chain Management Review. The article highlights some of Inspirage’s most […]]]>

Inspirage was recently featured in an article posted by Supply Chain Management Review. The article highlights some of Inspirage’s most recent successes. First, Inspirage has achieved recognition as an Oracle Cloud Excellence Implementer (CEI) by the Oracle Partnernetwork for multiple regions. The new Oracle CEI program was announced by Oracle at Oracle Open World in San Francisco.

“This recognition as an Oracle CEI partner is significant as it requires a continued investment in consulting training, certification and proven successful customer deployments,” said Kevin Creel, President, Strategy and Business Development, Inspirage. The Oracle CEI program recognizes consulting partners that have achieved excellence in the deployment of Oracle Cloud solutions through consulting certifications and proven client success supporting specific regions. Inspirage was recognized for certification as part of the CEI program for Cloud ERP, SCM and Logistics applications in the North America, APAC and EMEA regions.

In addition, the article focused on the recent release of Inspriage’s 2017 Market Research Study. “The Future of the Integrated Supply Chain” Research Study leverages insight from how nearly 200 supply chain and IT executives are spending their time and money to transform their supply chains to become more competitive in the marketplace. The study revealed 3 key themes:

  • Outdated tools and systems coupled with a lack of integration are hampering company growth and preventing companies from being more responsive to market and customer demands
  • Sustainability has become a priority and strategic focus for most companies, but many are struggle to achieve their sustainability targets
  • Digital Transformation is also a key imperative for most companies, but efforts to achieve these goals remain elusive

Read the complete article:
Read Article

Inspirage Recognized in New Oracle Cloud Excellence Implementer Program Tue, 03 Oct 2017 21:17:44 +0000 Inspirage Achieves Certification for Oracle Cloud ERP and SCM Applications in North America, Asia Pacific and Europe, Middle East and Africa. ]]>

Inspirage Achieves Certification for Oracle Cloud ERP and SCM Applications in North America, Asia Pacific and Europe, Middle East and Africa.

BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON OCTOBER 3, 2017 — Inspirage has achieved recognition as an Oracle Cloud Excellence Implementer (CEI) by the Oracle Partnernetwork for multiple regions. The new Oracle CEI program was announced by Oracle at Oracle Open World on October 1, 2017. The Oracle CEI program recognizes consulting partners that have achieved excellence in the deployment of Oracle Cloud solutions through consulting certifications and proven client success supporting specific regions. Inspirage was recognized for certification as part of the CEI program for Cloud ERP, SCM and Logistics applications in the North America, APAC and EMEA regions.

“This recognition as an Oracle CEI partner is significant as it requires a continued investment in consulting training, certification and proven successful customer deployments,” said Kevin Creel, President, Strategy and Business Development, Inspirage. “Inspirage has many clients deploying the Oracle Cloud solutions across the globe. This recognition by Oracle helps our clients understand which consulting partners have invested to reach the highest level of readiness to deploy the Cloud applications. I wish to thank our consulting and Center of Excellence team for the effort and expertise they bring to our client projects and their years of training and investment.”

Inspirage is a Platinum Cloud Premier Partner in the Oracle Partnernetwork and has won multiple Oracle Cloud SCM Partner of the Year awards. Inspirage has trained and certified more than 300 consultants in the Oracle Cloud applications and plans to continue to participate in this program to support training and certification requirements. Participation in the program with ultimately help our clients deploy the Oracle Cloud products successfully.

View the full list and learn more about the CEI program:
Learn More

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About Inspirage
Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. For more information, visit

For Further PR Information, Contact:
Sarah Fahey, Inspirage
855-517-4250 •

Inspirage Application Managed Services Certified with ISO 27001:2013 Thu, 21 Sep 2017 20:08:03 +0000 Hyderabad, India — September 21, 2017 — Inspirage announced certification of ISO 27001:2013, specification for the Information Security Management System […]]]>

Hyderabad, India — September 21, 2017 Inspirage announced certification of ISO 27001:2013, specification for the Information Security Management System (ISMS), for the company’s Application Managed Services (AMS) business — based out of the Inspirage India offices. The accreditation covers the Information Security Management Systems within Inspirage, including  Application Managed Services at Bangalore, Hyderabad and Pune locations with multiple support functions, including Information Technology Support, Human Resources, Finance, Facilities,  Administration and Legal and Regulatory.

The certification of ISO 27001:2013 enables the Inspirage AMS team to assess security processes and systems, establishing a structured approach to classify and track assets — benefits include:

  • Safeguard Data and Intellectual Property — designed to identify, manage and reduce the range of threats to which customer information is regularly subjected.
  • Manages and Minimizes Risk Exposure — builds a culture of security within the organization, which plugs the holes for data breach.
  • Reduces Financial Implications of Data Loss — offers business continuity plans for effective service with minimal loss.
  • Asset Management — protects information often linked to multiple assets.
  • Security of Exchange of Information — Information exchange through secure channels, includes only authorized personnel and systems

“The implementation of a well-managed control framework, such as this, can reduce the likelihood of multiple information security incidents, ultimately paving the way for managing operational risks more effectively,” said Srini Subramanian, Chief Executive Officer, Inspirage. “We are extremely proud of our team’s accomplishments and excited for the opportunities this business critical certification will present for the AMS team located in our India offices and potentially beyond in the future.”

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About Inspirage

Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – North America. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit

Inspirage Wins Oracle Cloud Excellence Award FY 2017 Thu, 21 Sep 2017 19:39:32 +0000 2017 Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Partner of the Year – APACOracle Supply Chain Applications San Francisco, Calif. — October […]]]>

2017 Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Partner of the Year – APAC
Oracle Supply Chain Applications

San Francisco, Calif. — October 1, 2017 Oracle awarded Inspirage with its 2017 Oracle Excellence Award for Cloud Partner of the Year – APAC region for Supply Chain Management Applications at this year’s Oracle OpenWorld, San Francisco, California. The award recognizes Inspirage for the company’s commitment to deliver innovative, specialized solutions and services to the APAC region.

The award recognizes actions that Inspirage undertook within joint client engagements and implementations, and enhanced the Oracle products and services with its own capabilities to deliver tailored solutions that matched the client’s needs. Inspirage demonstrated outstanding and innovative solutions and services based on these Oracle products, expanding their business into new markets and demonstrating significant value add in a specific domain.

“With warmest thanks and gratitude to our partners, customers and employees, we’re honored to receive this prestigious award,” said Kevin Creel, President, Strategy and Business Development, Inspirage. “We are extremely proud of our team’s accomplishments, but more importantly, we’re even more excited about the future as we move to the cloud and embrace digital technologies in order to help our customers around the world transform their supply chains into the ultimate competitive advantage.”

The Oracle Excellence Awards encourages innovation by Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) members, who use Oracle’s products and technology to create value for customers. Inspirage is a Platinum Partner in the Oracle PartnerNetwork and has been recognized as a Cloud Premier Partner for Oracle.

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About Inspirage

Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – North America. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit


Inspirage in Inbound Logistics August Issue Thu, 07 Sep 2017 22:04:58 +0000 Inspirage Vice President, Global Management Consulting, Mo Khurana, recently sat down with Inbound Logistics Magazine to discuss results from our […]]]>

Inspirage Vice President, Global Management Consulting, Mo Khurana, recently sat down with Inbound Logistics Magazine to discuss results from our Integrated Supply Chain research study. According to the study, 80% of supply chain and IT executives see sustainability as a top priority for 2018 and beyond. Read more below and download the complete research study here!

Happy 10th Anniversary Wed, 06 Sep 2017 19:47:45 +0000 Today we mark our 10th Anniversary! It’s been quite a journey from our small, 3-person team in 2007 to our […]]]>

Today we mark our 10th Anniversary! It’s been quite a journey from our small, 3-person team in 2007 to our global team of 500 today. We want to thank everyone for their contributions including our customers, partners and especially all the Inspirage employees across the globe. Watch our Anniversary Video below and celebrate with us!

Inspirage Celebrates 10 Years of Supply Chain Innovation Wed, 06 Sep 2017 18:37:18 +0000 BELLEVUE, WA – September 6, 2017 – Today, Inspirage, the integrated supply chain specialist firm, celebrates the company’s 10-year anniversary. […]]]>

BELLEVUE, WA – September 6, 2017 – Today, Inspirage, the integrated supply chain specialist firm, celebrates the company’s 10-year anniversary. The Inspirage team developed a multi-layered marketing and communications campaign to celebrate and thank our employees, customers and partners across the globe.

In celebration of this important milestone, Inspirage published a new interactive timeline on the company’s website that highlights its growth from a lean organization, comprised of three former Oracle product experts with an idea, to a well respected professional services firm with nearly 500 employees worldwide.

Click here to view our new interactive timeline

Here’s a look at a few of our top accomplishments over the past 10 years:

  • 2007 – Filed incorporation papers and exhibited at our first Oracle OpenWorld
  • 2009 – Opened first office in India
  • 2011 – Awarded two Oracle North America Titan awards
  • 2012 – Opened first office in EMEA
  • 2012 – Launched Logistics Management practice
  • 2012 – Signed on as co-development partner with Oracle for Oracle Fusion (Cloud) Supply Chain Management (SCM) Applications
  • 2013 – Launched Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) practice
  • 2014 – Awarded first of 3 consecutive Oracle Specialized Partner of the Year Awards for North America
  • 2015 – Announced partnership with LogFire (now Oracle’s Cloud WMS offering)
  • 2016 – Launched Cloud Center of Excellence (CoE)
  • 2016 – Launched major rebrand confirming our position as THE Integrated Supply Chain specialists
  • 2017 – Celebrates 10th year in business

“With warmest thanks and gratitude to each and every one of our employees, customers and partners, we’re proud to celebrate our tenth year in business,” said Inspirage CEO Srini Subramanian. “We are extremely proud of our accomplishments, but more importantly, we’re even more excited about the future as we move to the cloud and embrace digital technologies in order to help our customers around the world transform their supply chains into the ultimate competitive advantage.


About Inspirage

Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – North America. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit

For Further PR Information, Contact:

Sarah Fahey, Inspirage
855-517-4250 •

Oracle shines as leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant Wed, 23 Aug 2017 17:00:28 +0000 Oracle ranked as a leader for Cloud ERP in Gartner's Magic Quadrant. What does this mean for your organization?]]>

Research firm Gartner releases its series of Magic Quadrant annual reports ranking companies related to specific technology industries. The methodology scores vendor positions in four quadrants: leaders, challengers, visionaries and niche players. Organizations are rated on completeness of vision and ability to execute, resources to sustain continued growth, innovative product delivery and/or narrow focus on specific market segments. Needless to say, the providers that are listed in the report are true examples of where the market is headed and what is required to be successful.

Oracle was named a leader in Gartner’s 2017 “Magic Quadrant for Cloud Core Financial Management Suites for Midsize, Large and Global Enterprises” report. Oracle ERP Cloud, in particular, was positioned highest for completeness of vision and ability to execute out of 11 evaluated products. Let’s take a closer look at what this means for the organization and how it will continue to evolve.

Driving transformation and innovation

Modern organizations are looking for more out of their systems than ever before, along with the support necessary to ensure that issues are addressed right away. Rondy Ng, senior vice president of applications development at Oracle, noted that Oracle ERP Cloud is the only enterprise-grade solution that currently offers the features and innovations necessary to meet demanding business needs. This includes capabilities like real-time insights, lower costs, increased productivity, scalability and improved security. Oracle’s solutions are enabling businesses to react and grow in hyper-competitive environments, making it a true leader in its space as well as a solid partner that commits to its customers’ success.

Oracle has been making strategic moves over the past few years to improve the familiarity and simplicity of use in its systems, making their products more accessible to a wider audience. At the same time, the organization has been pushing to enable transformation and innovation by providing a comprehensive solution that enables better resource planning. Organizations should keep Oracle in their radar as the business continues to advance and evolve its products.

Oracle was named a leader in Gartner's Magic Quadrant.Oracle was named a leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant.


Work to integrate acquisitions and provide quality service

Gartner’s ranking is certainly a major achievement under Oracle’s belt, but that doesn’t mean that the work is over. Businesses are compelled to continue innovating by evolving products and acquiring other entities to complement their offerings while better serving customer needs. In November 2016, Oracle acquired cloud application developer NetSuite, aiming to expand the opportunities for both organizations. However, these Cloud ERP products had previously competed in overlapping markets causing confusion on which product may be best for a specific client.

While Oracle is creating policies to address this challenge, it can still be difficult for customers to know what solution is right for them. CRN contributor Joseph F. Kovar noted that there’s little overlap between the two companies’ product sets and that the solutions have different targets. Guidelines and attributes are being put into place to determine the best product to fit client needs and ensure continuous support.

As adoption of Oracle ERP Cloud continues to escalate, implementation skills and resources might be limited in some areas. As a result, these capabilities will attract premium pricing as the volume of integrations increase. Oracle is investing heavily in partner training to ensure that its resellers and associates provide the necessary support. The number of capable consultants is also steadily increasing to accommodate this demand.

Oracle has established itself as a leader in its field, but its ranking as a leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant goes to show that its efforts are making a big impact. As Oracle continues to advance its offerings and integrate acquired partner capabilities, it will be important for organizations to keep up with these developments and leverage them effectively.

Doing the Right Things Right: Benchmarking Thu, 17 Aug 2017 17:00:40 +0000 Now is the time to start doing the right things when leveraging benchmarking solutions.]]>

Supply chain operations generate a significant amount of data every step of the way. Organizations that don’t take advantage of this information are missing out on important insights and the potential to improve their processes. If you do not currently measure essential metrics within your supply chain, now is the time to start doing the right things when leveraging benchmarking solutions.

Ignorance is not bliss

Information is king for modern businesses, so organizations would be remiss to ignore the data within their supply chains or only focus on one aspect of the operation. Do you know how your end-to-end supply chain performs against your competitors? How do your key components perform, and are there any KPIs set to drive improvements? If you cannot answer these questions, you could be missing out on significant business advancement opportunities.

Benchmarking will deliver the quality information that you need to help improve supply chain performance amid cross-functional, enterprise, geographic and global complexities. This type of service will tell you how to enhance processes with your current resources, taking into account how your company is performing and how much potential for development it holds. Organization leaders can no longer sit by and expect their supply chains to simply work for them. They must actively analyze the data and use its insights to make real improvements.

Benchmarking will be important for improving supply chain operations.Benchmarking will be important for improving supply chain operations.


Understand the different benchmarking types

Organizations should typically use a combination of three types of benchmarking: internal, external and competitive. According to The Balance contributor Martin Murray, internal benchmarking enables a company with multiple facilities within the same supply chain to compare how processes are performed in those locations. This could be useful for manufacturers that have buildings set up across the nation. External benchmarking takes a company outside of its own industry to expose them to different methods that will help improve their internal processes. Lastly, businesses can use competitive benchmarking to identify strengths and weaknesses of their processes based on those of their competitors.

All of this information will be necessary for organizations to bolster their performance and identify where efficiencies can be made. Benchmarking studies might include financial analysis, product comparisons and strategic observations of how other companies compete. Using a combination of these components and the three different benchmarking study types, organizations can acquire a more comprehensive view of their supply chain and better identify ways that it can be improved.

Establish a benchmarking frequency

Information that you collected a year or two ago might have been useful at those times, but won’t necessarily apply to current needs. Harvard Business School contributor David Stauffer noted that a one shot or annual process will be unlikely to gain continuing commitment to improvement, while monthly benchmarking can turn managers into slaves of the numbers. Organizations should find a happy medium in frequency of benchmarking reports. Quarterly benchmarking might be the best solution as operators are used to working with reports in those timeframes.

It’s important to note that some processes might need to be benchmarked at different frequencies in order to keep up with the speed of business and maintain accurate information. Take stock of your supply chain processes and establish a routine benchmarking study that makes sense for your setup.

“Yes, it’s likely that you’ll best benchmark different processes at different frequencies, perhaps ranging from as often as weekly to as seldom as once every few years,” Stauffer wrote. “But experts add that frequency, in general, is increasing, because the speed of business is increasing, and also because the rankings of best-practices companies are changing at an ever-faster pace.”

Benchmarking is becoming an important part of improving supply chain performance and mitigating challenges. INsights Benchmarking from Inspirage will provide a number of benefits like understanding how you’re performing relative to your competitors, monitoring performance between product lines, instilling accountability and standardizing processes across the organization. For more information on how benchmarking can help you do the right things right, contact Inspirage today.

Inspirage Ranked Among Fastest Growing Companies by Inc. Magazine for Fourth Year in a Row Wed, 16 Aug 2017 22:14:34 +0000 BELLEVUE, WA – August 16, 2017 –  Inc. magazine has ranked Inspirage, the integrated supply chain specialist firm, as one […]]]>

BELLEVUE, WA – August 16, 2017 –  Inc. magazine has ranked Inspirage, the integrated supply chain specialist firm, as one of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. Inspirage ranked No. 3185 in this year’s 36th annual Inc. 5000, tallying a 102% growth rate over a three-year period.

The magazine’s 36th annual Inc. 5000 is the most prestigious ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. The list represents a unique look at the most successful companies within the American economy’s most dynamic segment— its independent small businesses.

“With warmest thanks and gratitude, we’re honored to be named as one of the fastest-growing private companies on the prestigious Inc. 5000, with four years of growth year over year,” said Srini Subramanian, Chief Executive Officer. “We are extremely proud of our accomplishments, but more importantly, we’re excited to see what the future holds as we move to the Cloud and embrace digital technologies, helping our customers around the world transform their supply chains into the ultimate competitive advantage.”

The 2017 Inc. 5000, unveiled online at is the most competitive crop to date — those named have created value and jobs — 619,631 of them with $200 billion in revenue — over the last three years. Complete results of the Inc. 5000, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, region, and other criteria, can be found at


About Inspirage

Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – North America. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit

OTM SIG 2017 Wrap Up Thu, 10 Aug 2017 17:00:27 +0000 The 2017 Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Users Conference, held earlier this week in Philadelphia was a success! OTM SIG is […]]]>

The 2017 Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Users Conference, held earlier this week in Philadelphia was a success! OTM SIG is THE place for OTM clients and Oracle representatives to connect and share. Current and prospective OTM software users gained valuable insight into current features and future upgrades.

Highlights for the Inspirage team included:

  • Inspirage was proud to be invited as a returning platinum sponsor of the 2017 Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Users Conference.
  • The Inspirage Logistics Management team was in full force at our booth, offering insights from some of the most seasoned Oracle Transportation Management, Global Trade Management and G-Log experts in the industry.
  • Along with our customers, the Inspirage team co-presented on some of the more popular sessions during the show, including:
    • On-Prem To Cloud Journey (KapStone)
    • Fixed Routing Using OTM Ground Schedules for Inbound Logistics in Auto Industry – Where it Helps? Where it Hurts? (General Motors)
    • High Volume Parcel Settlement with OTM Cloud (Avon)
  • Additionally, Inspirage customers and partners enjoyed an evening of cocktails and bites at the highly anticipated invite-only reception at the Continental.

OTM SIG Inspirage

What is the OTM SIG?

The OTM SIG is a special interest group of OAUG focused on Oracle’s Transportation Management (OTM) software. This users group was formed so that OTM users can link up to exchange knowledge and best practices about technical and business issues, and address critical logistics and information requirements across global supply chains.

The OTM SIG has developed a unique forum to incorporate the strength of the TMS tool and the knowledge base of our diverse business groups. Together members share configuration ideas and promote an opportunity for independent success and growth. Specific goals for the group include:

  • Enhance members’ skills by sharing technical and functional ideas
  • Increase the technical advantage of members’ business or organization
  • Grant access to a growing network of peers
  • Compile and voice collective feedback to Oracle about their products, services and policies
Inspirage Named to 2017 CRN Fast Growth 150 List Wed, 09 Aug 2017 19:05:52 +0000 List Recognizes Thriving Solution Providers in the IT Channel   BELLEVUE, WA – August 9, 2017 – Inspirage, the integrated […]]]>

List Recognizes Thriving Solution Providers in the IT Channel


BELLEVUE, WA – August 9, 2017 – Inspirage, the integrated supply chain specialist firm, announced that CRN, a brand of The Channel Company, has named Inspirage to its 2017 Fast Growth 150 list. The list is CRN’s annual ranking of North America-based technology integrators, solution providers and IT consultants with gross sales of at least $1 million that have experienced significant economic growth over the past two years. The 2017 list is based on gains in gross revenue between 2014 and 2016, and the companies recognized represent a total, combined revenue of more than $16,717,688,643.

“With our ongoing accomplishments and success in the complex supply chain marketplace, particularly with our proficiency in Cloud based solutions, we continue to expand our high expertise consulting practice.” said Srini Subramanian, Chief Executive Officer. “I would like to thank our employees spanning the globe in North America, Europe and Asia, and our strong partnership with Oracle, which allows us to focus on customer successes. Our growth is the direct results of their efforts.”

CRN Fast Growth 150

“The companies on CRN’s 2017 Fast Growth 150 list are thriving in what is now a very tumultuous, demanding IT channel climate,” said Robert Faletra, CEO of The Channel Company. “This remarkable group of solution providers has successfully adapted to a landmark industry shift away from the traditional VAR business model to a more services-driven approach, outpacing competitors and emerging as true channel leaders. We congratulate each of the Fast Growth 150 honorees and look forward to their continued success.”

The complete Fast Growth 150 list is highlighted in the August issue of CRN and can be viewed online at


About Inspirage

Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – North America. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit

About the Channel Company

The Channel Company enables breakthrough IT channel performance with our dominant media, engaging events, expert consulting and education, and innovative marketing services and platforms. As the channel catalyst, we connect and empower technology suppliers, solution providers and end users. Backed by more than 30 years of unequaled channel experience, we draw from our deep knowledge to envision innovative new solutions for ever-evolving challenges in the technology marketplace.

Inspirage Wins Oracle Cloud Excellence Award FY 2017 Tue, 01 Aug 2017 22:39:43 +0000 2017 Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Partner of the Year – ASEAN Oracle Supply Chain Applications Hyderabad, India — August 1, […]]]>

2017 Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Partner of the Year – ASEAN
Oracle Supply Chain Applications

Hyderabad, India — August 1, 2017 — Oracle awarded Inspirage with its 2017 Oracle Excellence Award for Cloud Partner of the Year – ASEAN region for Supply Chain Management Applications at this year’s Oracle ASEAN Partner Summit, Bangkok. The award recognizes Inspirage for the company’s commitment to deliver innovative, specialized solutions and services to the ASEAN region.

The Oracle Excellence Awards encourages innovation by Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) members, who use Oracle’s products and technology to create value for customers. Inspirage is a Platinum Partner in the Oracle PartnerNetwork and has been recognized as a Cloud Premier Partner for Oracle.

“With warmest thanks and gratitude to our partners, customers and employees, we’re honored to receive this prestigious award,” said Kevin Creel, President, Strategy and Business Development, Inspirage. “We are extremely proud of our team’s accomplishments, but more importantly, we’re even more excited about the future as we move to the cloud and embrace digital technologies in order to help our customers around the world transform their supply chains into the ultimate competitive advantage.”

The award recognizes actions that Inspirage undertook within joint client engagements and implementations, and enhanced the Oracle products and services with its own capabilities to deliver tailored solutions that matched the client’s needs. Inspirage demonstrated outstanding and innovative solutions and services based on these Oracle products, expanding their business into new markets and demonstrating significant value add in a specific domain.

About Inspirage

Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – North America. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit

About Oracle PartnerNetwork 

Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) is Oracle’s partner program that provides partners with a differentiated advantage to develop, sell and implement Oracle solutions. OPN offers resources to train and support specialized knowledge of Oracle’s products and solutions and has evolved to recognize Oracle’s growing product portfolio, partner base and business opportunity. Key to the latest enhancements to OPN is the ability for partners to be recognized and rewarded for their investment in Oracle Cloud. Partners engaging with Oracle will be able to differentiate their Oracle Cloud expertise and success with customers through the OPN Cloud program – an innovative program that complements existing OPN program levels with tiers of recognition and progressive benefits for partners working with Oracle Cloud. To find out more visit:

Trademarks: Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Number of Inspirage Employees Tops 500 Fri, 30 Jun 2017 19:38:54 +0000 Today we officially have over 500 employees! Our employees are located all over the world – on almost everyone continent […]]]>

Today we officially have over 500 employees! Our employees are located all over the world – on almost everyone continent and in every timezone. Without their teamwork and commitment, we wouldn’t be able to succeed. Learn more about those accomplishments our team is most proud of and what makes us click – everything from synergy to collaboration, as well as opportunities and relationships built along the way.

Oracle Demantra 12.2.3 Java Critical Patch Tue, 28 Mar 2017 18:00:53 +0000 Oracle is planning to release a Critical Patch Update for Java on April 18, 2017. Users should be aware that […]]]>

Oracle is planning to release a Critical Patch Update for Java on April 18, 2017. Users should be aware that this update will render Demantra versions 12.2.3 and earlier inaccessible unless the actions provided here are followed.

Note that if the Java settings on the client are configured for automatic updates, then the Java April Critical Patch Update will be applied automatically. If this occurs without taking the actions listed here, then users will not be able to access Demantra versions 12.2.3 and earlier.

Customers running Oracle Demantra versions 12.2.3 or earlier will need to take these actions regarding the Java April Critical Patch. (Customers running Demantra 12.2.4 or later will not be affected.)


Customers running Demantra versions 12.2.3 or earlier that apply the Java April Critical Patch Update without replacing the existing JAR files in their Demantra instance with new JAR files that have been signed using the SHA-256 algorithm will likely get a Security Warning after applying the Java April Critical Patch Update. The Security Warning will state that an unsigned application is requesting permission to run. Although the Security Warning gives the impression that if you choose “Run” the application will run, this is not the case. If you choose “Run” you will still encounter errors with the Java applet.

Temporary Workarounds

Note we have provided temporary workarounds.


Customers running Demantra versions 12.2.3 and earlier must take action to obtain new JAR files in order to prevent users from not being able to access the Demantra application after the April Critical Patch Update for Java is applied. This patch can be applied at any point in time. However, in order to avoid users not being able to access the Demantra application, it should be applied before applying the Java April Critical Patch.


Inspirage Chief Security Officer Discusses Mobile Security with BizTech Magazine Tue, 07 Mar 2017 01:50:32 +0000   Read the complete article on the BizTech website. Read more Inspirage Chief Security Officer Norm Messenger recently sat down with […]]]>

Read the complete article on the BizTech website.

Read more

Inspirage Chief Security Officer Norm Messenger recently sat down with CDW’s BizTech Magazine to discuss how the integrated supply chain specialists embrace the Cloud to keep 500+ employees safe wherever they roam around the globe.

“Managing and securing employee-owned and corporate mobile devices in a traditional office environment is complex enough, but what if a company is growing rapidly? What if it owns no technology infrastructure? What if most employees work remotely — throughout the U.S. and abroad?

That’s the dilemma Inspirage Chief Security Officer Norm Messenger faced as his firm grew from a 40-person startup to a 525-employee global consulting powerhouse over the last six years.

Inspirage, which has a small headquarters in Bellevue, Wash., and three offices in India, deploys supply chain management software for some of the world’s biggest companies. Its consultants work onsite at customer locations in 40 countries and rely on notebook computers. Mobile security is paramount for dealing with sensitive customer data.

To manage its notebooks and meet customer security requirements, Messenger and his IT team recently turned to the cloud. First, they installed Active Directory in the cloud to authenticate users. Then Inspirage deployed VMware AirWatch, cloud-based enterprise mobility management (EMM) software to enforce security policies.”

Inspirage Recognizes Companies for Excellence in Integrated Supply Chain Tue, 07 Mar 2017 01:23:19 +0000 BELLEVUE, WA – Inspirage presented ten recipients of its “2016 Integrated Supply Chain Partner of the Year” Awards during the Oracle […]]]>

BELLEVUE, WA – Inspirage presented ten recipients of its “2016 Integrated Supply Chain Partner of the Year” Awards during the Oracle Modern Supply Chain Experience in San Jose, California.

Each year, Inspirage identifies those clients who exemplify the three pillars of achievement that are key to a successful project and lead towards improvements in creating an integrated supply chain:

  • Innovation – Award recipients have taken a unique approach to solve a business challenge
  • Transformation – Award recipients have driven business process and system improvements that deliver tangible results for their enterprises
  • Collaboration – Award recipients have demonstrated cross-functional teamwork across their organizations and with the Inspirage team

This year’s Inspirage “2016 Integrated Supply Chain Partner of the Year” winners are:

Consumer Packaged Goods & Retail

  • Godrej UK Limited – Supply Chain Management

High Tech

  • Advanced Micro Devices – Innovation Management
  • ARRIS International plc – Innovation Management
  • Diodes – Innovation Management
  • NCR Corporation – Supply Chain Management
  • ON Semiconductor – Innovation Management

Industrial Manufacturing

  • GE Aviation Unison – Supply Chain Management
  • GE Power – Supply Chain Management
  • GKN Driveline, Redditch – Supply Chain Management

Life Sciences

“Inspirage is proud to honor these innovative companies for their pioneering work in transforming the integrated supply chain,” said Inspirage CEO Srini Subramanian. “We are delighted to recognize this year’s winners, who all exceeded expectations through significant industry projects, achieving real agility, innovation and success.”

About Inspirage

Inspirage is an integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – North America. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit

Inspirage accelerates growth in Europe with OTM & GTM in the Cloud Fri, 24 Feb 2017 20:40:40 +0000 Sponsorship of next OTM User Conference in Amsterdam to mark new milestone as company wins new OTM & GTM Cloud customers […]]]>

Sponsorship of next OTM User Conference in Amsterdam to mark new milestone as company wins new OTM & GTM Cloud customers

Dublin, IE – February 24, 2017 – Inspirage, the integrated supply chain specialist firm, is well known in the Oracle SCM community globally and has become a trusted and awarded Partner for Oracle in the SCM space. As part of its European development, Inspirage announced today a new initiative focused on the Logistics Management domain. This comes in addition to a new European initiative announced on January 17th in the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) space.

Building on the success of its Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) practice in North America and in Asia with 100+ customers, including major car manufactures, oil and gas producers, electronic companies, consumer goods companies and medical device manufactures, Inspirage is expanding their investment in Europe with a complete Logistics practice driven from the Netherlands and the UK.

As of today, Karthik Venkataraman – now based in Amsterdam – is the new Inspirage Logistics practice leader for Europe. Karthik has been part of many a success stories at Inspirage and brings with him the extensive Solution and Delivery experience over last 10+ years all in the Logistics management and Warehouse Management space. Inspirage is committed to growing the Logistics practice in Europe significantly and Karthik will be instrumental in these efforts in his new role. As always, the implementation projects done by the Inspirage team of consultants are delivered using global talent pool involving principals in Europe, India and North America – in tune with customer’s deployment project needs globally.

Additionally, keeping pace with Inspirage tradition of continuous Innovation, Inspirage has launched a collaboration with Zenkraft, a technology company that builds applications for shipping solutions. This collaboration of business solution and technology will help customers optimize parcel freight spends specifically benefiting customers that have deployed or are in the process of deploying Oracle OTM solutions in the Cloud or On premise.

Simultaneously, Inspirage will be a Platinum Sponsor for the OTM User Conference which takes place in Amsterdam on March 8-10. Each year this conference gathers representatives from virtually all the OTM customers in Europe, irrespective of the consulting firm they work with. This year’s conference will largely focus on how to expand with OTM in the Cloud in addition or in replacement of an OTM On Premise installation. More information regarding the Zenkraft collaboration will also be available in the OTM User Conference Pavilion. Inspirage was an early adopter of Oracle Cloud strategic directions, embarked as a co-developer of several Oracle SCM solutions and was awarded a 2016 Excellence Award by Oracle, for the proven capacity to deploy Oracle SCM solutions in production to industry prominent customers. At the Amsterdam OTM User Conference, Inspirage will focus on its rapid implementation approach for OTM Cloud, best practices for migration to Cloud and the new mobility application for OTM users.

“For Oracle customers who need a robust and efficient Logistics Management environment, it is critical to understand the new level of efficiency they can get with OTM Cloud and how fast we can now implement this solution out-of-the-box.” states Denis Senpere, Vice President Business Development and Sales Strategy, Inspirage Europe. “Inspirage is leading the way globally and the new investments we are doing in Europe will further accelerate our customer success and our regional growth.”

Bob Hart, Vice President of Logistics Management at Inspirage,  will introduce one of the recent Inspirage customers of OTM Cloud, the Nahdi Medical Company, from Saudi Arabia. Mohamed Al-Sayed, Regional Operations Manager at Nahdi, will present details on Nahdi’s ambitious OTM project to better serve 60 million customers across 75 cities and 400+ pharmacies in the Middle East.

In addition, Inspirage will be discussing their Rapid Value Program which takes a value-based approach to project planning to help customers realize optimal value from Oracle products quickly. The program combines value-based product planning with modular, building block-style installation. The modular approach means flexible solutions tailored to clients’ needs. The Rapid Value approach offers fast installation and ongoing updates as new Oracle product versions are released. The building blocks start with Rapid Value accelerators, the accelerators are used to reduce the timeline and cost of implementations. Then accelerators are brought together into strategic groupings to form Rapid Value modules. Modules are developed for specific business needs. When modules are brought together into Rapid Value Packages they offer a complete OTM solution for both cloud and on-site installations.


About Inspirage
Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.
Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia.

For Further PR Information
Contact: Celeste White, Inspirage
+1 855-517-4250 •

Inspirage Introduces M-Cubed Program for ERP Cloud Fri, 10 Feb 2017 18:20:31 +0000   Bellevue, WA – In 2016, Inspirage conducted a major market research study of over 200 business and IT executives looking […]]]>


Measure Migrate Manage

Bellevue, WA – In 2016, Inspirage conducted a major market research study of over 200 business and IT executives looking into their perceptions of moving to the Cloud. While most executives recognize the business imperatives of modernizing their IT structure, there were three major concerns holding them back: rapid value return on investment, integration and agility. Inspirage now offers a comprehensive ERP Cloud in 90 Days program to address these obstacles for companies to quickly respond to a changing marketplace.

This program was developed by Inspirage’s Cloud Center of Excellence and consulting leaders leveraging extensive industry experience, lessons learned from Cloud implementations, and a long standing history as an Oracle Cloud Co-Development Partner since 2012. M-Cubed was designed to address these client concerns by offering three core solutions: Measure, Migrate and Manage.

“We have developed this exciting program to help our customers achieve their business goals in record time. In order for businesses to build a case for change they need to measure their current state, thus our INsights Benchmarking Service,” states Srini Subramanian, CEO, Inspirage, “our next innovative offering is, iHub Cloud Service, now in it’s fourth generation, it includes pre-built, two-way integrations from both Oracle and non-Oracle applications to Oracle Cloud. Finally, in order to help manage Cloud deployments, we offer a Rapid Value 90 program to help customers deploy Oracle Cloud applications in 90 days or less and provide an enhanced Managed Services offering to deliver continued support after customers go live.”

How do we know if business improved after implementing this solution?

The first obstacle of building a business case for technology transformation initiatives is for our client’s initial need to measure their current state in order to understand the ROI of their future state. Inspirage’s INsights Benchmarking service helps companies accomplish this critical business requirement.

The Inspirage research study showed that while executives intuitively believe that the Cloud will help them reduce costs, improve operational efficiencies and improve customer service levels, they lack tangible data to build a business case around these measures. Now, Inspirage’s INsights Benchmarking service can help identify areas for improvement, value from achieving these results and opportunities to compare to industry standards. The INsights Benchmarking is a 2 to 3 week initiative that allows customers to identify opportunities and set quantifiable targets for improvements.

We have multiple systems and even homegrown databases.  How can we easily integrate them into one system without spending a lot of time and effort?

The second challenge companies anticipate in moving to the cloud is related to integration issues. Inspirage recently launched the 4th generation iHub Cloud Service (iHub CS), as a unified platform to migrate data. This platform is designed to manage integrations across mixtures of on-premise and Cloud-based solutions, including big data, mobile and IoT devices without the hassles and complexities of traditional integration platforms.

Respondents to the Inspirage Cloud study chose lack of system integration as the top obstacle to them achieving their supply chain organization goals and objectives. Moreover, other top concerns are arguably also integration-related such as Forecast Accuracy and Demand, Problems with Data Integrity, and a Lack of Visibility Across Supply Chain. These integration obstacle hamper efforts to do more strategic work within the supply chain organization.

Whether businesses are dealing with on-prem to on-prem, or on-prem to Cloud, or Cloud to Cloud, integration is sometimes the largest element of any IT initiative. Not only are integrations difficult to build in the first place, but they need to be scalable respond to system updates and upgrades, and also must be flexible enough to connect with new systems in the future. iHub CS offers pre-built integrations from non-Oracle applications to the Oracle Cloud and the reverse.

How can we implement this solution fast, but without compromising the business value?

Finally, companies need an agile plan to manage system implementations and deploy and maintain them over time. The Rapid Value 90 program gets businesses live on Oracle Cloud applications in 90 days or less and Inspirage has optimized their highly regarded Managed Services practice to help businesses maintain and improve on their Cloud solutions after they go live.

Business and IT leaders want solutions that not only can be deployed quickly but are also easy to maintain. The study found that leaders are looking to deploy Cloud solutions extremely quickly, while maintaining a flexible solution that responds to constantly changing business and technology conditions. To address this need, Inspirage configured their proven Rapid Value and Applications Managed Services (AMS) offerings for a number of Oracle ERP Cloud applications, which can be implemented in 90 Days or less.

About Inspirage: Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence. Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit

For Further PR Information
Contact: Celeste White, Inspirage
855-517-4250 •

Inspirage achieves Oracle Financials Cloud Specialization Thu, 09 Feb 2017 21:51:25 +0000 Bellevue, WA – Today, Inspirage announced that in addition to their Oracle Procurement Cloud Specialization and Oracle Supply Chain Management Specialization […]]]>

Bellevue, WA – Today, Inspirage announced that in addition to their Oracle Procurement Cloud Specialization and Oracle Supply Chain Management Specialization they have achieved a corresponding offering to the Overall Platinum Partner Cloud Select designation: the newly minted Financials Cloud Specialization.

Inspirage, a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), is a global consulting services firm specializing in the implementation and support of advanced systems for supply chain management and guiding clients through building integrated and responsive business processes across their supply chains.

The Oracle Financials Cloud Specialization recognizes Inspirage as being proficient in advising clients and implementing Oracle Financials Cloud, a complete financial management solution, with native, real-time intelligence. By achieving this specialization, Inspirage is differentiated in the marketplace through proven expertise in Oracle Financials Cloud.

“Oracle Financials Cloud Specialization is an esteemed classification,” commented Kevin Creel, President of Inspirage. “It validates that Inspirage has made the investments in solution expertise that customers seek in order to revolutionize productivity and information access that allows finance teams to be more productive.”

Oracle Financials Cloud offers a broad suite of modules and capabilities designed to empower modern finance and deliver customer success with streamlined processes, increased productivity and improved business decisions. Oracle Financials Cloud is a complete, modern suite delivering continuous innovation in key technologies such as mobile, social and analytics deployed in the cloud to achieve more, faster, and with less resources.

About Inspirage: Inspirage is an integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence. Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit

About Oracle PartnerNetwork Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) is Oracle’s partner program that provides partners with a differentiated advantage to develop, sell and implement Oracle solutions. OPN offers resources to train and support specialized knowledge of Oracle’s products and solutions and has evolved to recognize Oracle’s growing product portfolio, partner base and business opportunity. Key to the latest enhancements to OPN is the ability for partners to be recognized and rewarded for their investment in Oracle Cloud. Partners engaging with Oracle will be able to differentiate their Oracle Cloud expertise and success with customers through the OPN Cloud program – an innovative program that complements existing OPN program levels with tiers of recognition and progressive benefits for partners working with Oracle Cloud. To find out more visit:

Trademarks: Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

For Further PR Information
Contact: Celeste White, Inspirage

Inspirage Establishes Cloud-Based End-to-End Infrastructure Fri, 20 Jan 2017 20:30:36 +0000   Inspirage created a platform for transforming business processes with Oracle Cloud Solutions. From marketing through sales, finance, and project […]]]>

Inspirage created a platform for transforming business processes with Oracle Cloud Solutions. From marketing through sales, finance, and project management, Inspirage has set a course to reduce the number of systems from 16 down to five. These efforts to simplify and reduce IT management burden and costs has allowed IT to focus on strategic projects that advance the business.

Inspirage looked to Oracle’s Cloud offerings to build a complete, end-to-end solution. Rolling out five cloud solutions concurrently created a unique challenge, so Inspirage leveraged their own Rapid Value Implementation Methodology to simplify and speed up the process.

Inspirage’s rapidly growing business was no longer supported by disparate legacy applications. The Oracle Cloud solution provided Inspirage with a comprehensive platform for extending insight that supported more strategic business decisions and improved productivity of business across the globe.

Rather than trying to continually modify their legacy systems that was not designed to work together, Inspirage looked at Oracle Cloud applications since they knew they would offer a flexible, secure, and scalable solution that could be implemented quickly.

Inspirage and ICP Solution Join Forces to Provide Oracle PLM and SCM Cloud Tue, 17 Jan 2017 17:24:11 +0000 Accelerating the introduction of Oracle solutions in the Industrial Manufacturing market in Europe   Dublin, IE – January 17th , […]]]>

Accelerating the introduction of Oracle solutions in the
Industrial Manufacturing market in Europe

Dublin, IE – January 17th , 2017 – Inspirage, the integrated supply chain specialist firm and ICP Solution GmbH, an expert provider of project services in PLM for Industrial Manufacturing, announced the signature of a partnership focused on Product Lifecycle Management for Industrial Manufacturing using Oracle PLM solutions, and the implementation of a specific program together with Oracle to accelerate the introduction of Oracle Product Lifecycle Management and Supply Chain Management Cloud solutions in the Industrial Manufacturing market in Europe.

“For Oracle customers in this industry, this unique combination of domain knowledge, solution/technology expertise and Cloud experience provides a tremendous advantage,” states Kevin Creel, President, Business Strategy and Development of Inspirage. “This will help our clients secure their business transformation required by modern industry requirements, generally known as ’Industry 4.0’.”

Inspirage is well known in the Oracle PLM and SCM community globally and has become the #1 Partner for Oracle in this PLM/SCM space. Inspirage was an early adopter of Oracle Cloud strategic directions, and embarked as a co-developer of several Oracle SCM solutions. Inspirage was awarded a 2016 Oracle Excellence Award by Oracle, for their proven capacity to deploy Oracle PLM/SCM solutions in production to industry prominent customers.

ICP Solution is recognized in Europe as a PLM specialist for Industrial Manufacturing. Over the last 10 years, the Oracle Agile PLM e6 solution has been adopted by leading manufacturers and their solutions have proven a very productive Core PLM solution for their product development team.

“While the industry requirements are expanding beyond Core PLM processes, from early innovation down to product commercialization, supply chain and logistics, with growing functional requirements in design, manufacturing, supplier collaboration, multi-channel, quality, traceability, with proliferating use of mobile and IoT technologies, the next generation PLM landscape is requiring a sum of knowledge and experience that can hardly be sustained by single companies” state Thomas Gilgenberg and Daniel Büeler, Managing Directors of ICP Solution.

Inspirage and ICP Solution have fully embraced this combined experience set of activities and, under the terms of their partnership, will jointly market in Europe Oracle PLM solutions with ICP Solution building on their knowledge of Oracle Agile PLM e6 and Inspirage bringing their expertise on Oracle PLM and SCM Cloud solutions. The combined efforts with Oracle will ensure complete consistency at the enterprise level and contribute to the support of current and new industrial manufacturing needs by leveraging Oracle PLM Cloud solutions.

“We are very supportive of this partnership between two first-class Oracle partners. Their combined knowledge will secure our customers’ journey to the Cloud and also contribute to the expansion of Oracle PLM solutions in Industrial Manufacturing” concludes Devendra Singh, Vice President PLM Product Development at Oracle.

The execution of the Inspirage / ICP Partnership and the program with Oracle is placed under the leadership of Denis Senpere, former VP PLM/SCM Europe at Oracle, now VP Business Development Europe for Inspirage.

About Inspirage

Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit

About ICP Solution

For many years ICP Solution GmbH has been successful in implementing Product-Lifecycle-Management Solutions (PLM) in the industrial sectors of manufacturing systems engineering, mechanical machinery and plant engineering, automotive supply industry and automation engineering. ICP Solution is an Oracle Gold Partner and a specialized partner for PLM solutions with ‘Oracle Agile PLM for Manufacturing (Agile (e6)” for medium-sized businesses and oversees more than 100 companies in various industries. ICP stands for Industry Competence Partners and advise clients organizationally and technologically for the optimal use and development of PLM-Solutions. Visit

2017 Modern Supply Chain Experience Attendee Guide Wed, 11 Jan 2017 18:05:55 +0000 Inspirage Customers to Present at the 2017 Modern Supply Chain Experience Oracle Modern Supply Chain Experience 2017 (February 13-15) offers opportunities to network […]]]>

Inspirage Customers to Present at the 2017 Modern Supply Chain Experience

Oracle Modern Supply Chain Experience 2017 (February 13-15) offers opportunities to network with peers, meet Inspirage and Oracle subject matter experts and exchange best practice information on the use of Oracle applications.

In addition to our booth in the San Jose McEnery Convention Center South Hall – Booth #1001, we are excited to announce that a number of Inspirage experts and customers have been selected to present this year. We have highlighted these sessions below:

Monday, February 13
3:30 p.m.4:15 p.m.
Grand Ballroom

Cloud Customer Panel


  • Jeff Abbott, Vice President, Supply Chain & Logistics, Sears Canada Inc.
  • Debi Hanes, CIO Supply Chain, GE Global Operations
  • Emre Kuscu, Supply Chain Engineer, Transit Wireless
  • Christopher Neff, Senior Director, Supply Chain Systems, NCR Corporation
high tech, ncr,
Tuesday, February 14
9:30 a.m.10:15 a.m.
Grand Ballroom

Gaining Competitive Advantage through an Integrated Supply Chain


  • Roderick Martin, VP SC Transformation Thought Leadership, Oracle
  • Rubik Babakanian, Senior VP and Chief Procurement Officer, Western Digital
  • Christopher Neff, Senior Director, Supply Chain Systems, NCR Corporation
  • Mo Khurana, VP Management Consulting, Inspirage
high tech, ncr,
Tuesday, February 14
2:00 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
LL 20 C

Trade Promotion Management Transformation: Customer Panel

Solution Area: Supply Chain Planning

  • Michael Barrette, Senior Manager, Sales Consulting, Oracle
  • Mary Scheibal, VP, Trade Marketing, Category Management and Customer Service, Bob Evans
  • Vishal Gupta, Associate Vice President, IT, Godrej
Tuesday, February 14 
3:00 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
LL 21 C

Manufacturing in the Cloud: Customer Panel

Solution Area: Manufacturing

  • Valerie Dubois, Director, Manufacturing Product Strategy, Oracle
  • Christopher Neff, Senior Director – IT, NCR
  • Jyoti Sidhu, Director of Quality, Ballard
high tech, ncr,
Tuesday, February 14
3:00 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
Executive Ballroom 210 AE
Revitalize Product Development and Supply Chain to Compete and Innovate

Solution Area: Product Lifecycle Management

  • Sumita Debata, Manager Business Systems, Google Nest
  • Bob Schwartz, Solutions Director, Inspirage
Tuesday, February 14
3:00 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
Executive Ballroom 210 H
Leverage PLM as an Enterprise Data Management Resource with Inspirage Innovation

Solution Area: Product Lifecycle Management

  • Shane Goodwin, Solution Director, Inspirage
Tuesday, February 14
3:00 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
LL 20 C

Demand Management Transformation: Customer Panel

Solution Area: Supply Chain Planning

  • Colin McComb, Regional Manager, VCP Applications, Oracle
  • Ramakanth Shenoy, Director Applications, Beachbody Inc.
  • Kiran Garlapati, Senior Director – IT Applications, Juniper Networks
Tuesday, February 14
4:00 p.m.–4:45 p.m.
LL 20 D

Supply Chain ROI: Measuring the Value of the Modern Supply Chain Solution

Solution Area: End-to-End Supply Chain

  • Seth Lippincott, Research Analyst, Nucleus Research
  • Glenn Clay, Solutions Director Wholesale Commercial Solutions, Nature’s Bounty
  • Ewan Burgess, Senior Consulting Manager, Management Consulting, Inspirage
Tuesday, February 14
4:00 p.m.–4:45 p.m.
LL 20 B

Transforming Planning and Execution for High Service Levels at Optimum Inventory

Solution Area: Supply Chain Planning

  • Michael Ryan, Vice President, Sales and Operations Planning, Americas, Gates Corporation
Wednesday, February 15
12:00 p.m.–12:45 p.m.
212 BD

General Session: General Motors Transforms International Logistics with OTM

Solution Area: Logistics & Order Management

  • Derek Gittoes, VP Product Strategy, Logistics, Oracle
  • Sean Bricknell, Senior Director, Global Logistics Strategic Planning, GM
  • Robert Skorupski, IT Global Logistics Business Manager, GM
  • Derron Mirtsching, Solution Director, Logistics Management, Inspirage

Wednesday, February 15
2:00 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
Executive Ballroom 210 C

Roadmap for Global Trade Automation to Supply Chain Optimization

Solution Area: Logistics & Order Management

  • Michael Lindsey, Solutions Director, Inspirage
  • Tony Leto, Senior Practice Director and Trade Attorney, Inspirage
  • Chuck Dean, Senior Manager Information Services, Hologic

Wednesday, February 15 
2:00 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
Executive Ballroom 210 AE
How Facebook Manages the Product Lifecycle of Operations and Disruptive R&D

Solution Area: Product Lifecycle Management

  • Noe Gonzales, PLM Ops Mgr, Facebook
  • Vijay Manyam, Operations Engineering Senior Manager, Facebook
Wednesday, February 15
2:00 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
LL 20 C

Integrated Business Planning Transformation: Customer Panel

Solution Area: Supply Chain Planning

  • Trudy Reading, Senior Sales Consultant, Oracle
  • John Anderson, S&OP Architect, GE
  • Shawn Genal, ERP, Senior Process Leader, GE
  • Ankush D’Souza, S&OP Architect, GE
Wednesday, February 15
2:00 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
LL 20 D

Building Supply Chain Talent

Solution Area: End-to-End Supply Chain

  • Rich Kroes, Director of Sustainability Strategy, Oracle
  • Peter Bolstorff, CEO, APICS
  • Karl Braitberg, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Systems Operations, Oracle
  • Rob Knapp, VP, Supply Chain Management, Inspirage
Wednesday, February 15
3:00 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
Executive Ballroom 210 D

Order to Cash with Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud: Customer Case Studies

Solution Area: Logistics & Order Management

  • Mark Carson, Director, Product Management, Oracle
  • Michael Massimino, Director of IT, Telogis
  • Chris Neff, Senior Director Supply Chain Systems, NCR
  high tech, ncr,
Wednesday, February 15
3:00 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
212 BD

Knoll Wins Big with Oracle Transportation Management Cloud

Solution Area: Logistics & Order Management

  • Chris Peckham, Senior Principal Product Strategy Manager, Oracle
  • Brian Grabowicz, Oracle Business Analyst, Knoll Inc.
  • Jeremy Huntsinger, Logistics Business Specialist, Knoll Inc.
Wednesday, February 15
3:00 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
LL 20 C

Oracle Demantra Implementation at GE Aviation (Electronics Value Stream)

Solution Area: Supply Chain Planning

  • Sudhesh Srivastava, Product Owner – Demand Management and S&OP, GE Aviation Systems
  • John Sponcil, Principal Sales Consultant, Oracle
Wednesday, February 15
3:00 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
LL 20 B

Value Chain Planning and Analytics: Customer Case Studies

Solution Area: Supply Chain Planning

  • Vijay Pillarisetti, Director, Value Chain Planning Product Management, Oracle
  • Venkatesh Tirukonda, Technology Solutions Manager, Starbucks
Wednesday, February 15
3:00 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
Executive Ballroom 210 AE

Increasing Value by Effectively Managing Regulatory Compliance

Solution Area: Product Lifecycle Management

  • Tim Brown, Director, Business System Global RA/QA, Smiths Medical
Inspirage Listed as a Representative Vendor by Gartner Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:35:05 +0000 BELLEVUE, WA – Inspirage has been listed as a representative vendor for Supply Chain Planning System Integration, in the research […]]]>

BELLEVUE, WA – Inspirage has been listed as a representative vendor for Supply Chain Planning System Integration, in the research released in August by Gartner: “Market Guide for the Supply Chain Planning System Integrator Market1,” by Research Analyst Amber Salley. According to the report, When evaluating SCP SIs, you should assess to what extent they focus on the segment most important to you — software solution, geographic presence or industry.

In her research, Salley notes regarding software solution, “typically, SIs are able to support multiple software vendor tools, but no SI has built a competency to support all SCP software offerings. SIs are increasingly entering into strategic partnerships with vendors. Within these partnerships, SIs collaborate with software vendors on next-generation supply chain planning solutions.” Inspirage is an Oracle Platinum Partner that has earned the new Oracle Cloud Select Partner designation. They have also been recognized by Oracle Corporation with numerous awards, including recent Specialized Partner of the Year awards for Asia Pacific and North American regions.

As noted in the report about geographic presence, System Integrators may have experience implementing and supporting software throughout all geographic regions, but their supply chain planning software implementation and support in a large geographic footprint may be limited. Consider this when deploying a software solution across multiple countries and regions. Large SI firms will likely have a large global footprint while boutique firms have a smaller geographic focus.

Salley writes regarding industry, “Industries have different use cases for SCP technologies. SCP software vendors design solutions that can be used across multiple industries and manufacturing styles, but different modules and process designs are of greater benefit to some industries than others. SIs that have deep expertise in an industry are more aware of what customization and configuration of software is most beneficial for each industry.” With our deep expertise across many modalities Inspirage is attentive of what customization and configuration of software is most advantageous for each industry and has a strong primary focus as a System Integrator by the following Industries: Consumer Products, Distributors/Wholesalers, High Tech, Industrial Discrete, and Life Sciences.

Every year Gartner lists vendors with intention to provide more understanding of the market and its offerings. Inspirage customers have consistently ranked in the Gartner Supply Chain Top 252. Thirteen of our customers have appeared on the list over the past the past three years, 7 of which have made the list three years in a row, 3 appearing twice and an additional 3 customers who joined its ranks for the first time this year.3

“We consider Gartner’s mention of Inspirage a direct reflection of the high expertise and passion for excellence exhibited by our employees. We are very proud of our team,” said Srini Subramanian, Inspirage Chief Executive Officer. “Many of our clients are large enterprises with markets and supply chains throughout the globe. Helping such clients requires the highest-level proficiency in system and business processes so we can effectively help them in their quest to improve their entire product innovation through supply chain planning and execution cycles. We believe these are the type of clients that leverage Gartner research and we appreciate the many clients they shared their project experiences with for this study.”

1 – “Market Guide for the Supply Chain Planning System Integrator Market,” by Amber Salley, Published August 15, 2016.

2 – 2016, 2015, 2015, Gartner Top 25 Supply Chain ID: G00295801, ID: G00276456, ID: G00264011

3 – Gartner cannot confirm or deny the claims made by Inspirage regarding their customer base.

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


About Inspirage
Inspirage is an integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence. Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the 2016, 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – North America. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit

For Further PR Information, Contact:
Celeste White, Inspirage
855-517-4250 •

Consulting Magazine Ranks Inspirage as One of the Fastest Growing Firms at Inaugural Gala Mon, 17 Oct 2016 18:56:44 +0000 New York, Oct. 14 2016 — Consulting magazine released its annual ranking of the consulting industry’s Fastest Growing Firms—a celebration of […]]]>

New York, Oct. 14 2016 — Consulting magazine released its annual ranking of the consulting industry’s Fastest Growing Firms—a celebration of the industry’s top movers and shakers in terms of revenue growth. Inspirage ranked in the top half of the list as the profession’s No. 30th ranked firm achieving 126% growth rate between 2012 and 2015.

The Fastest Growing Firms were unveiled and formally recognized at Consulting magazine’s inaugural Fastest Growing Firms award dinner October 13 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. Attending the awards dinner on behalf of Inspirage were Sridhar Iyer, President of Global Consulting and Bob Hart, Vice President, Logistics Management. Mr. Hart thanked Consulting Magazine for this recognition at the dinner.

“With our ongoing accomplishments and success in the complex supply chain marketplace, particularly with our proficiency in Cloud-based solutions, we continue to expand our high expertise consulting practice.”

He continued, “I would like to thank our employees spanning the globe in North America, Europe and Asia, as well as our partners at Oracle. The talent and commitment by our consultants to help our clients achieve success is the primary reason we’ve achieved this level of growth. 91% of our projects finish on time and on budget, and 96% of our customers achieve their business objectives. As a result, our customers not only rely on us to help solve their biggest supply chain challenges, but they also recommend us to their peers. I am very proud to be part of this organization and to work with the talented folks who make Inspirage their professional home. Our growth is the direct results of their efforts.”

“These consulting firms are shaking up the industry from the bottom up—they are the profession’s Fastest Growing Firms for 2106,” says Joseph Kornik, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of Consulting magazine. “This recognition and award is aimed squarely at these up-and-comers that all too often fly below the radar because they typically aren’t the largest and best known consultancies. We want to bring these fast-growing firms to the forefront. These firms are the future.”

The Fastest Growing Firms will also be featured on, as well as in the November issue of Consulting magazine.

About Inspirage
Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage is an Oracle Platinum Partner – Cloud Select and has been recognized by Oracle Corporation with numerous awards, including a recent Specialized Partner of the Year for Asia Pacific Region. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia.

For Further PR Information, Contact:
Celeste White, Inspirage
855-517-4250 •

Inspirage Recognized With Oracle Excellence Award for SCM Cloud Specialized Partner of the Year Mon, 19 Sep 2016 12:00:44 +0000 Bellevue, WA – September 19, 2016 – Last night, Oracle recognized Inspirage with its 2016 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized […]]]>

Bellevue, WA – September 19, 2016 – Last night, Oracle recognized Inspirage with its 2016 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year in the Supply Chain Management Cloud category. Inspirage, a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), is a global consulting services firm specializing in the implementation and support of advanced systems for supply chain management and guiding clients through building integrated and responsive business processes across their supply chains.

This is the third year in a row that Inspirage has received recognition for the prestigious Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – North America. Inspirage recently earned a Cloud Select designation as a leading partner for Oracle Cloud solutions. Inspirage has been an Oracle Cloud and Oracle Fusion partner since 2012 and has invested heavily in services and solutions to help clients move to the cloud.

The Oracle Excellence Awards for Specialized Partner of the Year encourage innovation by Oracle PartnerNetwork members who use Oracle’s products and technology to create value for customers and generate new business potential. The award recognizes Inspirage for their commitment to deliver innovative, specialized solutions and services based on Oracle software and hardware.

“We believe Oracle Supply Chain Management (SCM) Cloud solutions offer our customers a unique opportunity to enhance their supply chain systems to a modern, responsive, and more cost-effective solution demanded by today’s highly competitive business environment,” said Srini Subramanian, chief executive officer at Inspirage. “We have invested heavily in order to be able to guide our clients through these transitions and the successful adoption of Oracle SCM Cloud solutions. I would like to thank Oracle for this award and recognizing the work of our consulting team to deliver the benefits of SCM Cloud products to our joint clients. As always, these awards are really a testament to the dedication and excellence demonstrated by our global consulting team and I thank them for their continued efforts.”

# # #

About Inspirage

Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a Platinum-level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – North America for three years in a row (2016, 2015, and 2014). Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit

About Oracle PartnerNetwork

Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) is Oracle’s partner program that provides partners with a differentiated advantage to develop, sell and implement Oracle solutions. OPN offers resources to train and support specialized knowledge of Oracle’s products and solutions and has evolved to recognize Oracle’s growing product portfolio, partner base and business opportunity. Key to the latest enhancements to OPN is the ability for partners to be recognized and rewarded for their investment in Oracle Cloud. Partners engaging with Oracle will be able to differentiate their Oracle Cloud expertise and success with customers through the OPN Cloud program – an innovative program that complements existing OPN program levels with tiers of recognition and progressive benefits for partners working with Oracle Cloud. To find out more visit:

Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

For Further PR Information, Contact:
Celeste White, Inspirage
855-517-4250 •

Business Drivers to Implementation of Oracle ERP Cloud Fri, 16 Sep 2016 15:20:23 +0000 While software upgrades are a daily routine for business enterprises– the change to an ERP solution remains a unique qualifier […]]]>

While software upgrades are a daily routine for business enterprises– the change to an ERP solution remains a unique qualifier for most organizations – one that requires deep industry knowledge as well as insight into the enterprise’s future growth trajectory.

In this podcast, Del explains how the selection and deployment of a Cloud ERP solution became an emphasis as CFO Inspirage.

After identifying the areas where processes needed improvement, scalability and integration, Inspirage chose to implement a complete, end-to-end solution rather than trying to continually modify their legacy systems that weren’t designed to work together.

Inspirage selected Oracle ERP Cloud to serve as the core of their fully integrated, end-to-end solution – from marketing and sales to project estimation and finance. Inspirage went live with their Oracle Financials Cloud solution within three months.

Listen as Jack Sweeney, host of CFO Thought Leader podcast and Del Clark, Chief Financial Officer at Inspirage talk about Inspirage’s business drivers to implementation of Oracle ERP Cloud.

Inspirage Ranked Among 100 Fastest-Growing Private Companies by Puget Sound Business Journal Thu, 15 Sep 2016 22:37:45 +0000 BELLEVUE, WA – September 16, 2016 – Puget Sound Business Journal has ranked Inspirage, the integrated supply chain specialists for […]]]>

BELLEVUE, WA – September 16, 2016 – Puget Sound Business Journal has ranked Inspirage, the integrated supply chain specialists for operational excellence, as one of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. The 100 companies included on the Puget Sound Business Journal 2016 list collectively generated revenue of nearly $3.17 billion in 2015, an increase of 137.26 percent over their total revenue in 2013.

Among those recognized, 45 companies reported revenue in 2015 ranging from at least $1 million to $10 million dollars. Additionally, 43 companies reported revenue during the same period of between $10 million and $50 million – 12 of the companies reported revenue of more than $50 million in 2015.

“This list represents the most successful companies within the American economy’s most dynamic segment — its independent small businesses – and we are honored to be a part of it,” said Srini Subramanian, Chief Executive Officer. “Inspirage has been experiencing significant growth globally as demands for high expertise consulting in the supply chain marketplace continue to evolve. This growth is just scratching the surface of what we expect next. We have invested heavily in the past several years in training our team members and developing new solutions to help our clients adopt Cloud based solutions. As always, I want to thank our employees across the organization who collaborate to focus on customer success – our growth is the direct results of their efforts.”

Earning a spot on this coveted list for the leading small businesses in Washington is no easy feat – among those recognized, all honorees must have shown revenue of at least $500,000 in 2012 and report a revenue increase in 2015. Additionally, all companies must be headquartered in Washington state and be privately held between 2013 and 2015.

The Puget Sound Business Journal will reveal the complete list in ranking order in a special online edition, available to subscribers following the awards ceremony at the Blue Friday Bash, October 21, 2016 at CenturyLink Field – tickets available to the public next week. For more information, visit


About Inspirage
Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage is an Oracle Platinum Partner and Oracle Cloud Select Partner and has been recognized by Oracle Corporation with numerous awards, including a recent Specialized Partner of the Year for Asia Pacific Region. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia.

For Further PR Information, Contact:
Sarah Fahey, Inspirage
855-517-4250 •

Inspirage Launches Cloud Center of Excellence Fri, 15 Jul 2016 19:22:33 +0000 To demonstrate our commitment to the cloud, today we launched our Cloud Center of Excellence. The Inspirage Cloud Center of […]]]>

To demonstrate our commitment to the cloud, today we launched our Cloud Center of Excellence. The Inspirage Cloud Center of Excellence is where our thought leaders are working to build solutions and services that will help our customers succeed. The CoE has developed Cloud-specific methodologies, tools and accelerators to help our clients with Oracle Cloud implementations.

Members of our Cloud CoE are focused on:

  • Defining industry-standard business process to help accelerate Cloud adoption
  • Developing futuristic reference architecture for hybrid and co-existence scenarios
  • Building tools, accelerators and methodologies for cloud adoption
  • Creating strategy for data management across enterprise in a hybrid cloud
  • Developing point solutions on cloud to address industry pain points in SCM
  • Indexing thought leadership and training library

The team in our Cloud Center of Excellence has developed a variety of service offerings to quickly help you leverage the Cloud to achieve your business objectives. We can help you build comprehensive Cloud Strategy, deploy your Cloud solutions and finally help you manage the system once they’ve been deployed.

  • Cloud Advisory Services
  • Rapid Value Implementation Methodology
  • Enterprise Integration and Cloud Development Services
  • Application Managed Services

Learn more about what’s next for Inspirage, especially in the Cloud, in this video:

Same Company. New Look. Wed, 15 Jun 2016 04:51:12 +0000 We are the exact same Inspirage we were last week. Exact same name but we have refreshed our look and […]]]>

We are the exact same Inspirage we were last week. Exact same name but we have refreshed our look and language to represent our brand more appropriately, to truly reflect who we are today.

We have had an incredible journey since we founded the company in 2007. This journey has been especially dramatic in the past three years. There’s been a dramatic shift in the supply chain over the past few years and today point solutions are no longer enough.

In order to compete, companies must now deploy suites of end-to-end functionality, while transforming their business processes, analytics, data architecture and more. From “ideation-to-commercialization” to “plan to produce” and all steps in between, we call this the “integrated supply chain.”

We are still Inspirage. We are now THE

Integrated Supply Chain Specialists™

Today we launch a new website and a new logo. Our singular commitment to our customers’ success remains. What has changed is our new focus as integrated supply chain specialists committed to delivering breakthrough operational excellence for our clients in all areas from innovation to execution, or in other words from design to delivery.

Our actions and the work we do define our brand, not the other way around. This effort at the brand refresh is reflected in who we have become and where we are heading. Great companies don’t rest on their laurels. They continually evolve to meet the ever-changing challenges of the market and we have demonstrated time and again that we don’t shy away from this challenge.

Our brand refresh is one more example of actions we are taking to adapt to a changing market landscape with Cloud taking more prominence, and reaching our audience more effectively in a socially-networked era.

Are you ready?

Wherever you are in the continuum of moving towards an integrated supply chain—from a single project to improve one step, to a transformational overhaul—we continue to have the most experienced people and solutions in the world to help you get it done on time, on budget, and delivering all the value you expect.

Moving to this integrated, agile supply chain won’t be simple. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and it requires expertise that spans the supply chain from beginning to end. Contact us to get started on your journey.

Modern Supply Chain Experience Wrap Up Tue, 22 Mar 2016 16:55:39 +0000 The 2016 Modern Supply Chain Experience, held earlier this year in San Jose, was a great success. MSCE is the premier […]]]>

The 2016 Modern Supply Chain Experience, held earlier this year in San Jose, was a great success. MSCE is the premier event for supply chain and logistics management professionals seeking to learn about the latest industry trends, best practices, case studies, and product strategy insights.

Highlights for the Inspirage team included:

  • Inspirage was proud to be the Title Sponsor of the 2016 Oracle Modern Supply Chain Experience. In addition to being the Title Sponsor of the event, Inspirage also sponsored six highly successful training sessions on Monday, January 25th. In addition, Inspirage teamed up with LogFire to hold two sessions about Cloud WMS.
  • On Tuesday, January 26, 2016, Inspirage Chief Executive Officer, Srini Subramanian, had the honor of introducing Nancy Aossey, President & CEO of International Medical Corps, during the morning’s first Keynote Session. Since its inception more than 30 years ago, International Medical Corps’ mission has been consistent: relieve the suffering of those impacted by war, natural disaster and disease, by delivering vital health care services that focus on training. This approach of helping people help themselves is critical to returning devastated populations to self-reliance. International Medical Corps has delivered more than $2.2 billion in humanitarian relief and training in 70 countries since 1984. Today its global staff of 8,200 provides assistance to devastated communities in the world’s hardest-hit areas, from Syria to Sierra Leone, Iraq to Afghanistan. For more information about International Medical Corps, visit their website:
  • Inspirage presented Cardinal Health, CB&I, GE Oil & Gas, KaVo Kerr Group, NBTY Inc., NOV, Panduit, Stryker, Trimble, and Western Digital with its “2015 Innovation Partner of the Year” Awards at their Customer Appreciation Dinner. Each year, Inspirage identifies those clients who exemplify the three pillars of achievement:
    • Innovation – Award recipients have taken a unique approach to solve a business challenge.
    • Transformation – Award recipients have driven business process and system improvements that deliver tangible results for their enterprises.
    • Collaboration – Award recipients have demonstrated cross-functional teamwork across their organizations and with the Inspirage team.

You’ll find more highlights from this year’s Modern Supply Chain Experience, including a few words from our CEO, Srini Subramanian, in the video below:

Modern Supply Chain Experience 2016 – Keynote Introduction Tue, 16 Feb 2016 21:43:04 +0000 On Tuesday, January 26, 2016, Inspirage Chief Executive Officer, Srini Subramanian, had the honor of introducing Nancy Aossey, President & CEO of […]]]>

On Tuesday, January 26, 2016, Inspirage Chief Executive Officer, Srini Subramanian, had the honor of introducing Nancy Aossey, President & CEO of International Medical Corps, during the morning’s first Keynote Session. Since its inception more than 30 years ago, International Medical Corps’ mission has been consistent: relieve the suffering of those impacted by war, natural disaster and disease, by delivering vital health care services that focus on training. This approach of helping people help themselves is critical to returning devastated populations to self-reliance. International Medical Corps has delivered more than $2.2 billion in humanitarian relief and training in 70 countries since 1984. Today its global staff of 8,200 provides assistance to devastated communities in the world’s hardest-hit areas, from Syria to Sierra Leone, Iraq to Afghanistan. For more information about International Medical Corps, visit 
their website: internationalmedicalcorps.orgBelow is the transcript of Srini’s introduction from the Modern Supply Chain Experience for those who could not attend the event:

Thank you Glenn. It’s a pleasure to introduce our next speaker, Nancy Aossey, the President & CEO of International Medical Corps. Before I invite her on stage I’d like to share a bit of background about how we got started working with this remarkable organization that has overcome seemingly insurmountable supply chain challenges.

For those of you who don’t know Inspirage, we are integrated supply chain specialists that help our customers achieve operational excellence, leveraging Oracle applications.

Most people think the supply chain it’s all about building and delivering products better, faster and cheaper. That’s the mission at hand, and an integrated supply chain is very crucial. But when your mission is working in disaster zones – moving people, such as doctors, engineers and the proper relief materials – an efficient supply chain can make the difference between life and death. No one knows more about this challenge more than International Medical Corps.

When we first met Nancy and learned about her team’s humanitarian relief work, we decided that as an organization, we wanted to do our part and for the broader global community by supporting International Medical Corps – in our own small way, helping make this world a better place.

I recently had the privileged of attending International Medical Corps annual fundraising dinner and I was absolutely amazed and inspired by their work, which she will now share with you today. International Medical Corps has been doing this important work for over 30 years under Nancy’s leadership, and she has scaled the organization up from three employees in 1984 to more than 8,200 today. To date, International Medical Corps has delivered more than $2.2 billion in assistance and training to millions of people in 70 countries. Nancy is a recognized expert in emergency medical relief and health care training, has testified before Congress and briefed the White House on humanitarian and global health issues.

If you want to learn more about their good work, members of Nancy’s team will be at a kiosk in our booth at the center of the Solutions Pavilion throughout the conference.

So ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, it is an honor to welcome my dear friend Nancy Aossey of International Medical Corps.

Watch the entire keynote below:

Inspirage Recognizes Companies for Supply Chain Innovation Wed, 03 Feb 2016 17:55:14 +0000 Cardinal Health, CB&I, GE Oil & Gas, KaVo Kerr Group, NBTY Inc., NOV, Panduit, Stryker, Trimble, and Western Digital Honored As […]]]>

Cardinal Health, CB&I, GE Oil & Gas, KaVo Kerr Group, NBTY Inc., NOV, Panduit, Stryker, Trimble, and Western Digital Honored As Partner of the Year

BELLEVUE, WA – January 28, 2016 – Inspirage presented ten recipients of its “2015 Innovation Partner of the Year” Awards at their Customer Appreciation Dinner during Oracle Modern Supply Chain Experience in San Jose, California.

Each year, Inspirage identifies those clients who exemplify the three pillars of achievement:

  • Innovation – Award recipients have taken a unique approach to solve a business challenge
  • Transformation – Award recipients have driven business process and system improvements that deliver tangible results for their enterprises
  • Collaboration – Award recipients have demonstrated cross-functional teamwork across their organizations and with the Inspirage team

The “Innovation Partner of the Year” awards program recognizes Inspirage customers that exhibit the highest level of innovation in driving business process and system improvements that deliver tangible results for their enterprises. This year’s winners are:

Consumer Packaged Goods & Retail 

High Tech 


  • CB&I – Innovation Management
  • GE Oil & Gas – Supply Chain Management
  • NOV – Supply Chain Management

Life Sciences 

  • Cardinal Health – Innovation Management
  • KaVo Kerr Group – Logistics Management
  • Stryker – Supply Chain Management

“Inspirage is proud to honor these innovative companies for their pioneering work in transforming the supply chain,” said Inspirage CEO Srini Subramanian. “We recognize that project success requires many factors such as management commitment, cross functional team collaboration and a focus on business process improvement that delivers tangible results for the enterprise. We are delighted to recognize these companies, who all exceeded expectations through significant industry projects, proving true innovation and success.”


About Inspirage

Inspirage is the leading integrated supply chain™ specialists for operational excellence solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. Our end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions link Innovation Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management to create more responsive and agile supply chains.

Inspirage is an Oracle Platinum Partner and has been recognized by Oracle Corporation with numerous awards, including the 2015 and 2014 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – North America. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit


Inspirage, Innovation through Execution, and Integrated Supply Chain are trademarks of Inspirage LLC.

For Further PR Information, Contact:

Sarah Fahey, Inspirage
855-517-4250 •

Inspirage Managing Principal Wendy Judge Elected to OTM SIG Board of Directors Wed, 03 Feb 2016 13:55:12 +0000 I’m thrilled to announce that Inspirage’s own Wendy Judge has been elected to the OTM SIG Board of Directors. Wendy […]]]>

I’m thrilled to announce that Inspirage’s own Wendy Judge has been elected to the OTM SIG Board of Directors. Wendy has been a key member of our team for the past two years, and I know she’ll be a valuable asset to the SIG, representing the many Inspirage OTM clients’ needs on the board.

What is OTM?

OTM is the combination of Oracle and G-Log’s respective products (OTM and GTM). Together these two provide an integrated offering, helping customers in all industries address critical logistics and information requirements across their global supply chains. G-Log’s proven transportation management solutions combined with Oracle’s leading technology infrastructure and existing ERP and supply chain applications work in tandem to provide seamless logistics solutions.

What is the OTM SIG?

The OTM SIG belongs to the wider OAUG, and its members are OTM and GTM clients. Members participate in yearly conferences and regular webinars (these can be found onthe OTM SIG YouTube Channel). In addition, OTM SIG members share knowledge and experience with one another on both technical and business issues. To become a member and learn more about the OTM SIG’s activities, please register for free on the OAUG website.

The OTM SIG has developed a unique forum to incorporate the strength of the Transportation Management Systems tool and the knowledge base of diverse business groups. OTM SIG shares configuration ideas and promotes an opportunity for independent success and growth.

More about Wendy …

Inspirage's Wendy Judge Elected to OTM SIG Board.
Inspirage’s Wendy Judge Elected to OTM SIG Board.

With over 14 years of experience in logistics software systems in various industries, including nine years focused on OTM, Wendy began her OTM experience at one of G-Log’s first customers, Cendian (aka ShipChem) in 2001, and became passionate about helping companies implement Transportation Management systems. Wendy graduated from Georgia Institute of Technology, BS in Industrial Engineering, and has been recognized for her great work as follows:

• Oracle Corporation FY08 Q2 Galaxy Award Winner – Rising Star, March 2008
• Oracle Corporation 2008 QOOL (Quality Outstanding Oracle Leadership) Award Winner, June 2008
• Project Management Professional (PMP) Certified

Again, my congratulations to Wendy and to the entire OTM SIG for selecting such a talented and innovative individual to the board.

Inspirage Attendee Guide for the 2016 Modern Supply Chain Experience Tue, 12 Jan 2016 05:53:04 +0000 Inspirage Customers to Present at the 2016 Modern Supply Chain Experience Oracle Modern Supply Chain Experience 2016 (January 25 through January 27) offers opportunities […]]]>

Inspirage Customers to Present at the 2016 Modern Supply Chain Experience

Oracle Modern Supply Chain Experience 2016 (January 25 through January 27) offers opportunities to network with peers, meet Inspirage and Oracle subject matter experts and exchange best practice information on the use of Oracle applications.

In addition to our booth in the San Jose McEnery Convention Center South Hall – Booth #300, we are excited to announce that a number of Inspirage experts and customers have been selected to present this year. We have highlighted these sessions below:

Tuesday, January 26
8:30 a.m.–9:15 a.m.
Grand Ballroom
At the Heart of Things: Supply Chain Considerations in the Context of Global Humanitarian Crises
  • Srini Subramanian, Chief Executive Officer, Inspirage
  • Nancy Aossey, President and CEO, International Medical Corps
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Tuesday, January 26
12:00 p.m.–12:45 p.m.
LL 21 AB
Oracle Logistics Cloud Case Studies: Industrial and High-Tech Manufacturing
Logistics and Order Management General Session
  • Derek Gittoes, Vice President, Product Strategy, Oracle
  • Sam Hanieh, Manager, Global Logistics, Panduit
  • Sree Vaidyanathan, Vice President, Information Technology, Lumentum
Tuesday, January 27
1:45 p.m.–2:30 p.m.
LL 21 AB
Warehouse Management Moves to the Cloud
Inventory Cloud and Warehouse Management Track Session
  • Susan Flierl, Oracle
  • Diego Pantoja-Navajas, Founder and CEO, LogFire, Inc.
Tuesday, January 27
1:45 p.m.–2:30 p.m.
LL 20 C
PLM for Process Product Roadmap
Product Lifecycle Management Deep Dives and Demos Track Session
  • Steve Delzell, Product Strategy Director, Oracle
  • Niel Armstrong, V.P. Business Applications, Beachbody LLC
  • Danielle Robertson, Quality Systems Manager, Beachbody LLC
Tuesday, January 26
1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Executive Ballroom 210 BF
Customer Panel: Best Practices in Demand Management
Demand and Trade Promotions Management Track Session
  • Joel Sleper, Senior Manager, Global Forecasting Process, Meritor
  • Karen LaBombarda, Sr. IS Program Manager, Stryker
  • Sudhakar Parakala, Senior Director, Worldwide Business Applications, Synaptics
  • Colin McComb, Regional Manager, Value Chain Planning Applications, Oracle


Tuesday, January 26
1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Executive Ballroom 210 DH
The Roadmap to Integrated Business Planning
Integrated Business Planning Track Session
  • John Mervis, SCP Solution Specialist, Oracle
  • Terry Ruttan, VP – IT, NBTY, Inc
Tuesday, January 26
2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
LL 21 E
Achieving Rapid Smiles and Export Compliance Value at World Leading Dental Company
Global Trade Management Track Session
  • Monique Minner, VP, Business Systems, Kavo Kerr Group
  • Emeline Mehaignerie, GTM Project Lead, Kavo Kerr Group
  • Bob Hart, VP, Logistics Management, Inspirage
  inspirage, value chain applications, oracle, value chain planning (VCP), value chain execution (VCE), product lifecycle management (PLM)
Tuesday, January 26
2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Executive Ballroom 210 BF
Take Full Advantage of Advanced Capabilities in Demantra
Demand and Promotions Management Track Session
  • Nadav Zivelin, Director of Product Management, Oracle
  • Dana Nigh Homonek, Strategic Account Director, Inspirage
Tuesday, January 26
2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Executive Ballroom 210 CG
Customer Panel: Best Practices in Supply Chain Planning
Supply Chain Agility Track Session
  • Rishabh Sinha, Senior Director, Enterprise Applications, Murad
  • Amol Deshpande, Practice Director – Consulting,
  • Kulathusarma Thandaveswaran, IT Manager, MKS Switzerland
  • Ryan Sumrak, Oracle
Tuesday, January 26
4:30 p.m.–5:15 p.m.
LL 21 E
Navigating The Delicate Relationship Between Compliance Risk and Financial Risk
Global Trade Management Track Session
  • Rosalie Cmelak, Director, Logistics Product Strategy, Oracle
  • Dana Smalley, President, Partners in Trade Compliance
  • Lexia Krown, Senior Manager, International Trade Compliance, Zebra Technologies
Tuesday, January 26
4:30 p.m.–5:45 p.m.
LL 21 C
Customer Panel: Best Practices with OTM Cloud
Transportation Management Track Session
  • Sam Hanieh, Manager, Global Logistics, Panduit
  • Michael Lindsey, Solutions Director, Inspirage
  • Jim Mooney, VP, Logistics Development, Oracle

inspirage, value chain applications, oracle, value chain planning (VCP), value chain execution (VCE), product lifecycle management (PLM)

Wednesday, January 27 
2:00 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
LL 20 AB
Fully Leverage your Agile PLM Platform to Solve Critical Business Needs
Product Lifecycle Management Customer Best Practices Track Session
  • Lance Conard, Oracle
  • Michael Torek, Vice President, Inspirage
  • Bob Schwartz, Solutions Director, Inspirage
  • Travis Eddy, Director of Quality, Ichor Systems
  • Jennifer Streza, Global Regulatory Compliance, Coopervision
inspirage, value chain applications, oracle, value chain planning (VCP), value chain execution (VCE), product lifecycle management (PLM)
Wednesday, January 27 
2:00 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
Executive Ballroom 210 CG
Control your Value Chain with Early Warning and Optimal Response
Supply Chain Agility Track Session
  • Scott Malcolm, Oracle
  • Bharat Ananth, Senior Director – Business Applications, Supply Chain and R&D, Beachbody LLC
Wednesday, January 27
3:00 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
LL 21 E
The Politics of Trade: Export Reform, Sanctions, and FTAs in Your Supply Chain
Global Trade Management Track Session
  • Beth Pride, President, BPE Global
  • Justin Pearlman, Senior Director, Global Trade Compliance, Oracle
  • Lexia Krown, Senior Manager, International Trade Compliance, Zebra Technologies
 Wednesday, January 27 
4:00 p.m.–4:45 p.m.
Executive Ballroom 210 BF
Collaborate with Customers to Improve Demand Management
Demand and Trade Promotions Management Track Session
  • John Mink, Sr. Director Global Planning, Zebra Technologies
  • Kiran Saindane, Product Strategy Director, Oracle
  • Gerald Alphonse, Global Business Systems Manager, Leapfrog
 Wednesday, January 27 
4:00 p.m.–4:45 p.m.
Executive Ballroom 210 DH
High-Performance Value Chain Planning and Analytics
Integrated Business Planning Track Session
  • Vijay Pillarisetti, Director, Value Chain Planning Product Management, Oracle
  • Bart Gubbels, Senior Manager, Process, Systems and Reporting, Starbucks



Modern Supply Chain Experience Training Sessions Thu, 17 Dec 2015 17:55:44 +0000 Inspirage is proud to be the Title Sponsor of the 2016 Oracle Modern Supply Chain Experience in San Jose, January 25–27. This is the premier […]]]>

Inspirage is proud to be the Title Sponsor of the 2016 Oracle Modern Supply Chain Experience in San Jose, January 25–27. This is the premier event for supply chain and logistics management professionals seeking to learn about the latest industry trends, best practices, case studies, and product strategy insights.

Free Training Sessions

Inspirage is offering eight different courses on Monday, January 25th. In addition, we teamed up with LogFire to hold two sessions about Cloud WMS. All of the sessions will be led by the industry’s top experts in Oracle VCE, VCP and PLM applications. They will cover the following topics:

 Track  Session 1: (10:00 – 11:30 am)  Session 2: (12:30 – 2:00 pm)
 Logistics Management  OTM 101  GTM 101
 Warehouse Management  Comprehensive Cloud WMS with Logfire  Comprehensive Cloud WMS with Logfire
 Product Management  Fusion Product Hub  Innovation Management
 Planning  ASCP Upgrade to 12.2.5  Project-Driven Supply Chain
 SCM Cloud  Procurement Cloud 101  Path to SCM Cloud

Space is extremely limited so register early to save your seat. You will find more information about the sessions, including detailed abstracts, on our registration page. 

