Cloud – Inspirage Digitally enabling the integrated enterprise Thu, 13 Jul 2023 22:20:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cloud – Inspirage 32 32 Infinite Innovation: Reinventing the Nature of Business Thu, 13 Jul 2023 22:20:36 +0000 The world has entered an era in which future-forward businesses and customers expect innovation to be the norm. Visionaries and […]]]>

The world has entered an era in which future-forward businesses and customers expect innovation to be the norm. Visionaries and market leaders expect easy access to innovative technologies and strategies to turn their visions of growth and economic leadership into reality. A ceaseless devotion to digitally enabling the integrated enterprise is the foundation upon which success in the future is likely to be achieved.

The modern technologies that will transform data-driven enterprises and deliver intelligent solutions and experiences to their customers include digital twins, cloud-based platforms, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and the metaverse. Together, they will continue to shape the technological revolution. That is why today, more than ever, “future-proofing” supply chain-focused businesses in every industry include leveraging knowledge about the customer experience and enterprise-wide data trends that can identify obstacles to success and remove barriers to opportunity. It is essential to have ongoing access to the technology and expertise that prevent supply chain disruptions from interfering with production, delivery, and feedback — all of which can influence buying decisions and customers’ brand loyalty.

Embracing approaches that help prepare for supply chain disruptions and facilitate the customer experience allows organizations to stay on track regardless of the unexpected challenges they may encounter. Yet according to Accenture, just 8% of companies have taken steps to implement a strategy of total enterprise reinvention, which it defines as “a deliberate strategy that aims to set a new performance frontier … centered around a strong digital core.”

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Emergent Technologies: More than the Metaverse Mon, 03 Jul 2023 19:48:27 +0000 It is impossible to ignore how emergent technologies like the metaverse, blockchain, digital twins, and the Internet of Things (IoT) […]]]>

It is impossible to ignore how emergent technologies like the metaverse, blockchain, digital twins, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are reshaping how organizations and consumers in every industry conduct business, overcome unanticipated challenges, and seize opportunities for innovation and growth. Business leaders are certainly taking notice. According to one Accenture survey, executives expect the metaverse to account for 4.2% — or $1 trillion — of revenue in the next three years. 89% of those executives also agreed that the metaverse promises to influence the growth of their organization.

Because the metaverse holds untapped potential, many innovative industry leaders have decided to begin utilizing the technology. For example, Mars, the confectionery, food, and pet care brand, is leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, and digital twins to transform and modernize its manufacturing operations. One way the company does this is by using digital twins to create validated manufacturing simulations before it commits resources to adjust products and processes in the physical world. Accenture’s African American Employee Resource Group uses the metaverse to enable employees to create digital avatars of themselves to celebrate Black History Month and interact with others who share their values. And a non-profit organization in Brazil is using high-tech tools to introduce innovation labs to low-income neighborhoods to create new economic opportunities in those communities.

Transformative technologies are already playing a vital role in our daily lives. 85% of Americans regularly use products or services that contain artificial intelligence technology. Also, approximately 60% of supply chain management firms anticipate that robotic process automation will impact supply chains by 2025. In short, businesses and consumers will make decisions influenced by emergent technologies in the years ahead.

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Sustainable Progress: Global Stewardship in a Digital World Fri, 16 Jun 2023 17:53:00 +0000 At a time when more than two-thirds of Americans say they prefer to buy from businesses that are stewards of […]]]>

At a time when more than two-thirds of Americans say they prefer to buy from businesses that are stewards of the environment, no organization can afford to overlook the importance of prioritizing sustainability. Sustainability — the policies and practices embraced to safeguard our physical environment — encompasses reducing greenhouse gas emissions, minimizing pollution, eliminating processes that waste natural resources, and more.

Today’s climate-conscious consumers want to see governments and businesses take concrete steps to reduce the impacts of climate change, which much of the scientific community believes played a role in recent extreme weather events. In 2022, 67% of U.S. adults who had experienced severe weather within the previous two years said they prioritize environmental protection over economic growth.

In addition to addressing environmental concerns, many consumers and investors want businesses to adopt social and corporate governance policies that reflect their values. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies typically include efforts to support diversity, fair labor practices, and human rights — in addition to environmental stewardship.

Consumers take notice of such policies: 50% of respondents to one Gallup survey said buying from companies that go out of their way to prioritize the health and well-being of their employees matters a “great deal;” 34% said it matters a “fair amount.” The same survey also revealed that most Americans “value a company’s impact on the local community
(81%) and its business ethics and transparency (79%).”

Other good reasons businesses are paying more attention to sustainability efforts exist today. The repercussions of lockdowns triggered by COVID-19 demonstrated just how fragile supply chains are. More companies and governments are focusing on supply chain sustainability to strengthen them.

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Transformative Talent: Nurturing a Professional Global Workforce Wed, 07 Jun 2023 00:57:14 +0000 As new data-driven technologies continue to reshape the products, workflows, and business strategies powering the growth of individual organizations and […]]]>

As new data-driven technologies continue to reshape the products, workflows, and business strategies powering the growth of individual organizations and the global economy, the demands on the workforce are growing more complex — and urgent — each year. As a result, the need to recruit and retain talented employees who possess the knowledge and skills to enable transformative innovation while simultaneously meeting the elevated expectations of customers and other stakeholders has never been greater.

Talent management is essential for superior performance, productivity, and growth for industries such as high-tech, life sciences, consumer goods and retail, and industrial manufacturing that depend on a healthy supply chain. Yet successful talent management strategies entail more than simply going through the motions of basic HR processes such as hiring, development, and recognition. To deliver an outstanding employee experience, organizations must also create a motivated workforce that will stay with and add value to the company.

Every team member directly impacts the bottom line, whether good or bad. Prioritizing talent management is a critical factor in retaining skilled workers, increasing business performance, and helping organizations recoup investments in development. It ensures employees are well-equipped for success and that businesses are as well. According to one
estimate, 83% of HR leaders believe the employee experience is “very important” to organizational success.

A closer look at the nature of talent management within the supply chain landscape offers insights into how businesses can advance their efforts now and in the future.

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End-to-End Evolution: The Power of Digital Transformation Fri, 19 May 2023 22:34:50 +0000 What do light bulbs, internal combustion engines, and cloud computing share? They are all examples of disruptive technology — innovations […]]]>

What do light bulbs, internal combustion engines, and cloud computing share? They are all examples of disruptive technology — innovations that quickly render earlier solutions obsolete. Once they become accessible to the masses and widely embraced, these transformative solutions can alter businesses, industries, and society in ways that were previously unimaginable. Yet while most people would find it impossible to achieve their
goals without leveraging electric lights or engine-powered transportation, many business leaders still have not embraced cloud computing to drive the end-to-end enterprise evolution required to ensure lasting success.

Digital transformation is no longer just recommended but expected — especially given the pace of technological innovation and adoption. This speed only accelerated when the COVID-19 crisis exposed enormous gaps in demand planning and inefficiencies in the supply chain. Generally, organizations that digitized processes and leveraged digital technology before the pandemic overcame disruptions in their supply chains and other production areas. In fact, “digitally mature organizations” were more likely to have increased their profit margins and annual revenue growth during the pandemic than businesses with processes that were not digitally mature.

Digital transformation continues to be a considerable investment for businesses. By 2021, nearly three-quarters of organizations surveyed by Gartner reported actively engaging in digital transformation initiatives, including 48% that were “heavily involved.” Gartner also stated information technology spending was on pace to reach $4.4 trillion in the United States by 2023. Software, such as infrastructure as a service (IaaS), was expected to be the focus of much of that spending. The days of being able to afford not prioritizing end-to-end digital evolution are over.

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Inspirage Unscripted: Oracle Logistics Management Fri, 19 Aug 2022 17:12:47 +0000 The future of logistics management is in the cloud, but the path isn’t always clear to those still using on-prem […]]]>

The future of logistics management is in the cloud, but the path isn’t always clear to those still using on-prem Oracle Transportation Management. In our most recent video, host Ty McCrossan, Inspirage Senior Solution Director, and Jim Slocum, Oracle Logistics Applications Solution Architect, shed light on the subject and suggest ways to move forward.

Watch this Unscripted video to hear Ty and Jim discuss the business forces driving logistics management to the cloud, the paths to consider following when migrating, justifying a business case for moving, and the growing importance of the spot market.

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Energy:Connected Presentations Thu, 23 Jun 2022 02:08:13 +0000 Inspirage was proud to co-sponsor the Energy:Connected’21 conference with Oracle. The event gathered the Energy sector across EMEA in Norway […]]]>

Inspirage was proud to co-sponsor the Energy:Connected’21 conference with Oracle. The event gathered the Energy sector across EMEA in Norway for two full days of inspiring keynotes, interactive sessions, in-depth masterclasses, and innovative technologies and projects.

Watch both our Keynote Address and Masterclass on-demand to hear customer case studies and best practices for renewable energies and learn how Inspirage Control Towers equip companies with an integrated view of their business, including their supply chain, with predictive cross-functional outcomes.

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Inspirage About Us Tue, 03 May 2022 17:52:31 +0000   The speed of business today requires constant innovation cycles, visibility, resiliency, and risk mitigation. An integrated enterprise that is […]]]>

The speed of business today requires constant innovation cycles, visibility, resiliency, and risk mitigation. An integrated enterprise that is optimized for agility is essential to meet these demands.

Inspirage shows our clients how to achieve a higher standard of excellence by integrating and optimizing their enterprise. Working end-to-end across the organization, Inspirage partners with companies to break down barriers and identify opportunities to continuously improve their performance. We have been an Oracle Cloud / Fusion Co-Development Partner since 2012, offering our clients consulting and implementation solutions in Customer Experience, Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management, ERP, Finance, EPM, and Digital Transformation.

Inspirage is a Platinum level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year in consecutive years from 2014 through 2019 and most recently being recognized with the Oracle ERP Cloud Partner of the Year, globally. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has a global presence with offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

Inspirage Drives Digital Transformation for Becton Dickinson, Cook Medical, and USANA Thu, 23 Sep 2021 16:30:20 +0000 No two businesses take the same journey to the Cloud; however, companies across the same industry may face similar obstacles […]]]>

No two businesses take the same journey to the Cloud; however, companies across the same industry may face similar obstacles and look for aligning results when approaching a digital transformation. Watch Inspirage and our customers from across Life Sciences on-demand to hear insights on how their Oracle Cloud migrations were both alike and varied. The one constant: by leveraging the agility of Oracle Cloud Solutions, Inspirage customers – Becton Dickinson, Cook Medical, USANA, and more – overcame complex business challenges and emerged with streamlined systems, improved processes, and increased efficiencies.

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Supercharge Your Oracle Solutions eBook Tue, 13 Jul 2021 16:06:10 +0000 A supply chain that delivers a competitive advantage won’t look and feel the same as everyone else’s. Instead, it will […]]]>

A supply chain that delivers a competitive advantage won’t look and feel the same as everyone else’s. Instead, it will be optimized for an organization’s specific objectives, whether that means improving reverse logistics, streamlining day-to-day ERP use, or harnessing the power of real-time visibility and dynamic business modeling. The most straightforward path to supply chain optimization runs through the cloud. Demand for cloud-based SCM software has grown rapidly, driven by changing business models and digital transformation. But transitioning to the cloud can be daunting. How can you quickly and securely connect on-prem systems to Oracle Cloud, while ensuring sufficient differentiation without expensive, time-consuming customizations?
Inspirage Industry solutions thread this needle.

We have multi-industry experience deploying Oracle Cloud applications on the edge via phased, functional and big-bang deployments. Whereas following best practices with out-of-the-box solutions can get a company to 80% efficiency with Oracle Cloud, Inspirage’s methodology goes further, helping it attain that remaining 20%. Our solutions help organizations realize faster time-to-value by bridging any gaps and extending cloud functionality. All with no customizations required. The result is an integrated, agile supply chain that differentiates your organization from the competition.

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Extending Oracle Cloud Applications for Competitive Advantage Wed, 07 Apr 2021 23:00:20 +0000 The Oracle Cloud Applications are designed to support different industries with comprehensive features that meet unique requirements while supplying a […]]]>

The Oracle Cloud Applications are designed to support different industries with comprehensive features that meet unique requirements while supplying a modern platform required by all enterprises. To provide a competitive advantage, Oracle delivers the technology via Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) to extend these capabilities. These characteristics are also relevant with transitional states and the use of hybrid system architectures. Clients often have a myriad of systems that the Oracle Cloud Applications must integrate and support through ongoing mergers and acquisitions.

To support of clients, Inspirage has developed innovations consistent with OCA and PaaS design principles. These solutions provide intelligent automation, digitize processes, and extend the enterprise applications to consider third-party systems. By utilizing the Inspirage innovations, our customers establish more competitive operations based on a standard, best-in-class, modern enterprise system that is extensible to meet critical business needs while distinguishing your business advantage.

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Inspirage Managed Services & Remote Work Sun, 21 Mar 2021 21:26:52 +0000 Helping Companies Avoid Business Disruptions by Delivering Support 100% Remotely Inspirage is trusted by some of the world’s best run […]]]>

Helping Companies Avoid Business Disruptions by Delivering Support 100% Remotely

Inspirage is trusted by some of the world’s best run companies to provide their Oracle application support so they can focus on their core business activities. The organizations are safe in the knowledge that their supporting applications are being monitored and tuned by an award-winning Oracle Partner. Learn more about the value of Inspirage’s Managed Services (MS).

Managed Services rely on the idea of continuous improvement – a constant, uninterrupted effort to advance existing products, services or processes. Continuous improvement identifies gaps and obsolete methods in existing processes to develop and improve upon them by working together, devising a plan and outlining the path to follow. Changes are implemented and leveraged moving forward to generate value.

If you need to cut costs but cannot afford to risk service levels, then Inspirage is a safe pair of hands for your organization. With more than a decade of leadership in Oracle application support services, Inspirage can help your business reduce costs and maintain or improve efficiency.
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IDC Analyst Brief: Cloud Adoption and Integration in the Supply Chain Mon, 15 Jun 2020 17:44:06 +0000 This IDC Analyst Brief explores the supply chain’s growing importance and the critical role played by cloud and SaaS applications […]]]>

This IDC Analyst Brief explores the supply chain’s growing importance and the critical role played by cloud and SaaS applications in enabling the necessary speed and resiliency for the supply chain to meet and exceed expectations and requirements. Digital transformation is at the center of an automated supply chain that can react and adapt to all internal and external threats, with the ability to be resilient to external disruption as a critical capability. The adoption of cloud across the supply chain has been accelerating for the past few years.

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Customer Testimonial: Industrial Supplies Distributor Wed, 18 Dec 2019 20:15:24 +0000 Recently, an industrial supply manufacturer came to Inspirage for help reshaping its warehouse management workflows. Decision-makers knew there was a […]]]>

Recently, an industrial supply manufacturer came to Inspirage for help reshaping its warehouse management workflows. Decision-makers knew there was a better way to support key supply chain processes like inventory management, product replenishment and shipping and logistics. They just needed the help of an implementation partner with the expertise to target the right updates and make those changes to its supply chain environment. Unlike many implementation projects that Inspirage has worked on, this one did not require implementing a solution from the ground up. Fastenal already had Oracle Cloud WMS in place; it just needed to optimize that application by replacing outdated, manual processes with more efficient and automated workflows.

The company’s business model is somewhat unique: It supplies products to industrial companies in order to promote worker safety and protect on-site employees from harm. Its inventory can include protective eyewear, hard hats and chemical-resistant gloves. What sets our client apart is how these products are delivered. The company manages on-site vending machines that are stocked with protective solutions for industrial workers to purchase as needed. Our client also manages dedicated retail locations across the United States, with inventory stocked in the back of those stores.

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Customer Testimonial: Garden Tools Manufacturer Mon, 09 Dec 2019 18:37:56 +0000 Ames Leaves Their OTM and WMS to the Experts Hear from Steve Koncar, Distribution Manager, and Brandt Bjornsen, Director of […]]]>

Ames Leaves Their OTM and WMS to the Experts

Hear from Steve Koncar, Distribution Manager, and Brandt Bjornsen, Director of IT, at The AMES Companies as they share details from their cloud journey including both the challenges Oracle’s solutions addressed and the advantages they are already seeing. AMES was able to significantly reduce their total cost of ownership through use of Oracle Cloud solution. They now have a scalable, high volume, integrated logistics functions with Cloud Transportation and Warehouse Management.

Before implementing WMS Cloud, Ames used Catalyst, which was highly customized, as their WMS system. The system handled outbound order cubing, warehouse operations, and execution processes. Continuing to rely on an on-prem legacy system meant that the company needed to repeatedly invest in on-site hardware, which can be extremely expensive to procure and maintain. Ultimately, our client had outgrown its legacy WMS platform and needed a new solution that better positioned it for the demands of today’s supply chain.

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Customer Spotlight: Oil & Gas After-market Supplier Thu, 05 Dec 2019 21:34:53 +0000 Industrial after-market supplier achieves accurate demand forecasting Demand management planning can be a difficult — although entirely necessary — undertaking […]]]>

Industrial after-market supplier achieves accurate demand forecasting

Demand management planning can be a difficult — although entirely necessary — undertaking for any organization. Anticipating customer needs and ensuring your inventory is always well-stocked and demand-ready requires consistently accurate forecasts. Without the right infrastructure and systems to support demand management, businesses risk either failing to keep up with customer needs or routinely encountering cost overruns as they overstock inventory.

All of those factors become even more heightened in an industrial setting. Industrial operations cannot afford to simply shut down and wait for required materials to arrive. There is an enormous amount of pressure on suppliers to deliver their products as quickly as possible. As a successful after-market supplier of parts and materials to oil rigs and other industrial operations, our client is no stranger to the rigors of demand management. It recently contacted Inspirage to help implement a demand management planning solution that would improve the company’s forecasting capabilities and keep inventory costs in check.

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Customer Spotlight: Medical Device Manufacturer Fri, 15 Nov 2019 23:41:22 +0000 Medical device manufacturer tackles compliance demands with custom Inspirage solution Our client, a leading medical device manufacturer, recently underwent the […]]]>

Medical device manufacturer tackles compliance demands with custom Inspirage solution

Our client, a leading medical device manufacturer, recently underwent the process of bringing internal processes and systems in line with GDSN standards. Organizational leaders wanted to implement a product data management solution that not only addressed current regulatory requirements from bodies like the NHS or FDA, but also positioned them to enter other markets and expand their capabilities as new regulations and customer requirements are released. With Inspirage’s help, they found the right solution for their needs and while preparing for what comes next.

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Customer Spotlight: Dental Device Manufacturer Sun, 03 Nov 2019 00:30:52 +0000 Dental supply company, Kavo Kerr Group, has long been an Inspirage client. In 2016, we talked with their Vice President […]]]>

Dental supply company, Kavo Kerr Group, has long been an Inspirage client. In 2016, we talked with their Vice President of Business Systems, Monique Minner about her experience automating manual processes related to their global trade management. After a risk assessment, they decided they needed to do something to automate some of those processes for business users. They decided to work with Inspirage to implement Oracle Global Trade Management (GTM). Side by side with Inspirage, Monique Miller explains that “we were able to put a project in place where we were up and running for four of our major distribution facilities within 16 weeks, so it was a very rapid implementation.”

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In2Cloud Thu, 26 Sep 2019 03:56:18 +0000 Consulting Services Reinvented for Cloud Your company has decided it is time to move your enterprise applications to the Oracle […]]]>

Consulting Services Reinvented for Cloud


Your company has decided it is time to move your enterprise applications to the Oracle Cloud. You will need to prepare your organization for the differences between cloud and on-premise applications, such as the ability to customize, security, and patch cycles. As a result, you need a trusted advisor to assist with each phase of the project from justification and planning, through implementation and maintenance. Inspirage’s In2Cloud® solutions combined with our industry expertise have you covered.

In2Cloud® is a comprehensive set of solutions, designed for cloud, and created for companies who have selected Oracle’s ERP/SCM Cloud to help them quickly achieve time-to-value. Inspirage will be with you each step of the way. With Inspirage’s laser focus on Oracle ERP and SCM Cloud, you can be assured your project will have the domain expertise it deserves.

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Case Study: International Lighting, Graphics, and Technology Company Sat, 07 Sep 2019 07:00:00 +0000 FCC Implementation The Client: Our client is a publicly traded, international lighting, graphics, and technology company. They are committed to […]]]>

FCC Implementation

The Client:
Our client is a publicly traded, international lighting, graphics, and technology company. They are committed to advancing solid-state LED technology to make affordable, high performance, energy-efficient lightning and custom graphic products. Additionally, they provide a full range of design support, engineering, installation and project management services to our customers.

The Challenge:
Our client was using old Excel models with Lotus 123 formulas for consolidations, with no systematic controls or security to prevent data changes. These limitations allowed manual top-side adjustments, plugs and excel manipulations making audit trails extremely difficult and difficult to follow. This concern had been identified earlier in an original discovery process for a recently completed PBC Implementation for this company.

The Solution:
The Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) solution called for the implementation of the Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud (FCC) application to support the consolidation, close and reporting needs that our client required for their financial reporting and close processes. In the implementation, Inspirage also enhanced their ad-hoc reporting creating a consistent source for reporting that easily reconciled to JDE allowing the application to be scalable and grow with our client.

Customer Spotlight: Packaging and Food Processing Company Fri, 26 Jul 2019 18:16:51 +0000 Leading packaging solutions and food processing company implements and harmonizes transportation processes in only 5 months Learn how Inspirage helped […]]]>

Leading packaging solutions and food processing company implements and harmonizes transportation processes in only 5 months

Learn how Inspirage helped this international food packaging and processing solutions company gain visibility into their transportation processes and systems. The organization provides the materials and products that the global food industry relies on to safely deliver everything from produce to processed frozen meals to customers without contaminating their products. Working with such delicate materials requires an intricate transportation network that consistently delivers shipments on time and can dynamically respond to unforeseen problems to fulfill orders without delay. The company was not confident that its existing transportation management system could reliably meet its needs and was interested in migrating to a new solution.

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Customer Spotlight: Food and Beverage Multinational Mon, 20 May 2019 19:29:03 +0000 A multinational food and beverage company redesigns and simplifies their transportation processes in the cloud and saves Learn how Inspirage helped […]]]>

A multinational food and beverage company redesigns and simplifies their transportation processes in the cloud and saves

Learn how Inspirage helped this food and beverage multinational build for the future. Unlike some other Inspirage clients, this multinational confectionary giant already had an Oracle OTM implementation in place. The problem was, that solution didn’t represent its operational footprint, business requirements or objectives. It had a host of processes that were not relevant to the realities of current business operations. The company needed a cloud-based transportation solution that could be configured to address specific business challenges. That would entail incorporating various ERP platforms and other critical software and applications into a holistic transportation management system.

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Case Study: Multinational Manufacturing Company Tue, 30 Apr 2019 07:00:00 +0000 Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud Implementation The Client: Our client is the world’s largest chair mat, bicycle reflector and dryer […]]]>

Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud Implementation

The Client:
Our client is the world’s largest chair mat, bicycle reflector and dryer venting manufacturer and a global leader in sign and literature holders, office workspace accessories and other air distribution products.

The Challenge:
The client was using Hyperion Enterprise as a financial consolidation solution. However, they were losing access to their applications due to being divested. Although they were satisfied with Hyperion Enterprise, the product was no longer being upgraded by Oracle. Thus, they were looking to replace HE with a more current solution. The client decided on Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud. They needed an FCC implementation partner who understood HE and could assist them in meeting their requirements for consolidating domestic and international general ledgers, performing currency translations, processing intercompany eliminations, and producing all statutory reporting.

The Solution:
We successfully implemented Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud. We converted the client’s Hyperion Enterprise entity structure and chart of accounts into FCC, using the delivered FCC members as appropriate. We loaded and reconciled 8 years of historical data and created all the intercompany sets to enable FCC to process intercompany eliminations automatically.

The Success Factors:
− Global financial consolidation solution
• Must include FX translation
• Must include intercompany eliminations
• Must accommodate data loads from multiple international sources
− Creation of all required statutory reporting
− Management reporting ability
– Actual versus Budget and/or Forecast
− Cash flow reporting ability
− End user training

Customer Spotlight: European Kitchen Specialist Thu, 11 Apr 2019 18:38:55 +0000 European Kitchen Specialist Unifies Transportation and Distribution with Inspirage ILM App One of Inspirage’s customers, a Sweden-based kitchen supply specialist, […]]]>

European Kitchen Specialist Unifies Transportation and Distribution with Inspirage ILM App

One of Inspirage’s customers, a Sweden-based kitchen supply specialist, contacted Inspirage to help redesign and reshape its transportation management system to streamline internal processes and workflows and enable disparate systems to work in harmony.

With this complicated mix of shipping, transportation, procurement and ERP systems and models, the company was unable to get a centralized view of its entire operations. Our client’s leadership knew there must be a more efficient way to manage these disparate systems and bring everything together into a unified, integrated transportation management solution. That is how they came to work with Inspirage.

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Case Study: Worldwide Leader in Lodging Industry Wed, 27 Feb 2019 20:00:00 +0000 Planning and Budgeting Cloud Services (PBCS) Solution The Client: The client is an award-winning leader in the lodging industry with […]]]>

Planning and Budgeting Cloud Services (PBCS) Solution

The Client:
The client is an award-winning leader in the lodging industry with franchises, corporate managed and corporate owned properties, serving millions of guests each year. Known for listening to consumers, they offer travelers a consistently high-quality experience at an affordable price. With coast-to-coast locations, the client has over 550 properties in the U.S. and has expanded internationally to Brazil and Japan.

The Challenge:
The client wanted a centralized planning model. This would be a change from the current planning model, which was done using a spreadsheet.

The Solution:
The client and Inspirage decided that the solution would be the implementation of Planning and Budgeting Cloud Services (PBCS).

Customer Testimonial: IT Security Company Mon, 04 Feb 2019 17:15:42 +0000 Leader in Internet Security Completely Transforms Supply Chain with Oracle Cloud Our client is an international industry leader in DNS, […]]]>

Leader in Internet Security Completely Transforms Supply Chain with Oracle Cloud

Our client is an international industry leader in DNS, DHCP and IP address management – commonly referred to as DDI solutions. The company’s customer base includes enterprises, government agencies and service providers located around the globe. Its network intelligence solutions enable thousands of organizations to control and secure their networks from the core, resulting in increased efficiency and visibility, stronger customer service and more diligent regulatory compliance.

In 2016, our client was acquired by a private equity firm, providing a rare opportunity to drastically overhaul IT systems and put in place the next generation of technology solutions. Without facing any pressure from investors to maintain the status quo, the organization had total top-down support to update its end-to-end supply chain.

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Case Study: Large Nationwide Optical Company Engages Essbase Cloud Wed, 30 Jan 2019 08:00:00 +0000 Essbase Cloud Implementation The Client: Our client has grown from a single location to 50 locations nationwide in less than […]]]>

Essbase Cloud Implementation

The Client:
Our client has grown from a single location to 50 locations nationwide in less than 10 short years. They also rank 20th on Vision Monday’s Top 50 U.S. Optical Retailers and are positioned as one of the nation’s fastest growing optical retailers with strategic plans to double in size over the next 18 months.

The Challenge:
Our client needed a financial solution using Essbase Cloud for Balance Sheets and Income Statements for consolidation and close (monthly and yearly). Additionally, they required a data load to be automated so that it could efficiently migrate data from the on-premise application intake to the Essbase Cloud.

Customer Spotlight: Cement Producer Fri, 02 Nov 2018 17:26:21 +0000 Leading Thai cement producer implements OTM Cloud – maximizing transportation efficiency with automation and advanced analytics This company was looking […]]]>

Leading Thai cement producer implements OTM Cloud – maximizing transportation efficiency with automation and advanced analytics

This company was looking to implement a next generation TMS platform to maximize transport efficiency. They hoped to accomplish this through automation, best practices and advanced analytics which would enable cost optimization and future logistics business.

Inspirage implemented OTM Cloud over a period of 28 weeks focused on Order Management, Shipment Planning, Freight Settlement and Fleet Management. The solution involved integrating existing legacy applications using Inspirage’s proprietary iHub CS integration tool. In addition, Inspirage’s proprietary ILM mobile app will be implemented as part of Phase 2.

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Customer Testimonial: Refractory Manufacturer Thu, 21 Jun 2018 17:27:33 +0000 Hear from Elizabeth McGuire, Director of Global Sales, Inventory & Operations Planning at HWI, about their journey to the Cloud. […]]]>

Hear from Elizabeth McGuire, Director of Global Sales, Inventory & Operations Planning at HWI, about their journey to the Cloud. HWI is implementing an entire end-to-end supply chain transformation in the Cloud, from Manufacturing to Logistics. This includes a IoT enabled greenfield plant which links into their Oracle Cloud implementation and will allow them to measure the performance of their factory, leading to a leaner and cleaner supply chain.

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What is the Digital Supply Chain? Fri, 11 May 2018 23:00:44 +0000   Hear about the disruptive technologies that are transforming modern supply chains. See how IoT, Blockchain, RPA, AI and more […]]]>

Hear about the disruptive technologies that are transforming modern supply chains. See how IoT, Blockchain, RPA, AI and more can all play a part in revolutionizing the way we do business.

Supply Chain IoT 101 Fri, 11 May 2018 22:57:34 +0000   Learn more about Supply Chain IoT and how it takes us inside the supply chain to understand the complex […]]]>

Learn more about Supply Chain IoT and how it takes us inside the supply chain to understand the complex data our supply chains collect. Hear about how asset monitoring, fleet monitoring and production monitoring can transform your supply chain.

Customer Spotlight: Beauty and Personal Care Product Manufacturer Thu, 26 Apr 2018 19:05:11 +0000 Standardizing Business Processes through OTM Cloud Migration A well-known manufacturer and direct seller of beauty, household, and personal care products […]]]>

Standardizing Business Processes through OTM Cloud Migration

A well-known manufacturer and direct seller of beauty, household, and personal care products was looking to streamline its approach to supply chain management by standardizing its programs and eliminating its many custom applications. Most of all, it sought to duplicate much of the functionality of its existing on-premises implementation of Oracle Transportation Management (OTM), except in a cloud-based environment. It enlisted Inspirage’s help in making this transition.

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Use IoT to Understand Your Customer and Improve Your Products Thu, 19 Apr 2018 17:15:50 +0000 Deliver better, more targeted products with IoT Think about the products you are developing today. Are you able to measure […]]]>

Deliver better, more targeted products with IoT

WebinarThink about the products you are developing today. Are you able to measure the usage of features you are adding? How are you planning to use that information? Will it be available to the key product decision makers working on the next iterations of your products? Internet of Things (IoT) is connecting product sensor data back to product development companies. The companies who are best able to learn about their customers to deliver better and more targeted product features will be able to command more market share and higher prices.

Watch this webinar on demand and hear Shane Goodwin, Solution Director and Mark Ollerenshaw, Solution Architect for Inspirage and John Kelley VP of Product Strategy, Oracle discuss how PLM with IoT enables your product teams to learn more about your customers and their use of your products. These insights enable you to make better decisions about features to deliver in future products.

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Connect Enterprises with Smart Manufacturing Thu, 29 Mar 2018 21:42:25 +0000 Are you ready for the fourth Industrial Revolution? In today’s competitive environment, manufacturers are constantly looking for ways to reduce […]]]>

WebinarAre you ready for the fourth Industrial Revolution? In today’s competitive environment, manufacturers are constantly looking for ways to reduce inefficiencies and improve product quality. Companies need a modern platform to collaboratively manage and improve their manufacturing processes. Join Navneet Goel, Executive Vice President and Richard Rodgers Solution Architect of Inspirage and Valerie Dubois, Sr. Director of Manufacturing Cloud Product Strategy of Oracle for this informative webinar. Learn how by connecting IoT, predictive intelligence and other devices to the process, companies can find a solution that can help them achieve a fully-integrated, collaborative manufacturing system that responds in real-time to meet changing supply chain demands and conditions.

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Future Proof Your Order Management System Fri, 16 Mar 2018 17:38:43 +0000 How will your supply chain stack up? With supply chains growing more complex and customer expectations ever increasing, the need […]]]>

How will your supply chain stack up?

Order to Cash WebinarWith supply chains growing more complex and customer expectations ever increasing, the need to fill orders consistently and efficiently while meeting customer demands is always on the rise. Is your order management system ready for the future and how will it stack up? Navneet Goel, Executive VP and Sandeep Thigulla, Sr. Manager, Solution Architecture at Inspirage and Mark Carson, Product Strategy at Oracle will help you re-imagine your order-to-cash process with a practical path to the cloud. Join us to discuss options for a secure cloud alternative for manufacturing, functionality and more so you can focus on your growing business and get the most out of your innovation. With Order-to-Cash you will find a comprehensive, integrated inventory, manufacturing, procurement, Finance, CPQ and commerce solution to simplify and improve business processes. Finally, learn how smart technology will affect the supply chains of the future.

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Demantra to Demand Management Cloud in 3 Easy Steps Tue, 13 Mar 2018 19:41:14 +0000 With Inspirage’s automated solution in 90 days or less Lift and Shift your Demantra investment while taking advantage of new […]]]>

With Inspirage’s automated solution in 90 days or less

Oracle R13Lift and Shift your Demantra investment while taking advantage of new features of Oracle Demand Management Cloud leveraging proven automation tools (UI Path) and processes. Learn more about the steps involved in this solution and the program features. Benefits include:

  1. Designed to work in hybrid-Cloud environment
  2. Reduced costs of maintenance and administration
  3. Shortest path from Oracle Demantra to Oracle Demand Management Cloud

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Robotic Process Automation Thu, 01 Mar 2018 21:25:56 +0000 Hear Del Clark, Inspirage CFO, describe how Robotic Process Automation is being used by leading organizations to complete 80% of […]]]>

Hear Del Clark, Inspirage CFO, describe how Robotic Process Automation is being used by leading organizations to complete 80% of clerical tasks and increase the speed of processing such tasks. RPA started in Finance Departments and mimics human interactions with software applications, to automate repetitive, rule-based processes spanning across applications and functions.

Case Study: National Consumer-Packaged Goods Company Tue, 27 Feb 2018 08:00:00 +0000 BI Cloud Implementation The Client: Our client is a world-class leader in the development and production of high-quality color cosmetics, […]]]>

BI Cloud Implementation

The Client:
Our client is a world-class leader in the development and production of high-quality color cosmetics, skin care, hair care, bath and body care and OTC products. They are an outsourcing partner to major global brands and trend setting players across all distribution channels, from high-end to mass market.

The Challenge:
Through discussion, it was determined that this company needed our team to develop an enterprise analytics and data integration solution that would provide dashboards, analytics, and operational metrics from their Oracle EBS, ERP and Shop Floor Production Systems. They were facing a data issue within their production operations group which was delivering inaccurate and untimely data to key company executives. Their systems were constrained by a multitude of ERP data dumps and spreadsheets with multiple variations of the “truth” and lacked a true enterprise analytic system or data strategy to manage the operational and executive reporting requirements.

The Solution:
Inspirage was able to provide the manufacturing and production operation expertise necessary to understand the complex production process Oxygen Development utilizes, and create a full enterprise-level suite of Analytics. The KPIs, Dashboards and Metrics enabled key operations executives to achieve a tighter integration between Oracle EBS, strategic planning and operations performance measurement.

Customer Spotlight: Pulp and Paper Manufacturer Mon, 26 Feb 2018 22:13:24 +0000 Optimizing Logistics in the Cloud An industry-leading paper and pulp manufacturer looked to optimize its logistics operations and deliver improved […]]]>

Optimizing Logistics in the Cloud

An industry-leading paper and pulp manufacturer looked to optimize its logistics operations and deliver improved service to its customers. The manufacturer had already implemented — with the help of Inspirage — Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) for extensive automation, reliable forecasting and straightforward expenditure tracking. Most recently, it sought to migrate to the Oracle Cloud for increased operational efficiencies as well as less overhead in both the administration and upgrading of its key systems.
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Customer Spotlight: Disk Drive Manufacturer Mon, 08 Jan 2018 17:01:50 +0000 Harmonizing Legacy Systems with Oracle Product Hub Cloud An American computer storage company – one of the largest hard disk […]]]>

Harmonizing Legacy Systems with Oracle Product Hub Cloud

An American computer storage company – one of the largest hard disk drive and solid-state disk drive manufacturers in the world – aimed to migrate to the cloud amid broad consolidation in its industry. However, it did not want to make the move by itself due to the challenges of managing each of its individual business entities during the transition. Inspirage had previously helped the organization with its supply chain management and was called upon again to guide the cloud transformation.

There is a lot of consolidation in the disk drive industry, and as one of the biggest manufacturers (a $20 billion company), this organization had already bought up considerable assets. The business’s revenue went from $5.3 billion to $8 billion in a year due to the acquisitions; however, the two newly acquired organizations were SAP customers, creating integration challenges. The biggest issue was that production data was segregated across disparate legacy systems. To harmonize and better govern this information, the disk manufacturer chose to move everyone to the Oracle cloud for a single source of truth. This would mean moving three Fortune 500 companies to the cloud at once and doing so alone would be fraught with challenges and complications. They needed a reliable partner to help with such a complex transition.
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Customer Spotlight: Business Process Services Company Thu, 16 Nov 2017 03:34:30 +0000 Largest Oracle Cloud Procurement Implementation Worldwide A Fortune 500 multi-national business technology and service company divided into two separate companies […]]]>

Largest Oracle Cloud Procurement Implementation Worldwide

A Fortune 500 multi-national business technology and service company divided into two separate companies earlier this year. As the parent company looked to maintain its image as a leader in its core products and services, a spin-off company was setup to provide business process services. Migrating over solutions to each segment posed a significant challenge, and the leadership of the spin-off company called Inspirage to help them tackle it.

The new services company selected the Oracle Cloud Procurement application set to meet their needs and selected Inspirage to help implement the solution globally. This solution was integrated to an in-house custom AP workflow solution and to legacy JDE financials. The move promised to support business processes like requisition-to-receipt, period close-to-financial report, supplier return-to-settlement, and supplier invoice-to-payment. Inspirage also helped conduct training sessions and workshops, ensuring that employees understood how to use these solutions effectively.
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Transforming Business with Internet of Things Thu, 09 Nov 2017 23:16:49 +0000 Learn how you can harness the power of IoT, Analytics, Machine Learning, Digital Twin, and Digital Thread to modernize your […]]]>

Learn how you can harness the power of IoT, Analytics, Machine Learning, Digital Twin, and Digital Thread to modernize your enterprise.

By 2020, there will be 20.8 billion devices connected to the Internet* and 50% of G2000 companies will depend on digitally-enhanced products, services and experiences.** Will your company be a laggard or a leader in the digital economy? During this webinar Inspirage discussed how you can leverage IoT technologies and adapt to the changing economic landscape. Does your company know how to harness its power through Oracle IoT Applications? Inspirage can help to leverage these solutions and get smart with predictive, machine learning algorithms and quickly extend core SCM and ERP processes—with real-time IoT data and insights. Oracle then shared how companies can run integrated, predictive analytics on Oracle IoT with reliably and security. Learn how to quickly collect data from all types of devices, run integrated predictive analytics on IoT and how streaming data and big data seamlessly integrate through extended enterprise applications and processes with IoT data.

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* Gartner
** IDC

World Class Sales & Operations Planning in the Cloud with R13 Fri, 13 Oct 2017 19:22:28 +0000 Watch our webinar on demand and learn about aligning around an integrated operating plan to meet strategic business goals. Let […]]]>

Oracle R13 S&OP CloudWatch our webinar on demand and learn about aligning around an integrated operating plan to meet strategic business goals. Let Inspirage and Oracle show you how you can bring S&OP into your cloud solution. Inspirage’s Vice President of Management Consulting, Mo Khurana, will discuss how to use S&OP to balance and align supply and demand, as well as volume and mix levels, to reduce inefficiencies and synchronize the many different departments and teams that make up a company. Then Oracle’s North American Vice President of Supply Chain Planning, Manufacturing and IoT Applications, Eric Domski, will share new S&OP features that will be available in R13 of the SCM Cloud Suite of products and how you can build a roadmap to migrate your on-prem S&OP solutions into Cloud.

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Oracle R13 Quality Management Cloud for Manufacturing Infographic Fri, 22 Sep 2017 22:09:21 +0000 Top 6 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 Quality Management Cloud for Manufacturing Oracle Quality Management Cloud delivers a unified […]]]>

Top 6 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 Quality Management Cloud for Manufacturing

Oracle R13Oracle Quality Management Cloud delivers a unified platform for enabling quality visibility, collaboration, and execution through quality control techniques and closed-loop quality management. Inspirage is a leading implementer of Oracle PLM and Quality applications. Here are some of the cool new features included in this new release:

  1. Visual Quality Management Landing Page
  2. Define Quality Inspection Requirements
  3. Collect Inspection Results
  4. Analyze Inspection Results
  5. Manage Quality Issues
  6. Implement Quality Actions

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Oracle R13 Quality Management Cloud for PLM Infographic Fri, 22 Sep 2017 22:02:34 +0000 Top 6 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 Quality Management Cloud for PLM Oracle Quality Management Cloud delivers a unified […]]]>

Top 6 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 Quality Management Cloud for PLM

Oracle R13Oracle Quality Management Cloud delivers a unified platform for enabling quality visibility, collaboration, and execution through quality control techniques and closed-loop quality management. Inspirage is a leading implementer of Oracle PLM and Quality applications. Here are some of the cool new features included in this new release:

  1. Manage Quality Issues
  2. Implement Quality Actions
  3. Visual Quality Management Landing Page
  4. Define Quality Inspection Requirements
  5. Collect Inspection Results
  6. Analyze Inspection Results

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Oracle R13 IoT Infographic Tue, 19 Sep 2017 18:43:11 +0000 Top 6 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 IoT Inspirage has long been a proponent of the advantages of building […]]]>

Top 6 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 IoT

Oracle R13Inspirage has long been a proponent of the advantages of building a fully integrated supply chain. The Oracle IoT solution helps enable devices to send data to the cloud so you can analyze the data and integrate it with your existing enterprise applications and processes. Supply Chain leaders should look at the Fleet Management and Asset Management modules as they look to digitize their supply chains. Here are some of the cool new features included in this new release:

  1. SCM Maintenance Cloud Integration
  2. Integration with Oracle Service Cloud
  3. RFID Tag and Reader Support
  4. Asset Monitoring BOPS for ABCS
  5. Use Warnings in Rules
  6. Use KPI Metrics in Rules

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Building an Integrated Logistics Solution with Oracle R13 Thu, 14 Sep 2017 20:32:47 +0000 Building an Integrated Logistics Solution with Oracle R13 Outpace your competitors with a fully integrated Order Management, Transportation Managementand Warehouse […]]]>

ILMn WebinarBuilding an Integrated Logistics Solution with Oracle R13 Outpace your competitors with a fully integrated Order Management, Transportation Managementand Warehouse Management solution

Learn how and why you need to build a truly seamless and integrated logistics solution that not only exceeds customers on-time delivery expectations but also reduces your direct costs as well as your overall carbon footprint. While that’s certainly a tall order, with the right processes and technology, it is, in fact, achievable. Discover how Oracle’s latest Logistics Management solutions – Oracle Order Management Cloud, Oracle Transportation Management Cloud, and Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud – can help you turn your logistics operations into a competitive advantage.

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Oracle R13 Maintenance and Installed Base Cloud Infographic Wed, 13 Sep 2017 16:00:04 +0000 Top 6 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 Maintenance and Installed Base Cloud An integrated asset management system is fundamental […]]]>

Top 6 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 Maintenance and Installed Base Cloud

Oracle R13An integrated asset management system is fundamental for organizations that are heavily dependent upon physical assets in the manufacture or delivery of their products. Inspirage has deep knowledge in managing assets both within the four walls of your facility and in your installed base. Here are some of the cool new features included in this new release:

  1. Create Maintenance Organizations
  2. Manage and Execute Supplier Operations
  3. Collaborate with Stakeholders Using Oracle Social Network
  4. Maintain and Optimize Process Capability
  5. Integrate Installed Base to Enterprise Contracts Cloud
  6. Use Web Services to Manage Data

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Oracle R13 Supply and Demand Cloud New Features Infographic Thu, 07 Sep 2017 15:52:08 +0000 Top 8 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 Supply and Demand Planning Oracle R13 Cloud Supply and Demand Planning enhances […]]]>

Top 8 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 Supply and Demand Planning

Oracle R13Oracle R13 Cloud Supply and Demand Planning enhances the basic functionality of Planning Central giving it many of the capabilities of on-prem Planning. Inspirage is the premier implementer of Oracle Value Chain on-prem and Cloud Applications. Here are some of the cool new features included in this new release:

  1. Prioritize Work Orders with Ready to Build Status
  2. Analyze the Build Plan
  3. Spread and Consume Demand Forecasts
  4. Manage Multiple Demand Signals
  5. Additional Forecast Models
  6. Configure to Order (CTO) Forecasting
  7. Monitor Plan Performance
  8. Collaborate Using Notes

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Transforming Your Supply Chain into the Ultimate Competitive Advantage Fri, 01 Sep 2017 22:44:00 +0000 Learn how and why you should build an Integrated Supply Chain leveraging Oracle’s new R13 Supply Chain Management Applications Hear […]]]>

Integrated Supply Chain WebinarLearn how and why you should build an Integrated Supply Chain leveraging Oracle’s new R13 Supply Chain Management Applications

Hear the results of Inspirage’s brand-new market research study where we asked nearly 200 supply chain leaders what their supply chain priorities are focused on and how far they’ve come to reach those goals. Learn about company’s top priorities for 2018 which include the importance of integration, sustainability and a focus on digital. We drilled down into where respondents stand with respect to the 5 core tenets of the Integrated Supply Chain and reviewed how Oracle’s new R13 applications can help companies make major progress against all these goals – by building a fully integrated supply chain.

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Oracle R13 S&OP Cloud New Features Infographic Fri, 01 Sep 2017 21:55:11 +0000 Top 6 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 Sales and Operations Planning Cloud Inspirage has long been working with our […]]]>

Top 6 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 Sales and Operations Planning Cloud

Oracle R13Inspirage has long been working with our clients to implement Sales & Operations Planning solutions in their organizations. With the release of R13, Oracle now provides a complete sales and operations planning (S&OP) solution in the cloud that helps companies align around an integrated operating plan to meet their strategic business goals. Here are some of the cool new features included in this new release:

  1. Enable Best Practices with Process Management
  2. Analyze Plan Performance with Best Practice Dashboards, Layouts and Reports
  3. Run Rapid Simulations to Balance Supply and Demand
  4. Connect Using Oracle Social Networking
  5. Manage by Exception
  6. Link Tactical Planning with S&OP Plans

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The Future of the Integrated Supply Chain Research Study Wed, 30 Aug 2017 18:35:20 +0000 Across the globe, organizations are transforming their supply chains in order to become more competitive in the marketplace. Inspirage recently […]]]>

ISC Research StudyAcross the globe, organizations are transforming their supply chains in order to become more competitive in the marketplace. Inspirage recently conducted a research study looking into the future of supply chains and what the key challenges supply chain leaders face today.


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Leverage insight from how nearly 200 supply chain and IT executives are spending their time and money to help you with your priority list for 2018 and beyond.

In this exclusive research study, you’ll learn:

  1. How Outdated Tools and Systems coupled with a Lack of Integration are hampering company growth and preventing companies from being more responsive to market and customer demands.
  2. That Sustainability has become a priority and strategic focus for most companies, but many are struggle to achieve their sustainability targets.
  3. That Digital Transformation is also a key imperative for most companies, but efforts to achieve these goals remain elusive.

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Case Study: A Global Leader in Health Services and Medical Products Wed, 30 Aug 2017 07:00:00 +0000 Migration from on-premise Oracle Hyperion Planning and HFM to Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (PBCS) The Client: Our client […]]]>

Migration from on-premise Oracle Hyperion Planning and HFM to Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (PBCS)

The Client:
Our client develops and markets clinically proven and cost-effective orthobiologic solutions for bone healing, bone graft and osteoarthritis that are backed by clinical data. Thousands of physicians worldwide view our client as an extension of their practices, trusting them with helping in their patients’ care program and alleviating some of their administrative burdens. Their adherence to high quality standards, its commitment to evidence-based medicine and its strong ethical behavior makes the company a trusted partner.

The Challenge:
Our client engaged Inspirage for the following initiatives:
– Move their existing on-premise Hyperion Planning application to Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (PBCS) with added functionality.
– Move functionality that exists in an older on-premise version of Oracle Hyperion Financial Management (HFM) to PBCS
– Decommission existing HFM environment
– Document and provide training and transfer knowledge to their administrators.

The Solution:
Though many detailed design sessions with our client, several measures of success were identified:
– Simplify and reduce processing times from source SAP systems to PBCS.
– Decrease the planning processing time for gathering information, entering data via input forms and calculating.
– Reduce cycle times for reporting through standardization and distribution of reporting packages.
– Lower cost of ownership by moving from on-premise EPM applications to cloud-based solution.

Oracle R13 New Features Overview Infographic Fri, 18 Aug 2017 19:01:34 +0000 Top 7 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 Cloud SCM Inspirage has long been a proponent of the advantages of […]]]>

Top 7 Cool New Features in Oracle R13 Cloud SCM

Oracle R13Inspirage has long been a proponent of the advantages of building a fully integrated supply chain. Now, with Release 13 of Cloud Supply Chain Management and ERP solutions, Oracle offers a fully integrated platform on which to build out that vision. Here are some of the top new features in R13 that we believe can help make that vision a reality. These new features include:

  1. Sales & Operations Planning
  2. Demand Planning
  3. Supply Planning
  4. Quality
  5. Maintenance
  6. Internet of Things
  7. Product Lifecycle Management

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History of Supply Chains Video Tue, 18 Jul 2017 20:23:20 +0000 From Silk roads to globalized, integrated supply chains, things have changed a lot in our industry. Let’s take a look, […]]]>

From Silk roads to globalized, integrated supply chains, things have changed a lot in our industry.
Let’s take a look, starting with the first steps in supply chain innovation and ending with what’s ahead.

The History of Supply Chains Infographic Tue, 18 Jul 2017 18:22:12 +0000 From Silk roads to modern globalized, integrated supply chains, supply chains are constantly evolving. Let’s take a brief look at […]]]>

From Silk roads to modern globalized, integrated supply chains, supply chains are constantly evolving. Let’s take a brief look at some of the highlights, starting with the early supply chain innovations:

ANCIENT CIVILIZATION: Ancient trade routes move limited high value goods around the world
PRE-INDUSTRIAL: Improved shipping technologies allow for a large scale international trade and product exchange
1800s: The Industrial Revolution mechanizes manufacturing processes
1900s: Malcolm McLean invents standard steel shipping container
2000s: Starting in the mid-2000s, Oracle further extends and completes advanced SCM capabilities by acquiring best of breed solutions
A LOOK AHEAD: Retail and manufacturing companies have already begun to incorporate digital transformation projects in their supply chain and logistics operations

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Customer Testimonial: Medical Technology Company Fri, 23 Jun 2017 19:01:52 +0000 Hologic, a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of diagnostic and medical imaging systems, wanted to replace its existing solution with […]]]>

Hologic, a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of diagnostic and medical imaging systems, wanted to replace its existing solution with a cloud-based solution that would support global sourcing, world-wide operations, and market growth on seven continents while reducing compliance risk and introducing improvements in product registration and trade documentation.

In this video of Chuck Dean, Senior Manager, Information Services, Hologic who discusses how Inspirage has helped the company transition to the Cloud, leveraging key Oracle applications, such as Global Trade Management (GTM). “We’re targeting international growth and see Global Trade Management as a key component of enabling that growth, staying compliant across the landscape as we develop and expand our product portfolio across the globe.”

Embracing a Hybrid Cloud Architecture Mon, 12 Jun 2017 19:15:16 +0000 Cloud computing is a game changer for supply chain managers. The collaborative capabilities of cloud-based ERP and Supply Chain applications […]]]>

Cloud computing is a game changer for supply chain managers.

The collaborative capabilities of cloud-based ERP and Supply Chain applications tools make it easier to get the right information to decision-makers and predict supply and demand trends. However, not every organization needs to be fully in the cloud. Enterprises are finding that integrating their existing tools with cloud-based solutions can be a way to cut costs and improve data analytics activities.

In this eBook, we’ll look at how the enterprise supply chain can benefit from investing in hybrid cloud infrastructure and we’ll explore tools and techniques to help you get there.

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Building a Long-Term Integration Strategy Mon, 22 May 2017 21:48:27 +0000 What are the most effective solutions for integrating Cloud with legacy data sources? According to Inspirage’s 2016 research study on […]]]>

What are the most effective solutions for integrating Cloud with legacy data sources? According to Inspirage’s 2016 research study on Cloud adoption, Integration is the #1 obstacle preventing companies from achieving their supply chain objectives. While there are many ways to address these integration challenges – from pre-built solutions, platforms, custom integrations – some of these solutions are better than others, depending on your existing and future architecture. Watch our integration experts and analyst, Maureen Fleming of IDC, on-demand as they discuss the pros and cons of various integration approaches both in the short and long run. Coming out of this session, you’ll have a good idea on how best to build an integration strategy into your Cloud implementation plans.

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Customer Testimonial: Software and Technology Company Wed, 03 May 2017 00:35:06 +0000 NCR’s Chris Neff discusses how Inspirages’ deep knowledge and experience with Oracle in the CTO and manufacturing area assisted NCR […]]]>

NCR’s Chris Neff discusses how Inspirages’ deep knowledge and experience with Oracle in the CTO and manufacturing area assisted NCR with a complete solution in a short period of time. “Anybody can bring a body in, [but] you want to have somebody that comes in and really knows what they’re doing. That’s one of the things that Inspirage has been able to do is they have been able to deliver the specific resources with specific skills, background, experience, and that really helped the project.”

Integrated Logistics and Warehouse Management In the Cloud Fri, 10 Mar 2017 20:33:20 +0000 Reduce Complexity and Increase Speed & Visibility with WMS in the Cloud Watch this webinar with speakers from Inspirage, IDC […]]]>

Reduce Complexity and Increase Speed & Visibility with WMS in the Cloud

Watch this webinar with speakers from Inspirage, IDC and Oracle to learn how Inspirage can deploy a comprehensive logistics solution including Oracle Transportation Management (OTM), Global Trade Management and Oracle Warehouse Management System (formerly LogFire) – all in the Cloud.

IDC research analyst, John Santagate, discussed the benefits of an integrated logistics management solution and the advantages of deploying a WMS in the Cloud. John also discussed ways to assess if your current application has the capability to scale and support the future needs of the business by looking outside the box to Cloud-based applications that are shaking up the WMS application landscape and providing scalable, flexible, and cost-effective options for those willing to modernize and evolve. LogFire’s Founder and CEO, Diego Pantoja-Navajas, provided an overview of this world class WMS Cloud solution that’s now part of the Oracle SCM Cloud family and Chris Eller, VP Solution Management of Inspirage, showed how WMS Cloud can be deployed either with OTM or independently in as little as 90 days through our Rapid Value program.

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Inspirage iHub for IM Mon, 30 Jan 2017 21:09:32 +0000   iHub for Innovation Management is a bi-directional integration framework that transfers product records between Agile and downstream systems such […]]]>


iHub for Innovation Management is a bi-directional integration framework that transfers product records between Agile and downstream systems such as ERP, CRM, QMS, MES, data warehouses, etc. iHub provides a standardized communication framework to fully track and audit transaction details between the systems and applies business rules for proper data processing.

iHub Cloud Service Sun, 29 Jan 2017 16:41:26 +0000 Integrating your Cloud and On-Prem systems with Inspirage’s Application Middleware Platform Whether you’re dealing with on-prem to on-prem or on-prem […]]]>

Integrating your Cloud and On-Prem systems with Inspirage’s Application Middleware Platform

iHubCSWhether you’re dealing with on-prem to on-prem or on-prem to Cloud or Cloud to Cloud, integration is sometimes the largest element of any IT initiative. Not only does the integration need to be built, but it needs to be scalable to handle increased data volumes, as well as a diverse set of objects types and ever-changing business processes. Furthermore, the integration solution must be flexible to respond to system updates and upgrades with minimal impact.

How can companies quickly embrace the Cloud while maintaining their existing IT solutions that still have some legs to them?

Inspirage’s iHub Cloud Service (iHub CS®) solution is a unified platform for end-to-end data and application integration. This platform is designed to manage integrations across mixtures of on-prem and Cloud-based solutions, including big data, mobile and IoT devices without the hassles and complexities of traditional integration platforms. Now in its fourth generation, iHub CS® unites not only the traditional on-prem solutions, but is available to support the latest Oracle R11 and R12 Cloud offerings.

iHub is a flexible solution that offers reusable integration assets and out-of-the-box functionalities to complete business processes (i.e., credit check, third party fulfillment, DM forecasting, etc.).

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Empowering the Integrated Supply Chain through Cloud Analytics Thu, 19 Jan 2017 23:16:29 +0000 Gain Insight into Cloud ERP and Supply Chain Data using Oracle BI Cloud Service. The best-run organizations use analytics to […]]]>

cloudanalyticswebinarGain Insight into Cloud ERP and Supply Chain Data using Oracle BI Cloud Service. The best-run organizations use analytics to continually monitor the overall health of their supply chain to assure they are satisfying their customers and staying in front of the competition. Inspirage provides analytics solutions that help Oracle customers to unlock the information in their Cloud ERP and planning systems to empower the integrated supply chain. In this session, we’ll provide an overview of Inspirage’s industry-leading Cloud strategy for business applications and analytics, and drill down into how we provide end-to-end supply chain visibility. We’ll also review Oracle’s PaaS offerings for analytics, including their BI Cloud Service, and conclude with a demonstration of the Inspirage Cloud Order to Cash Analytics solution.

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Inspirage Integrates Using Cloud Application Suite Wed, 18 Jan 2017 20:41:59 +0000   Inspirage used Oracle ERP Cloud to help make intelligent business decisions based on the state of our financial health […]]]>


Inspirage used Oracle ERP Cloud to help make intelligent business decisions based on the state of our financial health with a completely integrated Cloud application suite.

Case Study: Multinational Financial Services Company Fri, 30 Dec 2016 08:00:00 +0000 PBCS Implementation The Client: The client, through its affiliated insurance companies, markets a variety of insurance and financial products in […]]]>

PBCS Implementation

The Client:
The client, through its affiliated insurance companies, markets a variety of insurance and financial products in 49 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, with subsidiary operations in Santiago, Chile. The client is committed to building long-term relationships with their customers and providing them with financial solutions as their needs change over time. Some examples of their products are:
• Individual life insurance
• Individual disability income insurance
• Individual annuities
• Group annuities
• Broker/dealer services

The Challenge:
The client experienced challenges stemming from their Legacy ERP and Legacy Planning Solution. In the ERP, the Smart Stream GL’s implementation took place in the late 1990’s. The challenges with this system were:
• Lack of integrated GL/Reporting system
• In-house Forecasting & Budget
• Limited reporting tool functionality – COGNOS, Excel and Access
• Fragmented/Disparate Chart of Accounts

For their Legacy Planning Solution, there were custom built relational databases that took place in the early 2000’s. The user interface was similar to Microsoft Access navigation. It had standardized reports available for pre-determined expense groupings, and their data was pushed to an external data warehouse for reporting and analysis. The challenges with this system were:
• Development/Maintenance was difficult due to lack of support and firsthand knowledge
• Reporting limitations with Excel
• Report maintenance difficult due to lack of hierarchies

The Solution:
Inspirage and the client worked together to develop the following goals:
• Select First Class Software Solution
• Minimize Infrastructure Footprint
• Provide scalable applications for future growth
• Fully Integrated ERP
• Timely, efficient and accurate reporting

Cloud Financials Solution Highlights:
• Full integration of Accounts Payable, Fixed Assets, General Ledger and Reporting
• Better controls and security
• Elimination of redundant and outdated reports, Chart of Accounts and Processes
• Cloud Base eliminates need for in house experts to support system
• Focus on configuration rather than customization

Cloud Procurement Solution Highlights:
All vendor purchases will take place in Oracle to streamline invoicing
• Purchase Orders
• Vendor Master
• Payment Terms
• Utilized job level approvals on all requisitions
• Dollar amount job level
• Direct manager is approver
• High dollar purchase orders will have multiple level of approval
• Integrated with Accounts Payable and Fixed Assets

Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service Solution Highlights:
• Construct PBCS application using dimension commonality with Fusion ERP
• Utilize cloud integration for direct data processing between Fusion and PBCS
• PBCS Plan Types user for:
Employee Expense Planning
− Capital Expenditure Planning
− Cost Center Expense Planning
− Consolidated Reporting Cube
• Flat File Integration with additional systems
• Automation processes built with EPM Automate scripts
• Planning process includes Budget, Forecast, and Long-Range Plan scenarios
• Calculations built to handle planning processes for Employee changes and Capital Expenses
• Excel Smart View Templates used for direct planning uploads (future project to plan through PBCS)
• Allocation Percentages captured and calculated for external system allocation processing
• Smart View (MS Office based tool) used perform planning processes and analyze and report data
• Standardized, highly formatted Financial Reports available via the web, pdf or excel file

Getting Started on an Integrated Innovation Management / PLM Cloud Thu, 15 Dec 2016 07:11:25 +0000 Watch this webinar on-demand to learn how customers can leverage new Oracle Cloud functionality with their current tools and processes. This session […]]]>

imcloudwebinarWatch this webinar on-demand to learn how customers can leverage new Oracle Cloud functionality with their current tools and processes. This session explored how the strengths of Cloud PPM in Project Costing and Integrated Resource Management can complement existing Agile PLM capabilities. Additionally, we covered use cases for an Inspirage Project to integrate Cloud Innovation Management on platforms such as Microsoft Yammer and Oracle Process Cloud and discuss how Innovation Management can work with other tools. Discover how new capabilities available in Cloud PDH can integrate with Agile PLM to enhance supply chain processes.

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OTM-GTM 6.4.2 Upgrade Infographic Tue, 06 Dec 2016 00:08:40 +0000 Logistics Management teams will soon be faced with a choice of whether or not to upgrade to OTM-GTM 6.4.2. Download […]]]>

OTM-GTMLogistics Management teams will soon be faced with a choice of whether or not to upgrade to OTM-GTM 6.4.2. Download our handy infographic to find out what features you’ll gain by upgrading, why you should upgrade and what’s involved.

Some benefits include:

  • Reduced Order Cycle Time
  • Lower Landed Costs
  • Improved Supply Chain Reliability
  • Measurable Product Profitability

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Ensuring the Ongoing Success of Your Supply Chain IT Investments Tue, 29 Nov 2016 21:34:29 +0000 Throughout history, the supply chain has always been considered a cost center for companies. A recent global survey by a […]]]>

amsThroughout history, the supply chain has always been considered a cost center for companies. A recent global survey by a leading consultancy firm shows that only 45% of participants acknowledged the supply chain as a strategic asset. There is constant pressure on the supply chain to reduce costs and optimize assets. This ever-increasing demand for an efficient, effective, nimble, responsive supply chain can be achieved by leveraging technology and thus help companies achieve their goals.

The truth is no technology project is ever truly finished. Due to constantly evolving business and technology environments, project owners are faced with a growing backlog of requests for improvements and changes to the project scope even before they “go live.” So they find themselves caught up in a never-ending cycle of ad hoc efforts to find financial resources and internal/external people to support the new requirements. After acquiring the resources they still have to integrate and educate the new team on the existing processes and systems. As a result, many companies find they are underutilizing their supply chain technology. With Application Managed Services (AMS) consultants serve as an extension of your organization and act as “One Team” reporting up to the business champion. This program ensures the long-term project success and realization of continuous business improvements by leveraging the breadth of experienced consulting talent and support professionals.

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Customer Testimonial: Industrial Electrical Manufacturer Wed, 02 Nov 2016 03:07:11 +0000 First Global Deployment of Oracle Transportation Management Cloud using Inspirage’s Rapid Value Framework Panduit is a privately held, leading, world-class […]]]>

First Global Deployment of Oracle Transportation Management Cloud using Inspirage’s Rapid Value Framework

Panduit is a privately held, leading, world-class developer and provider of innovative networking and electrical solutions. For more than 50 years, Panduit has engineered and manufactured end-to-end solutions that assist our customers in the deployment of the latest technologies. The Panduit solution is built on a foundation of quality and durability to ensure maximum reliability and performance with the lowest total cost of ownership. Headquartered in Tinley Park, Illinois, the company is home to over 4,000 employees and supports over 120 countries around the world.

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Before starting the project with Inspirage, Sam Hanieh at Panduit assessed their current capabilities and noticed they were doing a lot of processes manually. Inspirage helped Panduit deploy 3 global OTM applications, which optimized freight spend by 50%, reduced overhead by 20%, and lowered  procurement spend by 10%. Sam Hanieh discusses Panduit’s interaction with the Inspirage team: “Their team was very insightful from management through the solutions implementation team — they really understood the product and all the intricate details of it. Their team members were really committed to understanding our best practices and how to implement the solution to fit our model. They are really flexible in a sense of adjusting to the scope timeline and resources.”

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2016 Oracle Excellence Award Winners Thu, 20 Oct 2016 22:48:01 +0000 Oracle recognized Inspirage with its 2016 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year in the Supply Chain Management […]]]>

Oracle recognized Inspirage with its 2016 Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year in the Supply Chain Management Cloud category. Hear from Kevin Creel and Nilanjan Chatterjee about what this honor means to the Inspirage team.

This is the third year in a row that Inspirage has received recognition for the prestigious Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year – North America. Inspirage recently earned a Cloud Select designation as a leading partner for Oracle Cloud solutions. Inspirage has been an Oracle Cloud and Oracle Fusion partner since 2012 and has invested heavily in services and solutions to help clients move to the cloud.

Case Study: U.S. Based Company Focusing on Superior Image Solutions Fri, 30 Sep 2016 07:00:00 +0000 PBC Implementation The Client: Our client is a publicly traded, international Lighting, Graphics, and Technology company. They are committed to […]]]>

PBC Implementation

The Client:
Our client is a publicly traded, international Lighting, Graphics, and Technology company. They are committed to advancing solid-state LED technology to make affordable, high performance, energy-efficient lightning and custom graphic products. Our client also provides a full range of design support, engineering, installation and project management services to our customers.

The Challenge:
Our client contacted Inspirage because they needed to replace a heavily dependent Excel-based reporting system with disparate sources of data and a consolidated tool for reporting and planning Expense and Revenue.

The Solution:
Inspirage relied heavily on Data Management to use files extracted from JDE for both GL data and Product level Revenue Data. Two cubes were used in the customer’s PBC application:
• Financial – Reporting and analytics of GL level data for actuals and budget
• Product – Product and Customer dimensions were created which in turn provides a tool for analysis of Top Customers and Products.

Trilogy Tech Talk at OOW16 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 22:35:13 +0000   Kevin Creel, Inspirage President, Strategy and Business Development and Tom K’nipper, Industry Solution Director share highlights from Oracle OpenWorld […]]]>

Kevin Creel, Inspirage President, Strategy and Business Development and Tom K’nipper, Industry Solution Director share highlights from Oracle OpenWorld 2016 – including Inspirage’s recognition of the prestigious Oracle Partner of the Year award in the Cloud Supply Chain Management category. View the exclusive interview with Trilogy Tech Talk.

Customer Testimonial: Vitamin Company Sat, 03 Sep 2016 00:36:59 +0000 Learn how The Nature’s Bounty Co. used Oracle Transportation Management and Inspirage’s Rapid Value Solutions to overhaul their Transportation Management […]]]>

Learn how The Nature’s Bounty Co. used Oracle Transportation Management and Inspirage’s Rapid Value Solutions to overhaul their Transportation Management System

NaturesBountyCaseStudyThe Nature’s Bounty Co. is the largest nutritional supplement manufacturer and distributor in North America with revenues of $3.2B. They have facilities in the U.S., Canada, China, New Zealand, Spain, South Africa and the Netherlands. Their brands include The Nature’s Bounty Co., Puritan’s Pride, Holland & Barrett, Sundown Naturals, Solgar, MET-Rx, Ester-C, Natural Wealth, etc.

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Terry Rhuttan from The Nature’s Bounty Company took a strategic and surgical approach when prioritizing The Nature’s Bounty Company‘s five-year roadmap. The Nature’s Bounty Company wanted to replace their legacy solutions while utilizing demand planning through Oracle’s Demantra capabilities. They hoped to improve forecast accuracy across all of their business channels. Terry discusses working with Inspirage:

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Rapid Value: Oracle Manufacturing Cloud Fri, 19 Aug 2016 22:21:23 +0000   Intelligent, end-to-end decision-making on the shop floor With the advent of technology allowing inter-connectedness among multiple systems like never […]]]>

Intelligent, end-to-end decision-making on the shop floor

ManufacturingDatasheetWith the advent of technology allowing inter-connectedness among multiple systems like never before, companies have an increasing focus on building their digital supply chain networks where all the stakeholders must have a complete visibility of their processes. Today, a “single source of truth” and the ability to collaborate with other parties in the network is essential. A ripple effect of this change in the manufacturing sector is a shift from singular commodities production capacity to include services networks and maintenance support. In an effort to optimally manage manufacturing operations, companies are looking for a path of continuous improvement to remain competitive and lean.

Oracle’s Manufacturing Cloud, as part of the Oracle SCM Cloud suite of applications, provides a robust suite of tools for managing manufacturing operations from end-to-end. With excellent visibility in one integrated cloud solution, Oracle Manufacturing Cloud offers a robust collaboration platform that facilitates the exchange of information and real-time conversation. The application, complete with embedded analytics, provides proactive, intelligent decision-making to optimally manage manufacturing operations from end-to-end.

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