Logistics Management – Inspirage https://inspirage.com Digitally enabling the integrated enterprise Tue, 18 Jul 2023 20:05:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3 https://inspirage.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/cropped-Inspirage-Favicon-32x32.png Logistics Management – Inspirage https://inspirage.com 32 32 Embrace Sustainable Supply Chain Practices for a Greener Future https://inspirage.com/2023/07/embrace-sustainable-supply-chain-practices-for-a-greener-future/ Wed, 19 Jul 2023 16:30:08 +0000 https://inspirage.com/?p=28216 Discover how organizations drive sustainable business practices across the supply chain, creating a greener and more viable tomorrow. ]]>

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns have taken center stage for companies and consumers. And today, the role of supply chains in driving sustainable practices has become an increasingly important part of the equation. From sourcing eco-friendly materials to optimizing transportation practices, teams hope to transform the supply chain landscape. As businesses consider their role in shaping a more environmentally conscious future, we will begin by exploring the strategies adopted by supply chain organizations to establish more sustainable logistics operations.

The state of sustainability in the supply chain 

Sustainability has become a primary concern for businesses dealing in the supply chain — and virtually every company. This issue has become more than just a moral and ethical imperative for organizations; consumers demand more comprehensive information to evaluate the products they buy. These assessments include the materials used, operational conditions, energy consumption, and carbon footprint in production.

When creating a more sustainable supply chain, Wolters Kluwer reports that 49% of all companies have established sustainability goals. Yet, despite these long-term plans from executives, few teams have the visibility, technology, or programs to reach objectives or measure progress. In fact:

  • Organizations can face resistance to change from stakeholders, impeding the adoption of more sustainable practices.
  • Supply chain networks are becoming increasingly complex, challenging consistent standards.
  • It can be hard to access sustainable resources that are also affordable.
  • Inconsistent regulations and policies are creating compliance challenges.
  • Financial constraints can make it difficult to allocate funds for sustainability initiatives.

A holistic approach

Sustainable supply chain management involves more than simply addressing environmental concerns: it also requires considering social responsibility, ethical sourcing, supply chain transparency, and waste management. Here are some of the strategies supply chain organizations are introducing to build a more resilient and sustainable future:

  1. Promote ethical sourcing and fair labor practices
    Teams can boost sustainability efforts by introducing more ethical sourcing practices, like fair trade and responsible procurement. These practices often involve working closely with suppliers to ensure adherence to social and labor standards — supporting fair wages, employee rights, and safe working conditions across the supply chain.
  2. Optimize transportation and logistics
    It is easy for organizations to overlook the crucial role transportation and logistics play in building a more responsible supply chain. Fortunately, several strategies exist to reduce carbon emissions and overall costs, such as route optimization, shipment consolidation, and shifting to greener transportation modes like sea or rail. And, with the introduction of advanced technologies like GPS tracking and real-time data and analytics, it is easy to augment and enhance efficiencies even further.
  3. Enhance supply chain transparency
    Organizations are turning to traceability systems and sharing information about suppliers, materials, and production processes to boost transparency. This emphasis on collaboration provides consumers with the data they need to make informed decisions, which is becoming increasingly important. Research reveals 94% of consumers are more likely to be loyal to companies that offer complete production and distribution transparency.
  4. Implement waste reduction and circular economy principles
    Supply chain teams are introducing waste reduction strategies — including recycling, repurposing, regenerating, and product lifecycle management — to enhance long-term sustainability. Products designed for durability, repairability, and recyclability during production will empower circular economic systems.
  5. Embrace renewable energy sources
    There is a unique opportunity to considerably reduce carbon emissions and environmental impact in warehouse operations and transportation by transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar or wind power. Investing in this infrastructure and working with like-minded partners can go a long way toward promoting sustainability.



The value of prioritizing organizational sustainability

As ESG and sustainability continue to be the focus of organizations across the value chain, teams can see several benefits, including:

  • Cost savings: Reducing energy consumption, optimizing transportation, and streamlining operations to promote sustainability leads to significant cost savings.
  • Enhanced company reputation: As consumer demand for sustainable products and supply chain transparency increases, demonstrating a commitment to corporate special responsibility (CSR) can improve reputation and attract environmentally conscious partners and consumers.
  • Regulatory compliance and risk mitigation: Proactively addressing environmental and social issues can safeguard an organization from non-compliance penalties and legal liabilities.
  • Supply chain resilience and flexibility: By diversifying suppliers, reducing dependence on single-source materials, and strengthening supplier relationships, teams empower not only their CSR but resilience in the face of disruptions or bottlenecks.
  • Accessing top talent: Prioritizing sustainability is an effective strategy to attract and retain top talent who value environmental and social responsibility.
  • Unlocking new markets and partners: As the shift toward more responsible practices becomes a key criterion for choosing suppliers, introducing sustainable strategies can unlock potential business opportunities.

Implementing advanced digital solutions to empower your sustainability efforts 

The moral imperative of improving ESG and sustainability efforts, coupled with global calls from consumers for more responsible systems, means that ignoring your environmental and social obligations is no longer an option. To address these issues effectively, supply chain teams can turn to comprehensive digital solutions that enable initiatives for change.

Create eco-friendly products, source sustainable materials, and optimize product manufacture and transport with help from Oracle Cloud applications — all while reducing costs and delivering increased service. Oracle tools — implemented by empowered by Inspirage — support more informed decision-making, streamlined processes, and proactive responses to sustainability concerns for both a competitive edge and a greener future. Download our new eBook Sustainable Progress: Global Stewardship in a Digital World to learn more.

Framing the Future of Transportation Management at the OTM SIG https://inspirage.com/2023/07/framing-the-future-of-transportation-management-at-the-otm-sig/ Tue, 18 Jul 2023 16:30:08 +0000 https://inspirage.com/?p=28223 Inspirage, a proud Platinum sponsor of the 2023 OTM User Conference, is excited to be at the forefront of transportation management innovation in Philadelphia this year.]]>

The 2023 OTM User Conference North America is happening soon. Join the Inspirage, Part of Accenture, team in Philadelphia July 31-August 3. If you have not already done so, register now! This annual conference is not to be missed. The event unites OTM/GTM users, Oracle representatives, and other industry parties to network, share insights, and gain valuable insight into current features and future enhancements.

Logistics Leadership

Inspirage, a proud Platinum sponsor of the 2023 OTM User Conference, is excited to be at the forefront of transportation management innovation in Philadelphia this year. Our Logistics team will be on hand to share their unique insights, so drop by our booth to say hello. You can learn more from our experts in a handful of engaging sessions. During our sponsor presentation on Monday, July 31, at 10:00 AM, Bob Hart, Senior Vice President, Logistics Management, will pose questions, sharpen the focus, and help frame the future of OTM.

In addition, Alejandro Barba, Inspirage Business Architecture Manager, will co-present with Loup Logistics on Tuesday, August 1, at 2:50 PM. Throughout this session, “Alinéa – Becoming a World-Class Service Provider,” attendees will hear how Loup leveraged CPQ and OTM Cloud to deliver sophisticated order management and execution and learn about the variety of interfaces and workflow agents were utilized to drive a high degree of automation and support future business growth. OTM SIG registrants can also take part in several other sessions focusing on Inspirage client success stories, including:

  • Monday, July 31 at 10:30 AM: “Utilize OTM & GTM for Vessel/Container Planning and Import Filing (ISF & Entry) with US CBP” (Inspirage, Part of Accenture)
  • Monday, July 31 at 4:00 PM: “OTM at Rivian” (with Rivian)
  • Tuesday, August 1 at 11:30 AM: “3PL Business Case to Move to OTM Cloud” (with RXO, formerly XPO)
  • Tuesday, August 1 at 11:30 AM: “Koch Utilizing Bulk Plan + Capacity to Optimize Cost & Service” (with Koch Industries)

Finally, Inspirage will host a cocktail party on July 31 from 8-11 PM. in the Gallery at Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. Contact your sales rep to be added to our guest list. We hope to see you soon in Philadelphia!

Women’s History Month Women at Work Profile: Pam Vivio https://inspirage.com/2023/03/womens-history-month-women-at-work-profile-pam-vivio/ Wed, 08 Mar 2023 17:25:54 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?p=27930 For Women's History Month, we are highlighting some of the women we work with and admire, allowing them to share their experiences in technology, starting with Inspirage’s Pam Vivio, Senior Director, Logistics Management.]]>

On Logistics, Confidence, Fulfillment, and Family



To celebrate Women’s History Month in March (and International Women’s Day on March 8th), Inspirage highlights women who have made significant achievements in the technology industry, including those on the Inspirage team.

Some of the most important pioneers in the tech industry were women, yet women in the field remain underrepresented today. According to a recent report from the Women Tech Network citing World Bank data, women hold fewer than one-third of the jobs in technology-related fields worldwide. With that in mind, we are highlighting some of the women we work with and admire, allowing them to share their experiences in technology, starting with Inspirage’s Pam Vivio, Senior Director, Logistics Management.

Pam — who is also a member of the Oracle Transportation Management Special Interest Group (OTM SIG) Board of Directors — recently shared insight into her career trajectory, being the only woman in the room, and her passions outside of work. Here is what she had to say…

What drew you to the technology industry?  

Pam Vivio (PV): When I went to college, I had not planned to work in technology. After graduating with my master’s degree, I accepted a position with a software company that developed a warehouse management system. After working with them for a couple of years, I went to work for SeaLand. At SeaLand, I was responsible for monitoring and tracking ocean containers traveling from all parts of the world. While working here, I was introduced to technology and EDI (electronic data interchange) and gained valuable logistics experience. I then went to work for G-Log, a global logistics company, where I combined my interest in technology and software development with my experience in logistics. At the time, it seemed like the perfect fit for me. In 2005, Oracle acquired G-Log and incorporated the transportation management platform into its supply chain offering. I continue to work in logistics, leveraging innovative Oracle products to help customers overcome their most complex logistics challenges and create cost savings for their transportation networks.

What is one of the most significant challenges you have faced as a woman in the workplace? 

PV: Throughout my career, I was often in situations where I was the only woman in a room dominated by men. Early in my career, there were times when I felt intimidated. At some point in my career, I realized that I was in the room because I had the knowledge to be there, regardless of gender. That gave me even more confidence to share my expertise with the audience, irrespective of their levels.

What makes working in the technology industry rewarding?

I love working in the technology industry because it is constantly changing. Prior to the pandemic, it was difficult to explain logistics to people. Today, however, the spotlight on logistics could not be brighter. In a post-pandemic environment, companies recognize the need for advanced technology to manage their daily operations proactively instead of reactively.

Where do you look for guidance when faced with a tough professional challenge?

PV: Whether it’s a personal or professional challenge, I look to my mom for guidance. She is almost 90 years old, has lived a full life, and always seems to have the right answers. No matter how innovative technology is and how it helps us become more efficient, there is nothing quite like the advice of your mother, especially one who has witnessed so many technological advancements.

What has been your most significant career and/or personal achievement? 

PV: As I have grown, I have realized that success is important. However, I also treasure my family time. I follow Tony Robbins, who says, “Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” I try to live by this motto since all the money in the world doesn’t buy happiness. I enjoy the work that I do in technology. Seeing a company’s goals achieved because of a role I played in implementing robust and agile technology solutions brings a sense of accomplishment and puts a smile on my face — but spending quality family time and being active and charitable in my community is what truly makes me happy.

Do you have any hobbies or passions outside of working in the tech world?

PV: I enjoy spending time with my husband and two boys, who are nine and 12. We like to participate in outdoor activities like skiing and camping and we love cooking together as a family. My husband started a chain of healthy, fast-casual restaurants several years ago that has grown to almost 50 locations. We also enjoy traveling and trying new restaurants to explore recent food trends.

Women's History Month

As a key player on Inspirage’s logistics team, Pam works with customers across all industries delivering transformative business solutions to supply chain challenges. Inspirage is your one-stop shop for Logistics Management and supply chain solutions. Whether your organization requires assistance with a solution to manage your transportation and delivery services, ensure proper product classification, or efficiently track your inventory, Inspirage’s team of specialists has the skills, processes, solutions, and technical know-how to bring cost-efficiency to delivery, predictability to inventory, and reliability to your global supply chain. Pam is one of the noteworthy women who contribute to our shared success daily.

Please continue to watch this space in the weeks ahead as we use the occasion of Women’s History Month to celebrate some of the other noteworthy women of Inspirage.

What is in Store for the Consumer Goods and Retail Industry https://inspirage.com/2022/11/what-is-in-store-for-the-consumer-goods-and-retail-industry/ Wed, 23 Nov 2022 17:25:35 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?p=27620 With the all-important end-of-year holiday season approaching, retailers are looking to 2023 to prepare for what is next.]]>

Consumer goods and retail is a forward-looking business; manufacturers and sellers are constantly preparing for what is on the horizon. As 2022 winds down, the industry is gearing up for the most highly anticipated period of the year: the holiday shopping season. From boutiques to brick-and-mortar franchises, e-commerce corporations, and more, retailers of all sizes devote a tremendous amount of time, money, and energy to this all-important time of year. They hope to sell as much merchandise as possible to deal-hunting buyers. Despite persistent inflation, they have high expectations that their efforts in this regard will pay off. Indeed, customers are poised to increase their spending by approximately 7% compared to last year, according to a recent poll conducted by Innovating Commerce Serving Communities.

But they are also looking ahead to 2023 to prepare for consumer goods and retail industry trends that may have an influence on their decision-making and how catering to those trends can improve the customer experience. If you are an organization in the consumer goods and retail space, here are a few trends to be on the lookout for in the coming months:

Growth in sustainable supply chain activity

Whether they are buying online via an omnichannel experience or in a physical store, customers are not just interested in the merchandise for sale; they are also interested in how it was made and the manner in which it arrived in stores. As a recent survey led by Gallup found, around 75% of adults in the U.S. say they care about what steps companies they patronize are taking to build a cleaner planet. Of this total, 43% indicated this was an issue they care about “a great deal.”

In addition to more consumer goods organizations rolling out environmental, social, and governance initiatives (ESG), many household names are working sustainability into their supply chain processes. In fact, Levi Strauss & Co., Great Lakes Cheese, Valvoline, Amy’s Kitchen, and J.M. Smucker Co. recently jointly purchased renewable energy from a wind farm based in Marion County, Kansas, Walmart reported. All of these organizations partner with the big box retailer and sell their merchandise at their physical and online stores as well. The 12-year agreement will enable the respective organizations to power their processes with renewable energy, enough to produce an estimated 250,000-megawatt hours annually.

Similarly, Apple is ramping up its sustainability efforts. The multinational technology firm recently said in a press release that it is working with its suppliers to fully decarbonize its global supply chain within 10 years. “Climate action at Apple doesn’t stop at our doors, and in this work, we’re determined to be a ripple in the pond that creates a bigger change,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook.

Several other well-known brands are also showing their support for sustainable business practices. This includes the Consumer Goods Forum, which is represented by PepsiCo, Unilever, Mars, and McCain Foods among others. In a letter of intent drafted in October, the group discussed the importance of utilizing recycled plastics to help the retail industry reduce its carbon footprint. By expressing their interest, these organizations hope to be able to obtain 800,000 metric tons of chemically recycled plastics by 2030.

Consumer goods and retail organizations that actively demonstrate how they are supporting sustainability stand to benefit by positively influencing consumer behavior. People may be more inclined to shop with a green-friendly company than one that does not care how their supply chain practices affect the environment.

Continued economic uncertainty

Elevated government spending, supply chain bottlenecks, and labor shortages have all contributed to higher costs for just about everything. Americans continue to spend, though, at a robust clip. In September, the most recent month in which retail sales data is available, total retail sales rose 8.2% compared to the same period in 2021, according to the United States Census Bureau.

But with the recession expected to deepen in 2023, economists believe it is more likely than not that Americans will rein in at least some of their discretionary spending. More than half (54%) of Blue Chip economists say they expect the recession to worsen next year, the National Retail Federation reported. Furthering their presumption is dwindling consumer confidence. In The Conference Board’s October assessment of consumer confidence, the Index fell to 102.5 from 107.8 in September. That is down sharply from 2019 when the Consumer Confidence Index was as high as 140.

Given these prevailing market forces, consumer goods and retail organizations will need to right-size their inventory planning and management to remain competitive and profitable without adversely affecting the shopping experience and compromising customer loyalty. Leveraging best-in-class enterprise resource planning solutions can help with demand planning so retailers can determine just how much of a given product they need to have available based on consumer behavior over time. Moreover, shaping the demand with the right promotional strategy to align best with your operational efficiencies and supply chain constraints can further help you reap better margins and increase the customer base.



Expanded use of the physical store for ‘retailtainment’

While in-store shopping was once the exclusive channel for customers, e-commerce has dramatically changed the landscape. In fact, were it not for online checkouts, the world’s economy may have taken an even harder hit than it did during the pandemic. Point-and-click purchasing made most products easily available. And while many people continue to visit their local stores for their specific product-based needs, it is increasingly becoming a destination to explore what items they may be interested in purchasing rather than to buy a specific item.

Jacquelyn Baker, Chief Commerce and Customer Experience Officer for the marketing agency VMLY&R told The Drum that the function of the physical store has changed in the eyes of many shoppers, and the rise of e-commerce appears to have been the catalyst. “Consumers can have whatever they want, when they want, on-demand [and] digitally,” Baker explained. “For purchases beyond everyday essentials, meanwhile, the store serves more as a showroom for inspiration and ‘retailtainment’.” Baker further noted that the physical store gives consumers the ability to fully immerse themselves in brands in an up close and personal way.

Since this is something that even the most personalized online store cannot replicate, businesses within the consumer goods and retail industry should get more creative with how they arrange and embellish their merchandise to maximize the customer experience. Augmented reality — a technology that combines the digital world with the real one through a combination of visual and auditory overlays — may be worth exploring.

One company that is increasing its experiential efforts for in-store shoppers is the outdoor sports and apparel franchise The North Face. Over the next five years, The North Face plans on opening at least 70 brick-and-mortar stores in North America and potentially as many as 300 retail and partner locations worldwide, according to Retail Dive. Jason Thomas, Senior Director of Retail for The North Face, said the goal of the expansion is to provide a seamless and consistent experience for shoppers regardless of what channel they are shopping through. “This growth strategy will allow us to share our values and connect with customers on a deeper level in multiple different locations and touch points across the globe,” said a statement obtained by Retail Dive.

This is not a new endeavor for the retailer but a doubling down on its omnichannel strategy. Prior to the pandemic, The North Face revealed details on its experiential store concept planned for New York City. When the project is finished, the storefront refresh will feature reclaimed wood, granite, and low VOC paints so the 8,000-square-foot location “feels more like the brand and less like a store.”

Sourcing more locally

Thanks to reduced volume at several of the nation’s shipping ports, the consumer goods and retail supply chain is in a better place today than it was during the height of the pandemic. But it remains unpredictable, for some more than others. Furniture and appliance stores, for example, continue to have lengthy backorders for items like sofas, bedding, washing machines, and dishwashers, with some items not expected to arrive until 2023.

These lengthy lead times have played a role in diminishing import activity. Since August, import volume has fallen consistently, from 2.27 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) in late summer to a projected 2.01 million TEUs come December, according to Hackett Associates Global Port Tracker. That downward trend is expected to continue into the new year, Hackett Associates further noted.

In light of high inflation as well as gas price increases, imports are cutting into retailers’ already razor-thin margins. To bring more consistency and affordability to their supply chain, consumer goods and retail organizations should consider sourcing their end-user products closer to home. Paired with supply chain management software, sourcing more locally can help shorten lead times, reduce transportation expenses, and bring more visibility to where their deliverables are at any given time.

As a forward-thinking consumer goods and retail company, you know that getting out ahead of trends can give you a leg up on the competition. Considering the future can help you put the proper pieces in place to improve the customer experience and enhance supply chain resiliency. Inspirage can help you with your efforts by bringing the right teams, technologies, and industry-leading practices together to drive your company to the next level of success. Whether it is for product lifecycle management, digital transformation, or supply chain management, Inspirage can help you build a better business. Learn more about our success, like our supply chain initiative with this consumer goods giantContact us today to learn more about our expertise and our solutions.

Retail Logistics: Four Major Challenges Facing the Industry https://inspirage.com/2022/04/retail-logistics-four-major-challenges-facing-the-industry/ Thu, 07 Apr 2022 16:25:03 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?p=26554 With several different paths to purchase available to customers, retail logistics management is more important than ever. ]]>

Retail is a major part of the U.S. economy. Be it hardware stores, big-box discount chains, clothing outfitters, or sporting goods distribution center locations, retail is as diverse as it is contributive. Indeed, there are roughly 4.2 million retail establishments located nationwide, employing approximately 32 million people and adding $4 trillion to the gross domestic product per year, according to the National Retail Federation. In fact, just in California alone — the most populous state at 39.5 million — around one in four jobs there are supported by the retail industry, making it the single biggest sector in a state with an economy bigger than those of many countries, including India, the United Kingdom, and France. That being said, none of these noteworthy accomplishments and contributions would be possible without retail logistics.

There are more paths to purchase for customers than ever, such as mobile devices, laptops, and in person. Similarly, the manner in which customers receive their purchases run the gamut, from curbside pickup to threshold delivery to overnight shipping by mail or priority shipping. No matter which methods buyers choose, the expectation is that they’ll get their miter saws, HD TVs, batting gloves, and soccer balls quickly and conveniently. And if a customer needs to send back an item for whatever reason — made possible through reverse logistics — seamless convenience remains their assumption.

With so many retailers competing for customers’ dollars through various incentives ( such as free shipping, two-day shipping, BOGO offers, etc.), logistics management can’t just be serviceable or good enough; it has to be exceptional. However, with the aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic taking their toll on the supply chain, successful logistics management is easier said than done.

Oracle Transportation Management Cloud is your logistics execution solution. But before we get into the particulars of what Oracle Transportation Management Cloud does in terms of business process optimization, let’s explore some of the logistics challenges that retailers have faced over the last two years:

Challenge No. 1: Climbing costs of transportation in Retail Logistics

Retailers receive their merchandise by multiple modes including truckload, air, ocean, rail, and parcel. Whichever way it arrives, fuel powers the trip. Fuel prices tend to fluctuate more so than other costs, but lately, they’ve been going in just one direction: higher.

As a result of this trend, and because the cost of transportation comprises much of their operating expenses, retailers have to be more judicious about what merchandise comes with which shipping companies. Thus, instead of using several carriers, they may choose only two.

But doing so can create inventory issues if a carrier experiences challenges of its own, which motor carriers certainly have. One such challenge is insufficient labor. According to the American Trucking Association, the current truck driver shortage totals 80,000. If the trucking industry’s high rate of turnover persists, that shortage could double within 10 years.

Bottom line: The issues that the trucking industry faces are being felt by retailers and their logistics management teams.

Retail Logistics

Challenge No. 2: Competing with e-commerce corporations

In a number of ways, organizations like Amazon have been a huge benefit to the retail industry in general and the retail supply chain in particular. Because the e-commerce giant partners with smaller retailers and third-party sellers —which don’t have the same global distribution footprint, network, or marketing capabilities — Amazon provides retailers with business and customer connection opportunities they likely wouldn’t have otherwise.

But at the same time, Amazon is ultimately a competitor and is vying for the same customer loyalty as other retailers. And because the multinational corporation has so many distribution center and fulfillment center locations around the world — which span between 600,000 and one million square feet, according to its website — they’re a hard company to top when it comes to delivery. In some parts of the U.S., for example, a customer can get same-day delivery for certain items.

The high bar that e-commerce companies like Amazon, have set when it comes to speedy delivery forces smaller retailers to be highly efficient with shipment management and distribution. Customers expect a delivery experience – the Amazon Experience – that is as good or better than larger retailers. Effective logistics management plays a role in that.

Challenge No. 3: Rise of returns in Retail Logistics

Whether it’s a pair of dungarees that doesn’t fit or a smart device that is defective, the retail items that customers receive don’t always arrive as expected. And with more paths to purchase items, there are also more ways to return them. In fact, according to a projection from the National Retail Federation, retailers expect that $761 billion worth of merchandise sold last year will be returned in 2022. That accounts for nearly 17% of all retail sales activity in 2021.

It would be one thing if returns didn’t require any resources to make possible. But between packaging, handling, delivery, and restocking fees, reverse logistics costs money. For every billion dollars that a retailer makes in sales, $166 million is lost due to returns, according to NRF data.

However, with successful supply chain management and responsive customer return policies, reverse logistics can turn into new business opportunities, noted Steve Prebble, chief executive officer of Appriss Retail.

“Retailers must rethink returns as a key part of their business strategy,” Prebble said. “Retail is dealing with an influx of returned items. Now is the time to stop thinking of returns as a cost of doing business and begin to view them as a time to truly engage with your consumers.”

Challenge No. 4: Adjusting to new ways of doing delivery 

COVID-19 changed the world in a number of ways, from introducing and reviving words in the lexicon (e.g. social distancing, remote learning, flatten the curve, personal protective equipment, etc.) to making work-from-home employment arrangements a standard job perk. But it also changed how people shop and have their purchases delivered. Buying products and services via the internet was already highly common pre-COVID. Low-contact services were a fairly new phenomenon, such as curbside pickup or obtaining medical supplies by delivery. These options are likely to stay given their popularity and success in terms of order fulfillment. Indeed, as a poll from Gallup found, 81% of respondents said they’d continue to use the low-contact services that drug stores provided even after the pandemic ends.

In some ways, this is good because it gives retailers another avenue to connect with customers and expands their avenues for product distribution. On the other hand, many retailers were under the impression that low-contact services were temporary and neglected to leverage the resources early on that could make this delivery method a permanent fixture. Thus, they may be playing catch-up if demand continues.

Much like the supply chain, the retail industry is constantly evolving and does so in response to customer demand. But you can ensure your business adjusts to these dynamics with Oracle Transportation Management Cloud. Through applications like transportation order management, rate management, shipment management, global visibility, and business process automation, your business can leverage the efficiencies that are available with a single transportation management solution. Some of the benefits of OTM Cloud include:

  • Supply chain resiliency
  • Increased performance and reliability
  • Decision support to identify affordable delivery carriers
  • Automated support for multiple types of tender processes, such as conditional bookings and tender acceptance
  • Real-time status updates from transportation service providers
  • Seamless freight claim management and error-free customer billing capabilities.
  • Meaningful analytical insights and dashboards

All this and more are available with the Oracle Transportation Management Cloud. When paired with Oracle Global Trade Management, it allows retailers that rely on imports to more comprehensively handle all the nuances and variables associated with global retail logistics management.

As retail logistics management specialists, Inspirage is ideally positioned to perform the implementation of your new Oracle Cloud transportation management system. A long-time partner of Oracle, Inspirage specializes in helping organizations reach a higher standard of business and logistics management excellence. Contact us today to learn more and visit our blog for more supply chain optimization insights.

Digital Logistics Days 2022 – Germany https://inspirage.com/event/digital-logistics-days-2022-germany/ Tue, 15 Mar 2022 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=26403 We are proud to participate in Digital Logistics Days 2022, a three-day online conference organized by BVL.digital, from 15 – […]]]>

We are proud to participate in Digital Logistics Days 2022, a three-day online conference organized by BVL.digital, from 15 – 17 March. The event will highlight the latest developments, technologies, and innovations in the Logistics sector with each day focusing on a different area:

  • 15 March: Commerce and Delivery
  • 16 March: Warehouse and Automation
  • 17 March: Transport and Global

On 16 March from 13:15 to 14:15, Inspirage will present a masterclass together with Oracle on WMS Cloud. The speakers – Sascha Gruendler, Inspirage and Can Amado, Oracle – will tackle some of the major challenges and opportunities in warehouse management during severe supply chain disruptions periods. They will focus on client cases to demonstrate how Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud supports companies across different industries to overcome obstacles and leverage business opportunities.

*Please note that the event website is in German, but our Masterclass will be delivered in English.

Register Now

How Oracle Transportation Management Cloud Helped a Butter Maker Churn Out More Supply During the Pandemic https://inspirage.com/2022/01/how-oracle-transportation-management-cloud-helped-a-butter-maker-churn-out-more-supply-during-the-pandemic/ Wed, 19 Jan 2022 17:25:53 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?p=26223 When it comes to the adverse effects on an organization's supply chain, no business — small, midsize, or large — fully escaped the far-reaching tentacles of the coronavirus. Despite these obstacles, several household name companies were able to adapt faster to the challenges brought on by the pandemic with the help of Oracle Cloud. ]]>

When it comes to the adverse effects on an organization’s supply chain, no business — small, midsize, or large — fully escaped the far-reaching tentacles of the coronavirus. This was the case in 2020 and the impacts remain. However, just as certain individuals are more vulnerable to COVID-19 health complications, the resulting supply chain challenges have affected some industries more than others.

Indeed, according to polling data compiled by the White House, a majority of manufacturers, retailers, and construction companies say they’ve encountered supply chain disruptions. Despite these obstacles, several household name companies were able to adapt faster to the challenges brought on by the pandemic. And, not coincidentally, many of these companies leveraged Oracle Transportation Management Cloud software, a seamless solution that enables businesses to gain control and visualization of their supply chain, to address these issues. Here is one of their success stories:

Panic buying creates dairy dilemmas

For most Americans in 2020, the lockdown prevented people from going about their normal routines. The one thing they could do was grocery shop. Kitchen and refrigerator staples like milk, bread, cheese, and eggs were snatched up quickly. For one of the nation’s largest dairy producers, the dramatic surge in demand prevented the agricultural cooperative from keeping up. Additionally, due to an uptick in Americans raising their own roosters and hens — since so many people were spending more time at home — the company was routinely selling out of its signature line of chicken feed. This was due to both heightened demand and the business having to make do with fewer workers in light of social distancing restrictions.

“We saw more disruption in an eight-week period than we have experienced in eight years because it was both on the demand side and on the supply side with labor constraints,” said the dairy producer’s Senior Director of Logistics. What complicated matters further, he added, was delivery; not enough truckers created delays in getting products on store shelves and out to buyers.


How Oracle Transportation Management Cloud created solutions

Faced with these obstacles, the dairy and agricultural product supplier turned to Oracle Transportation Management Cloud. Oracle Transportation Management Cloud software is a platform that enables businesses of all sizes to effectively manage and navigate the shipment and delivery of their products. This is made possible through a suite of automation and data solutions that help to optimize, coordinate, and execute all the steps involved, from planning to logistics and more.

Before COVID hit, this organization had been leveraging the on-premises predecessor to Oracle Transportation Management Cloud — for 15 years, in fact. Prior to Oracle Transportation Management Cloud, though, they’d used a patchwork of databases, spreadsheets and SharePoint sites that made supply chain management highly complex and more muddled than it needed to be, said the company’s IT director, who spearheaded the implementation alongside the Oracle team. He added that the former setup was unsustainable, given the company has an international presence and multiple business units. As a result, the implementation took some time to complete from start to finish.

But by the time it was done, it was worth the wait. They were fully integrated with the new cloud-based logistics applications system in 2019, so the timing worked in their favor. According to the company’s Senior Director of Logistics, Oracle Transportation Management Cloud proved to be an invaluable resource, enabling staff to ratchet up productivity in response to demand across all business units, including agriculture, dairy, as well as seed/crop protection.

The company also implemented Oracle Global Trade Management as part of its solution. “Being able to have a single system and a standardized process for global trade management has been very helpful,” the Senior Logistics Director added.

Data collection makes for smarter decisions

Oracle Transportation Management and Global Trade Management Cloud have helped this organization make better decisions that are grounded in hard data. “We have access to more granular data than we’ve ever had,” said the business’ Logistics Director, “so we can better understand what’s happening at a store level.” He added that the company can also aggregate those insights to get a better read on potential outcomes.

This is just one example of how Oracle Cloud solutions have helped businesses succeed in challenging times. Of course, the lingering side-effects of COVID-19 remain a problem for supply chains, as many businesses and consumers can attest. As an Oracle partner, Inspirage can pair you with an integrated solution that is customized to your needs and goals. Contact us today to learn more.

The New Age of Delivery: How Boar’s Head Leverages its TMS to Gain Visibility, Reduce Costs and Optimize for the Future https://inspirage.com/event/the-new-age-of-delivery-how-boars-head-leverages-its-tms-to-gain-visibility-reduce-costs-and-optimize-for-the-future/ Thu, 19 Nov 2020 17:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=24436 No matter your business size or geographical location, the right transportation management system allows you to optimize for less mileage, […]]]>

No matter your business size or geographical location, the right transportation management system allows you to optimize for less mileage, diminished time in traffic and fully loaded vehicles resulting in reduced costs and increased profitability and sustainability. In this webinar, we will address these critical logistics considerations to equip you with the knowledge needed to ensure future business growth:

  • How visibility can improve profitability
  • Where you can save money
  • Why the customer experience is creating competition
  • What you need to do to stay current in the changing landscape of virtual shopping

Join Inspirage and Oracle to learn how Boar’s Head leveraged Oracle’s Transportation Management platform to improve current freight payment procedures as well as inbound, outbound, cross dock and interplant transportation processes. Hear how OTM Cloud is being used to simplify and streamline complex logistics operations and how Boar’s Head was able to gain visibility for planners and users, reduce shipping costs and make better decisions regarding carriers. The end result of these efforts is an increased focus on their customers – instead of their systems.

Meet the Speakers

Abhishek Mishra, Business Technology Manager, Boar’s Head

Abhishek Mishra has extensive knowledge of supply chain business processes around warehousing, order management, planning, fulfillment and transportation. As a seasoned ERP professional, he has led multiple end-to-end implementations across industry verticals including heavy manufacturing, automobiles, retail and food. Additionally, he has successfully managed teams both onsite and offshore to deliver EBS implementations involving multi-company and multi-currency.

Jim Palmisano, Regional Manager, Department of Defense Applications, Oracle

Jim Palmisano is a successful enterprise sales executive with over 20 years of proven sales experience. As a retired USAF Colonel with 29 years of service, Jim’s seasoned sales experience is coupled with extensive military experience and success. His role at Oracle includes supporting the Department of Defense on their digital transformation from CONUS out to the tactical edge.

Derron Mirtsching, Solution Director, Inspirage

With more than 20 years of Supply Chain operations, sales, solution development, value identification and implementation experience across multiple verticals and industries, Derron has worked with clients to design and deliver high value solutions and strategy around the world. Throughout his career, Derron has been known as a top performing supply chain solution architect and business development resource with proven success with positions in companies like Cargill, Manugistics, Koch Industries, IBM, Oracle and SAP.

The New Age of Delivery: AMES Leaves their OTM and WMS to the Experts https://inspirage.com/event/the-new-age-of-delivery-ames-leaves-their-otm-and-wms-to-the-experts/ Thu, 29 Oct 2020 16:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=24371 No matter your business size or geographical location, the right transportation management and warehouse management systems allow you to optimize […]]]>

No matter your business size or geographical location, the right transportation management and warehouse management systems allow you to optimize your warehouse operations, grow your supply chain, manage your fleet, handle freight and payment billing, and automate business processes. With the right solutions in place, your organization can reduce costs and increase profitability and sustainability. In this webinar, we will address some current transportation and warehousing considerations and equip you with the knowledge needed to ensure future business growth, such as:

  • How changes in regulations impact your business
  • Where you can save money
  • Why the customer experience is creating competition
  • What you need to do to stay current in the changing landscape of virtual shopping

Hear from one such company – AMES – who leveraged Oracle’s Transportation Management and Warehouse Management Cloud platforms to introduce best practices in their outbound orders, warehouse operations and execution processes. Join team members from Inspirage, Oracle and AMES to learn how using Oracle Transportation Management Cloud and Warehouse Management Cloud resulted in a scalable system able to handle high volume, a reduction in TCO, the elimination of custom code, cost savings and an integrated logistics platform.
Register Today

Meet the Speakers

Bandula Ranaweera, Applications Systems Architect,  The AMES Companies

Bandula Ranaweera is an expert in ERP applications and systems, including ORACLE EBS, Warehouse Management Systems, and HR / Payroll Systems. His strength lies in his ability to align these systems with complex regulatory requirements governing banking and trading, as well as payroll and benefits administration. He has been with Ames for over ten years and his specialities include: application development and integration, project management, user training and mentoring and change management.

Jim Palmisano, Regional Manager, Department of Defense Applications, Oracle

Jim Palmisano is a successful enterprise sales executive with over 20 years of proven sales experience. As a retired USAF Colonel with 29 years of service, Jim’s seasoned sales experience is coupled with extensive military experience and success. His role at Oracle includes supporting the Department of Defense on their digital transformation from CONUS out to the tactical edge.

Derron Mirtsching, Solution Director, Inspirage

With more than 20 years of Supply Chain operations, sales, solution development, value identification and implementation experience across multiple verticals and industries, Derron has worked with clients to design and deliver high value solutions and strategy around the world. Throughout his career, Derron has been known as a top performing supply chain solution architect and business development resource with proven success with positions in companies like Cargill, Manugistics, Koch Industries, IBM, Oracle and SAP.

Resilient and Dynamic Logistics Services Supporting Customer Demands: A Flow Logistics Success Story https://inspirage.com/event/resilient-and-dynamic-logistics-services-supporting-customer-demands-a-flow-logistics-ikea-success-story/ Thu, 06 Aug 2020 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=23845 COVID has disrupted global distribution on a scale unseen in recent times, creating extreme challenges for the supply chain. Companies […]]]>

COVID has disrupted global distribution on a scale unseen in recent times, creating extreme challenges for the supply chain. Companies now have an opportunity to reshape their logistics operating model to increase effectiveness, efficiency and resilience. From rapid on-boarding to complete fulfillment visibility, shippers are demanding more than just the transportation of goods.

To remain competitive, focus must shift from managing fleets and transportation to leveraging a flexible platform that satisfies the demands and expectations of customers. This can be accomplished by creating an integrated eco-system that enables risk resilient and seamless supply chain orchestration across all areas of the transportation process.

Join us to hear leaders from Flow Logistics (Logistics Provider for Large Home Furnishings and Accessories Company), Oracle Supply Chain Management Strategy and Inspirage view logistics as a business enabler. Learn how you can elevate logistics from a transactional model to a strategic platform with digital capabilities to renew your logistics operating models.


Meet the Speakers:

Mahdy Sinnokrot, Supply Chain Design Manager

Mahdy is a passionate and highly qualified executive with more than 10 years of diversified expertise in Supply Chain and fulfillment operations including warehousing, first/last mile (incl. white glove logistics), domestic transportation, and inter-modal freight and customs clearance using both 3PL as well as 4PL operating models. He has managed and overseen the business, technology, and customer experience strategies as well as operations for brick and mortar as well as e-commerce players from numerous market verticals in more than 15 countries spanning the Middle East, Africa, and the Indian subcontinent.

Baljeet Nagi, Director, SCM Sales Development & Strategy (MEA), Oracle

Baljeet is the Director of SCM Sales Development & Strategy for East Central Europe and Middle East Africa. She has over 20 years of experience in IT and ERP/SCM Domain. She joined Oracle in 1997 and has worked across EMEA, APAC now MEA. She has helped Driving Digital Transformation for organizations both on premise and SaaS across ECEMEA. Baljeet is an Accountant. Prior to joining Oracle she was a Financial Controller of Blue Chip Companies in the UK.

Arup Chatterjee, Executive Vice President, APAC and EMEA Business Development, Inspirage

Arup has more than 17 years of experience in providing leadership across variety of roles such as Business Process Review, Architecting IT Roadmaps, Solution Consulting, Product Design and Development across varied business verticals. Prior to joining Inspirage, Arup was Director with Oracle Value Chain Planning development team leading a Global PMO Organization, During his tenure of 10 years with Oracle Corp. USA, he focused on improving the effective business use of Supply Chain Management & optimization solutions and ERP systems implementations across a broad spectrum of Distribution, Manufacturing, Process and High Technology industries. Arup is recognized within the Oracle professional community for his depth of product knowledge and ability to successfully deploy leading business practices to customers globally.

Paul Mathers, Senior Solutions Director, Business Development, Logistics Management, Inspirage

Paul MathersThroughout his career, Paul has been known as a top performing supply chain solution architect and business development resource with proven abilities in Supply Chain and Oracle VCE. Paul started his career in 1990 at UPS while still in school at Frostburg State University. After completing his degree, he began working for RPS (now FedEx Ground) and DM Bowman Trucking. In 1998 he began his career in Supply Chain Software Implementing Transportation Management Applications as well as Project Management and ultimately Sales Consulting. In 2006 Paul went to work for Oracle as an OTM Solution Consultant/Solution Architect and later a VCE Co-Prime Rep in the East. In addition Paul has also worked for Oracle focusing on Customer Experience solutions.

Smart Logistics Solutions to Sharpen Your Company’s Competitive Edge https://inspirage.com/event/smart-logistics-solutions-to-sharpen-your-companys-competitive-edge/ Wed, 13 May 2020 20:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=22780 Innovation is key to business improvement and logistics is no exception. To meet ever-changing consumer demands, organisations must continually enhance […]]]>

Innovation is key to business improvement and logistics is no exception. To meet ever-changing consumer demands, organisations must continually enhance their services and deliver more value while keeping up with the transformation of logistics services through technology advancements. Only by intelligently combining industry-specific analytics frameworks, the right technology tools and logistics processes engineered for effectiveness and efficiency will your company consistently reduce and optimize costs without increasing logistics risks.

In this webinar, we will share how our customers, Nobia and Flow Logistics, leveraged smart logistics to simplify processes, reduce costs and increase profitability, improve customer satisfaction, develop new offerings, and provide greater predictive control and visibility over their supply chain and logistics services.

Don’t delay your registration if you want to:
• Gain new perspective and identify ways to boost your Logistics results
• Benchmark your company against actual customers who are leveraging smart logistics.
• Understand how to reach predictive control and supply chain visibility
• Prioritize and plan your own transformational journey into Smart Logistics

Meet the Speakers

Denis Senpere, Vice President, Inspirage Europe

Denis joined Inspirage in 2016 to lead the European development of the company. He has more than 20 years of experience in SCM applied to discrete manufacturing, life sciences and consumer goods industries. As such he is often engaged as executive sponsor for Inspirage industrial projects. Denis also serves as a board member to several European technology companies.

Dominic Reagan, Senior Director Logistics Solutions, Oracle EMEA

Dominic carries 20+ years of experience in SCM and Logistics and often stands in panels of international experts. Dominic has been with Oracle since 2005 when G-Log was acquired by Oracle to create its famous OTM product line, the #1 solution in Transportation Management.

Nikhil Gupta, Senior Principal Consultant, Inspirage

Nikhil works as a Senior Principal Consultant in our EMEA Logistics Practice.  He brings to the European market strong expertise in Transportation Warehouse and Global Trade Management.


Smart Logistics Networking Event – London, UK https://inspirage.com/event/smart-logistics-networking-event-london-uk/ Wed, 04 Dec 2019 16:30:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=21669 We are pleased to invite you to an exclusive networking event, Smart Logistics Networking Event – London, UK hosted by […]]]>

We are pleased to invite you to an exclusive networking event, Smart Logistics Networking Event – London, UK hosted by Inspirage, Oracle, and project44, in collaboration with CILT, focusing on how Smart Logistics best practices are evolving today and the role played by this new technology.

Innovation is key to business improvement – and Logistics is no exception. To meet ever-changing consumer demands, organisations must continually enhance their services and deliver more value. Logistics services are also being drastically transformed through mobility, connectivity and the impact of Internet of Things, Machine Learning, AI and Blockchain is already very visible and quickly growing.

Leveraging modern technologies helps simplify processes, reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction, develop new offerings, and provide greater predictive control and visibility over your supply chain and logistics services.

Several real-life customer cases will be detailed by our speakers, including Bosch, Nobia and Tetra Pak.

We look forward to welcoming you at our event!
Register Now!

Smart Logistics Networking Event – Brussels, Belgium https://inspirage.com/event/smart-logistics-networking-event-brussels-belgium-2019/ Thu, 28 Nov 2019 16:30:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=21661 We are pleased to invite you to an exclusive networking event, Smart Logistics Networking Event – Brussels, Belgium hosted by Inspirage, […]]]>

We are pleased to invite you to an exclusive networking event, Smart Logistics Networking Event – Brussels, Belgium hosted by Inspirage, Oracle and Shippeo, focusing on how Smart Logistics best practices are evolving today and the role played by this new technology.

Innovation is key to business improvement – and Logistics is no exception. To meet ever-changing consumer demands, organisations must continually enhance their services and deliver more value. Logistics services are also being drastically transformed through mobility, connectivity and the impact of Internet of Things, Machine Learning, AI and Blockchain is already very visible and quickly growing.

Leveraging modern technologies helps simplify processes, reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction, develop new offerings, and provide greater predictive control and visibility over your supply chain and logistics services.

Several real-life customer cases will be detailed by our speakers, including Leroy MerlinNobia and Tetra Pak.

We look forward to welcoming you at our event!


Event attendees are experts, managers, directors and executives who are in charge of transformations in Supply Chain and Logistics. They come from the business side (Operations, Supply Chain, Logistics), but also from the IT side (CIO, Technical IT) and Finance (CFO).


The event is free of charge and you will be registered only after receiving the system confirmation. Please note that in order to foster quality discussions, the number of attendees is limited.

Any attendee who would like an additional 1:1 meeting with us after lunch, please send a note to ericvandenborn@inspirage.com and we would be happy to accommodate it.

Register Now! 

Modern Supply Chain Planning and Logistics Day – Netherlands https://inspirage.com/event/modern-supply-chain-planning-and-logistics-day-netherlands/ Thu, 15 Nov 2018 18:00:00 +0000 http://dev2.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=20470 Join Inspirage and Oracle at the Modern Supply Chain Planning and Logistics Day – Utrecht, Netherlands. To meet ever changing consumer […]]]>

Join Inspirage and Oracle at the Modern Supply Chain Planning and Logistics Day – Utrecht, Netherlands. To meet ever changing consumer demands, organisations must continually review their order process and optimise the productivity of their demand and supply network. Global competition, new product and service introductions as well as fast-paced technology advancements all impact these demands. Logistic services are also being drastically transformed as connectivity expands everywhere. Inspirage and Oracle have come together and invite you to attend this conference which explores how companies are leveraging new technologies to address these demands and transform their business in preparation for the future.

The agenda includes:

  • Presentations from leading experts in the industry including writer, author and consultant Jeroen van den Berg as well as Oracle’s very own Tino Scholman, VP of Cloud EMEA and Denis Senpere, VP Inspirage Europe, providing an insight into his vision for the future
  • Our customers; discussing how they are transforming their supply chain and logistics through digital innovation
  • Networking opportunity with your peers and leading industry experts from Oracle & Inspirage
  • Panel discussion and the opportunity to ask those burning questions
  • Lunch, followed in the afternoon with closing drinks

Register Now!

OTM User Conference 2018 https://inspirage.com/event/otm-user-conference-2018/ Sun, 05 Aug 2018 07:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=19385 Join Inspirage at the 2018 OTM SIG – THE place for OTM/GTM users, Oracle representatives, and other industry parties to […]]]>

Join Inspirage at the 2018 OTM SIG – THE place for OTM/GTM users, Oracle representatives, and other industry parties to connect and share. Current and prospective users will gain valuable insight into current features and future enhancements while also taking advantage of great networking opportunities. We’ll be at Booth 28 all week! We look forward to meeting with you and answering your questions.

Register Now!

Inspirage Speakers

Don’t miss our Inspirage or customer speakers (check back as we update this list)

Session Speaker Date & Time
OTM Visibility: Beyond the Basics Kumar Ayyagari,
Manager, Solution Architecture – Inspirage
Tuesday, August 7
11:30 AM – 12:20 PM
Inspirage Platinum Sponsor Presentation Bob Hart, 
Senior Vice President, Logistics Management – Inspirage
Tuesday, August 7
1:20 PM – 1:30 PM
Intercontinental Shipment Planning with Network Routing with GM Vinodh Mohanakrishnan 
Senior Principal Consultant, Logistics Management – Inspirage
Wednesday, August 8
10:35 AM – 11:25 AM


What is the OTM SIG?

OTM SIG is a Special Interest Group of OAUG focused on Oracle’s Logistics Management software suite (OTM/GTM). This users group was formed so that users could link up to exchange knowledge and best practices about technical and business issues, and address critical logistics and information requirements across global supply chains.

OTM SIG has developed a unique forum to incorporate the strength of the Oracle Logistics software suite and the knowledge base of our diverse users. Together, members share configuration ideas and promote an opportunity for independent success and growth.

Specific goals for the group include:

  • Enhance members’ skills by sharing technical and functional ideas
  • Increase the technical advantage of members’ business or organization
  • Grant access to a growing network of peers
  • Compile and voice collective feedback to Oracle about their products, services and policies

Join the OAUG today!

What to ask when shopping for transportation management systems https://inspirage.com/2018/02/ask-shopping-transportation-management-systems/ Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:55:03 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?p=19121 What should you look for when considering a transportation management system purchase?]]>

Transportation management systems (TMS) are increasingly vital tools for today’s supply chain operations. According to MarketsandMarkets, the global TMS market is expected to expand from $78.2 billion in 2017 to more than $202 billion by 2022 – a surge representing a compound annual growth rate of almost 21 percent. This rapid expansion is being fueled by the growing need among organizations of all sizes for more efficient, reliable and cost-effective movement of goods across supply chains.

How a TMS can make all the difference in your supply chain

What does a TMS actually do in practice? At a minimum, it should offer features such as:

  • Load consolidation
  • Carrier selection
  • Freight auditing and payment
  • Shipment track and trace
  • Global logistics planning (for worldwide supply chains)

These components and others together enable a TMS that can, based on its technical specifications at least, streamline a company’s warehouses, curb its excess inventory and improve its cash flow. According to Inbound Logistics, implementing a properly integrated TMS can even shave 90 percent or more off the average price paid for freight invoices. These items aren’t even evaluated at the many organizations that lack well-defined processes, along with the right tools to support them. That can produce literally millions in savings annually.

However, the ultimate value of any TMS platform will depend in large part on the partner that helps implement it. System integrators help guide TMS implementation projects from start to finish, offering invaluable domain-specific expertise and experience. A successful TMS solution won’t necessarily look the same at Company A as it will at Company B, with a lot of their variance attributable to how each one will address different industry requirements, as well as any shortcomings in existing supply chain management systems.

An experienced integrator is essential with TMS systems.


How TMS system integrators differentiate themselves

IT research firm Gartner has surveyed the TMS integrator landscape in great detail and noted that service providers typically stake their reputations on how they specialize in specific software, geographic regions, verticals or additional services. Let’s look at how you can select the best TMS partner for your situation, by asking the following questions:

1. Do I need a particular TMS product?

Organizations have many options for TMS software. No system integrator specializes in every single one of them, meaning it makes sense to shop for a company with demonstrable results implementing the product you’re most interested in.

For example, Inspirage is an end-to-end Oracle partner ready to guide your implementation of Oracle Transportation Management (OTM). With OTM, you can deliver superior customer service while reducing your overall SCM costs.

2. Does my chosen partner operate only in my region?

Some system integrators have limited operational footprints. However, this limitation could actually be beneficial if the company knows the ins and out of your region and has produced positive results with similar customers.

Meanwhile, larger integrators are likely to have national or even global footprints. Extended presence may be relevant if you are deploying TMS across multiple regions or jurisdictions, so always make sure you’re covered.

3. What modules and process designs are most useful in my industry?

TMS platforms are designed to be generally usable across multiple industries, despite the varying possible use cases from one sector to the next. At the same time, getting the most of a new TMS usually requires some degree of customization.

Configuration and modification are much easier with the assistance of a trusted system integrator. Say you wanted to migrate to OTM in the Cloud, but also needed to maintain a hybrid setup so that one of your on-premises systems could continue processing large freight invoice files for a time. A partner like Inspirage could help you thread this organization-specific needle.

4 Do I require any additional services beyond TMS setup?

Many system integrators do more than simply set you up with new software. They might offer services such as benchmarking, managed services, application maintenance and process outsourcing. Their goal is to ensure your new solution continues to be useful throughout its entire life.

Taking the first steps toward getting better TMS results

Overhauling your approach to essential transportation management tasks will likely require significant changes to both the technologies and processes of your organization. That’s why picking the right system integrator is so important.

Inspirage is a proven, experienced partner in TMS success via our expertise in solutions such as OTM and GTM. Compared to the industry at-large, we have much higher customer satisfaction rates, thanks to our high number of projects that finish on time and under budget. Contact us today to learn more about your options for getting a TMS that works for your organization.

OTM SIG 2017 Wrap Up https://inspirage.com/2017/08/otm-sig-2017-wrap/ Thu, 10 Aug 2017 17:00:27 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?p=18034 The 2017 Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Users Conference, held earlier this week in Philadelphia was a success! OTM SIG is […]]]>

The 2017 Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Users Conference, held earlier this week in Philadelphia was a success! OTM SIG is THE place for OTM clients and Oracle representatives to connect and share. Current and prospective OTM software users gained valuable insight into current features and future upgrades.

Highlights for the Inspirage team included:

  • Inspirage was proud to be invited as a returning platinum sponsor of the 2017 Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Users Conference.
  • The Inspirage Logistics Management team was in full force at our booth, offering insights from some of the most seasoned Oracle Transportation Management, Global Trade Management and G-Log experts in the industry.
  • Along with our customers, the Inspirage team co-presented on some of the more popular sessions during the show, including:
    • On-Prem To Cloud Journey (KapStone)
    • Fixed Routing Using OTM Ground Schedules for Inbound Logistics in Auto Industry – Where it Helps? Where it Hurts? (General Motors)
    • High Volume Parcel Settlement with OTM Cloud (Avon)
  • Additionally, Inspirage customers and partners enjoyed an evening of cocktails and bites at the highly anticipated invite-only reception at the Continental.

OTM SIG Inspirage

What is the OTM SIG?

The OTM SIG is a special interest group of OAUG focused on Oracle’s Transportation Management (OTM) software. This users group was formed so that OTM users can link up to exchange knowledge and best practices about technical and business issues, and address critical logistics and information requirements across global supply chains.

The OTM SIG has developed a unique forum to incorporate the strength of the TMS tool and the knowledge base of our diverse business groups. Together members share configuration ideas and promote an opportunity for independent success and growth. Specific goals for the group include:

  • Enhance members’ skills by sharing technical and functional ideas
  • Increase the technical advantage of members’ business or organization
  • Grant access to a growing network of peers
  • Compile and voice collective feedback to Oracle about their products, services and policies
Building an Integrated Logistics Solution with Oracle R13 https://inspirage.com/event/building-integrated-logistics-solution-oracle-r13/ Thu, 14 Sep 2017 16:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=18022 Join Inspirage and Oracle for part 3 of our series on Integrated Logistics Management solutions. During this session we will […]]]>

Join Inspirage and Oracle for part 3 of our series on Integrated Logistics Management solutions. During this session we will cover both the business imperative of integrating your logistics applications as well as the technical architecture you will need to do so.

Webinar SquareLearn how and why you need to build a truly seamless and integrated logistics solution that not only exceeds customers on-time delivery expectations but also reduces your direct costs as well as your overall carbon footprint. While that’s certainly a tall order, with the right processes and technology, it is, in fact, achievable. Discover how Oracle’s latest Logistics Management solutions – Oracle Order Management Cloud, Oracle Transportation Management Cloud, and Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud – can help you turn your logistics operations into a competitive advantage.

Integrated Logistics Management Conference – London, UK https://inspirage.com/event/integrated-logistics-management-conference-london-uk/ Wed, 05 Jul 2017 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=17571 Logistics Management has surged as a critical topic in most industry sectors to simultaneously drive savings, improve efficiency, enhance customer […]]]>

Logistics Management has surged as a critical topic in most industry sectors to simultaneously drive savings, improve efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction and ensure trade compliance. Oracle and Inspirage have developed the most advanced approach available on the market for Logistics Management combining an integrated set of Cloud solutions and best practices for implementation, working with any ERP system. Thanks to the sponsoring of Oracle, Inspirage and deliverable, this conference is free for all attendees who have a confirmed registration. So register quickly!

This state-of-the-art conference presents how (and how quickly) companies can benefit from these solutions through detailed case studies, live demonstrations and interactive workshops.

  • Order Management
  • Warehouse Management
  • Transportation Management
  • Parcel Management
  • Global Trade Management

Register Now!    Speakers   Schedule   Location

Integrated Logistics Management Conference – Stockholm, Sweden https://inspirage.com/event/integrated-logistics-management-conference-stockholm-sweden/ Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=17067 Logistics Management has surged as a critical topic in most industry sectors to simultaneously drive savings, improve efficiency, enhance customer […]]]>

Logistics Management has surged as a critical topic in most industry sectors to simultaneously drive savings, improve efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction and ensure trade compliance. Oracle and Inspirage have developed the most advanced approach available on the market for Logistics Management combining an integrated set of Cloud solutions and best practices for implementation, working with any ERP system. Thanks to the sponsoring of Oracle, Inspirage and deliverable, this conference is free for all attendees who have a confirmed registration. So register quickly!

This state-of-the-art conference presents how (and how quickly) companies can benefit from these solutions through detailed case studies, live demonstrations and interactive workshops.

  • Order Management
  • Warehouse Management
  • Transportation Management
  • Parcel Management
  • Global Trade Management

Register Now!    Speakers   Schedule   Location

Integrated Logistics Management Conference – Utrecht, Netherlands https://inspirage.com/event/integrated-logistics-management-conference-utrecht-netherlands/ Tue, 13 Jun 2017 16:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=17062 Logistics Management has surged as a critical topic in most industry sectors to simultaneously drive savings, improve efficiency, enhance customer […]]]>

Logistics Management has surged as a critical topic in most industry sectors to simultaneously drive savings, improve efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction and ensure trade compliance. Oracle and Inspirage have developed the most advanced approach available on the market for Logistics Management combining an integrated set of Cloud solutions and best practices for implementation, working with any ERP system. Thanks to the sponsoring of Oracle, Inspirage and deliverable, this conference is free for all attendees who have a confirmed registration. So register quickly!

This state-of-the-art conference presents how (and how quickly) companies can benefit from these solutions through detailed case studies, live demonstrations and interactive workshops.

  • Order Management
  • Warehouse Management
  • Transportation Management
  • Parcel Management
  • Global Trade Management

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Integrated Logistics Management Conference – Espoo, Finland https://inspirage.com/event/integrated-logistics-management-conference-espoo-finland/ Wed, 10 May 2017 16:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=16894 Logistics Management has surged as a critical topic to simultaneously drive savings, improve efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction and ensure trade […]]]>

Logistics Management has surged as a critical topic to simultaneously drive savings, improve efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction and ensure trade compliance. Oracle and Inspirage have developed the most advanced approach available on the market for Logistics Management combining an integrated set of Cloud solutions and best practices for implementation, working with any ERP system. Thanks to the sponsoring of Oracle, Inspirage and deliverable, this conference is free for all attendees who have a confirmed registration. So register quickly!

This state-of-the-art conference presents how (and how quickly) companies can benefit from these solutions through detailed case studies, live demonstrations and interactive workshops.

  • Order Management
  • Warehouse Management
  • Transportation Management
  • Parcel Management
  • Global Trade Management

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Integrated Logistics and Warehouse Management In the Cloud https://inspirage.com/event/integrated-logistics-warehouse-management-cloud/ Thu, 09 Mar 2017 17:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=16140   Reduce Complexity and Increase Speed & Visibility with WMS in the Cloud Join Inspirage and speakers from IDC and […]]]>

Reduce Complexity and Increase Speed & Visibility with WMS in the Cloud

Join Inspirage and speakers from IDC and Oracle to learn how Inspirage can deploy a comprehensive logistics solution including Oracle Transportation Management (OTM), Global Trade Management and Oracle Warehouse Management System (formerly LogFire) – all in the Cloud.

Webinar SquareIDC research analyst, John Santagate, will discuss the benefits of an integrated logistics management solution and the advantages of deploying a WMS in the Cloud. John will discuss ways to asses if your current application has the capability to scale and support the future needs of the business by looking outside the box to Cloud-based applications that are shaking up the WMS application landscape and providing scalable, flexible, and cost-effective options for those willing to modernize and evolve. You will also hear from LogFire’s Founder and CEO, Diego Pantoja-Navajas, who will provide an overview of this world class WMS Cloud solution that’s now part of the Oracle SCM Cloud family and from Chris Eller, VP Solution Management of Inspirage, who will show how WMS Cloud can be deployed either with OTM or independently in as little as 90 days through our Rapid Value program.


Chris Eller
Vice President, Solution Management

John Santagate
Research Manager

Diego Pantoja-Navajas
Founder, Chairman and CEO

]]> 3 key arguments for the sustainable supply chain https://inspirage.com/2016/11/3-key-arguments-sustainable-supply-chain/ Tue, 29 Nov 2016 19:00:55 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?p=15787 Why should supply chain operations managers strive to create as sustainable a supply chain as possible?]]>

In recent years, the issue of supply chain sustainability has steadily become an important topic for discussion. Now more than ever, organizations are paying attention to how their supply chain practices contribute to sustainability efforts. With an eye on the bottom line, companies are trying to reconcile increasing demand with environmental compliance factors.

Why should supply chain operations managers strive to create a supply chain that's as sustainable as possible? What are the main driving factors behind this movement? Let's take a look at three key arguments to make for the sustainability case:

1. Sustainability efforts foster business transformation

In a 2010 interview with The Harvard Business Review, Peter Senge, the founder of the Society for Organizational Learning and a faculty member at MIT Sloan School of Management, stressed that it's critical for operations managers to start thinking of sustainability as a matter of being able to shape a business's future.

"To confront [sustainability] issues practically, you need employees who are innovative – who have the skill and the vision to redesign products, processes, and business models – and who understand the business context," Senge said. "Most important, they need to be able to tell a story about why this is a meaningful journey."

In 2016, the story is no different. Environmental Leader contributor Jessica Lyons Hardcastle noted recently, for instance, that companies are paying more attention to the ways in which their supply chains conserve natural resources and curb carbon emissions. Basically, organizations are transforming their businesses by changing processes and improving sustainability – effectively changing the narratives by which they represent themselves to the rest of the global market.

Future-minded operations managers need to consider their sustainability efforts.Future-minded operations managers need to consider their sustainability efforts.


2. Risk management is one and the same

Not only does the environmentally friendly supply chain impact business growth and opportunity, but sustainability can also have a positive impact on risk management activities. In protecting against risk, companies have the opportunity to become more compliant with environmental standards, including within the IT department.

In a paper for the International Journal of Production Economics, researchers Mihalis Giannakis and Thanos Papadopoulos found that sustainability should be treated as a part of the risk management process. By accounting for sustainability risks (including environmental, economic and social factors), organizations can improve their management strategies and capabilities.

3. Reduce cost and increase revenue

Incorporating more environmentally sound practices can also have significant, positive financial outcomes, as well. For this reason, quite a few large companies are making the change to become more sustainable. For instance, according to Spend Matters contributor Elizabeth Ichniowski, in 2014 Coca-Cola invested $5 billion into a supply chain project in Africa that would secure more consistent and sustainable ingredients for the company's products. In addition, Hardcastle noted that Apple is pushing for higher environmental standards.

This all boils down to the fact that sustainability is becoming a key characteristic of the modern supply chain, and organizations ensure they're maintaining the aforementioned environmental standards within their operations while at the same time turning a profit. With logistics solutions like the cloud-based Oracle Transportation Management software from Inspirage, organizations can improve their supply chain sustainability and thereby support business transformation, better manage risk and increase revenue down the line.

For more information, get in touch with the supply chain experts at Inspirage today.

Inspirage and LogFire: A Comprehensive SCM Cloud Solution https://inspirage.com/event/inspirage-logfire-comprehensive-scm-cloud-solution/ Wed, 02 Nov 2016 18:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=15553 Join Inspirage and LogFire for an informative webinar where you will learn how Inspirage can provide a comprehensive logistics solution […]]]>

Webinar SquareJoin Inspirage and LogFire for an informative webinar where you will learn how Inspirage can provide a comprehensive logistics solution – all in the Cloud. Exciting news was announced in September that Oracle plans to acquire LogFire – which provides the final piece of the supply chain puzzle in the Oracle SCM Cloud ecosystem. Inspirage is the only Oracle Specialized Partner with an active LogFire practice. We have already incorporated LogFire WMS – which can be deployed with OTM or independently in as little as 3 months – into our Rapid Value arsenal. In addition, LogFire will provide a demo of the integration between LogFire WMS and OTM.


Mark Lewis
Solution Director, Logistics Management

Sean Lee
Senior Manager, Consulting

Robby Espinosa
Director, Global Solutions Consulting

Supply chain management lessons learned from Target Canada https://inspirage.com/2016/03/supply-chain-management-lessons-learned-target-canada/ Thu, 03 Mar 2016 17:55:29 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?p=12804 It's important to take a step back and see what could have been done to circumnavigate or prevent supply chain issues entirely.]]>

When failures within the supply chain occur, certain important lessons can often be gleaned. It is important to take a step back and see what could have been done to circumnavigate or prevent these issues entirely. This is the kind of lesson that Target Canada learned when it opened its doors in February 2013 — and subsequently closed them not long after. According to Canadian Business contributor Joe Castaldo, the retailer had major issues with its outposts in the Great White North.

“One of the biggest issues was the use, or misuse, of technology.”

The company’s Canadian presence was plagued with difficulties from the start. Even before the grand opening of Target Canada, managers explained that the systems in place were not working. In many cases, the company’s supply chain was breaking down — moving products from distribution centers to the stores themselves turned out to be a significant issue.

“Worse, the technology governing inventory and sales was new to the organization; no one seemed to fully understand how it all worked,” Castaldo wrote. “The 750 employees at the Mississauga head office had worked furiously for a year to get up and running, and nerves were beginning to fray.”

As Castaldo stated, one of the biggest issues that Target Canada faced was the use, or misuse, of technology within its operations — the solution chosen proved to be too cumbersome for employees to learn in the relatively short amount of time before launch.

What can organizations do differently?

Poor planning within the supply chain and breakdowns in logistics management create situations like the one experienced by Target Canada. In these circumstances, it’s crucial for operators to look back and see what they can learn from their mistakes. What could they have done differently? What do they need to ensure it does not happen again?

In order to avoid supply chain failures brought on by poor planning, managers need to be prepared. According to Supply & Demand Chain Executive contributor Gary Barraco, there are four important elements that need to be present in order to negate unfortunate situations within the supply chain:

  • Visibility
  • Flexibility
  • Collaboration
  • Control

With these four elements in hand, supply chain managers can better mitigate current and future challenges. This is Inspirage can help. Our Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management solutions, ensure organizations have the oversight necessary – along with the visibility, flexibility, collaboration and control – to make decisions about the long-term health of their supply chains.

Contact Inspirage today to find out more about how our supply chain management and logistic management solutions can improve planning on all counts and help make sure manufacturing and distribution operations run as smoothly as possible.

3 ways logistics sustainability impacts business https://inspirage.com/2016/01/3-ways-logistics-sustainability-impacts-business/ Tue, 05 Jan 2016 17:55:41 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?p=12039 Let's take a look at a few important ways sustainability measures can impact the supply chain and business itself from a logistics standpoint.]]>

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important concept in all areas of business. Within the manufacturing and distribution industry in particular, the efficiency and sustainability of the supply chain is often one of the most time-consuming and difficult hurdles to face. Making sure your logistics processes – including transportation, distribution channels and other aspects of moving products from one place to another – are as efficient as possible can positively improve relations with customers and significantly impact the bottom line.

Let’s take a look at a few important ways sustainability measures can affect the supply chain and business itself from a logistics standpoint and see how products from Inspirage can help:

1. Improve customer relations

Now more than ever, consumers care about where their products are from and how they get from point A to point B. A recent study found that consumers are, in fact, willing to pay around 5 percent more for items delivered sustainably, and about 76 percent said they would wait an extra day for delivery, according to Logistics Management. However, the same study discovered that despite clear indications they should implement sustainable practices, companies across the board are not doing so as quickly as the majority of consumers would want.

By proving to customers that you are focused on making the supply chain as sustainable as possible, your company’s reputation can get a boost. By being one of the 36 percent of companies that, according to the study, intend to incorporate sustainability practices in transportation and distribution, your business can position itself better in customers’ eyes.

2. Reduce supply chain complexity

Taking a look at what points in the supply chain offer the most sustainability challenges is one of the first steps to improving efficiency and, in the long run, reducing the amount of complexity.
For instance, according to GreenBiz contributors Jessica Wollmuth and Velislava Ivanova, by taking a thorough inventory of suppliers and prioritizing efficiency efforts, New Balance Athletic Shoe Inc. cut back the number of suppliers in its supply chain by approximately 65 percent. The company rated each of its suppliers based on sustainability criteria, and the ones that didn’t make the grade were nixed from the chain.

A less complex supply chain translates to better bottom lines, among other key benefits. Reducing suppliers based on sustainability criteria has the potential to minimize supply chain complexities, but it’s also important to note that sustainability itself comes with cost-cutting benefits even if the supply chain remains as complex as before.

Reducing suppliers based on sustainability criteria can minimize supply chain complexities.Reducing suppliers based on sustainability criteria can make managers’ lives easier.

3. Shape the future of the business

Efficiency in logistics does not just impact the way companies are perceived or reduce complexities in the supply chain. As environmental factors become more of a consideration and more standards for compliance are released, companies will want to be on the winning side of history. For instance, sustainable logistics continue to be profitable, according to The Guardian.

The future of your organization and the industry itself depends on how well you adapt to changing business climates. Much of this future, according to Peter Senge, faculty member at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management, will be shaped by employees themselves.

“To confront these issues practically, you need employees who are innovative – who have the skill and the vision to redesign products, processes, and business models – and who understand the business context,” Senge said in an interview with The Harvard Business Review.

With Integrated Supply and Transportation Planning solutions from Inspirage, your company can rest assured that the logistics part of your supply chain is sustainable as possible. These solutions leverage Oracle’s Transportation Management and Global Trade Management products to help companies reduce risks and improve compliance with sustainability goals across the industry. Contact Inspirage today to learn more.

Webinar: Identifying Warehouse Management Value in the Connected Enterprise https://inspirage.com/event/webinar-identifying-warehouse-management-value-connected-enterprise/ Thu, 26 Jun 2014 07:00:00 +0000 https://www.inspirage.com/?post_type=tribe_events&p=8139 Please join Oracle, Inspirage and Zebra Technologies for a case study and review of Zebra Technologies’ use of Oracle Warehouse Management as part of their Global Oracle Enterprise Solution and learn how to identify improvement opportunities in your organization.

Zebra Technologies is a global leader of marking and printing technologies, including RFID and real-time location solutions. Their Global Enterprise Solution footprint includes Agile, Siebel, Oracle R12, and Fusion middleware solutions. Zebra has 7 distribution centers live on Oracle WMS, and a key part of their success is their focus on innovative and evolutionary process improvements. Zebra will provide an overview of their operations and discuss how their adaptive mindset comes into play with their geographic approach WMS deployment strategy, and with their adoption of Zebra’s own RFID-based Real Time Location System at their DCs.

Inspirage is a leading global consulting firm and Oracle Platinum Partner specializing in Oracle “Edge” applications including Warehouse Management, and has helped over 100 companies successfully implement Oracle WMS and MSCA. A comprehensive and effective implementation of Oracle WMS involves the purposeful integration of 4 solution requirements: logistics best practices, data collection technologies, barcode labeling, and Oracle WMS application configuration. Inspirage will discuss the implementation best practices that help assure successful deployment and end-user adoption of this mission critical application. Inspirage offers a comprehensive Warehouse Management Solution leveraging Oracle WMS Datasheet (PDF)

Oracle Warehouse Management is part of the Oracle Value Chain Execution suite, and is a leading WMS application worldwide. Oracle will provide a brief update on Oracle WMS, new features, and upcoming new functionality.

We are pleased to invite you to attend this webcast and look forward to answering any questions in addition to the material presented.


dean-jackson1Dean Jackson, Global Partner Manager, Zebra
Dean Jackson has been totally immersed in the world of Automatic Identification and Data Collection (AIDC) conversion with enterprise software for over 21 years. He is the subject matter expert in the innovations and technology processes that identify and track assets more accurately and efficiently throughout the supply chain, bringing benefits of value and increasing production throughput. Within Zebra, he currently manages software partners that provided a myriad of system hardware, software, and managed services, connecting the physical movements of assets to the digital back office.

Joe ClayJoe Clay, WMS Practice Lead, Inspirage
Joe Clay is a WMS Practice Lead for Inspirage. Joe is experienced with all solution components surrounding Oracle’s Value Chain Execution (VCE) product suite, which includes Oracle Warehouse Management (WMS), Mobile Supply Chain Applications (MSCA), Transportation Management (OTM) and Global Trade Management (GTM). He also has deep experience with supporting technologies including supply chain, logistics, wireless, mobile data collection, RFID, label printing, and training.

mark-lewis-oracleMark Lewis, Director WMS, Oracle
Mark Lewis is Director of Value Chain Execution for the Oracle Innovative Solutions Group (ISG), and is responsible for defining go-to-market strategy and solutions for Oracle value chain products including Warehouse Management, Transportation, and Global Trade Management. He has over 20 years of experience in the supply chain industry, spanning Operations Management, Operations Consulting, Warehouse Management, Material Handling Solutions, RFID and Mobility Products, and Software Sales and Implementation.
